chapter 25: Headmaster

(* I fixed the issue with the previous chapter , for more details check the comments of the previous chapter *)

The incoming students of all three races that were cheering for each of the Student Council members fell silent when Tess walked in . With her gunmetal silver hair swaying behind her as each of her dignified steps echoed throughout the silent auditorium, she single-handedly changed the atmosphere inside this entire building .

As she bowed and tucked her hair behind her ear, a roar of applause erupted as both males and females alike cheered with admiration.

 I thought the cheers would last a lot longer but as soon as Tess started speaking, it was as if each of the students in the crowd covered each others' mouth so that they could hear her voice.

"My name is Tessia Eralith, and I am honored to stand here as this academy's student council president. "

Murmurs started after the crowd once again cheered for the beautiful president.Next to me, a scrawny human boy spoke excitedly to his friend beside him .

"That's the Princess Eralith I was talking about. My older brother told me she's been on campus since last year as a direct disciple under the Director and will start formally attending this year with us!" He leaned into his friend so only he could hear but the volume at which he spoke betrayed him .

"Th-That means she was the first non-human to set foot on this campus. Wait... she's only a first year and she's already the Student Council President? Is that even possible?" His friend, whom I couldn't really see, spoke louder and louder with each word, causing the neighboring students to hear as well.

"Yeah, I heard of her as well! She's supposedly a super-genius of some sort, right?"

"Why the hell is she so damn pretty when she's talented as well? This isn't even fair..."

"I wonder what I would have to do to get her to even look at me?"

The audience was filled with different talks about Tess but while, for the males, it revolved around how much of an unobtainable star she was, for the females, it was a mixture of admiration and envy .

As the crowd settled down enough for Tess to start speaking again, Director Goodsky silently disappeared .

Tess spoke eloquently . She was only thirteen, yet she had the ability to draw the crowd's full attention with her unadorned words filled with maturity. She spoke about the principles of this academy, how this was a holy ground where students should feel safe to walk freely around. Tess emphasized the discipline one would face if anyone hurt another student outside of a consented duel.

"While I may be a first year as all of you are, having given the privilege to be inside the academy a year longer made it all too apparent to me that there is deeply embedded discrimination against the scholar mage students by the battle mage students. I, for one, will not tolerate any sort of aggression or bullying based on the trivial fact that one is a scholar mage student. " Tess' voice never wavered as she stood behind the podium .

" why , bullying is good sometimes ". I thought jokingly.

The crowd grew a little noisy at this statement, as everyone present had heard rumors of the hardships one may face as a scholar mage student.

"Starting this year, while uniforms and the upper courses required may be different, for the first two years, general education, that contains a mixture of both scholar mage classes and battle mage classes will be mandatory, for better assimilation between the two different types of students. After the two years are up, one may choose to switch their education specialization by taking a test, although it will be quite a difficult one. " This last statement drew in dissatisfied complains from amongst the students in the crowd. While both Elijah and I didn't have to take a test due to my special connection with Director Goodsky, most students, regardless of background, had to test for either a scholar mage or battle mage position.

" don't worry you will not have two years in this academy " . I thought mockingly.

To get in as a scholar mage, an incoming student only needed a basic foundation of magic, which was mana gathering. While they had to take a written exam to test their mental acuteness, the practical portion of the exam was much more simple. battle mage students, however, had a much stricter practical exam, and actually performed basic spells or techniques depending on whether they were a Conjurer or Augmenter. It may have seemed like a cakewalk for someone like Elijah, Tess, Arthur or me, but I admit it could be quite a challenge for someone who had just awakened.

The tall, stern-looking student stepped up next, silencing the crowd with a wave of his hand.

"My name is Clive Graves and I am your Student Vice President. As the President mentioned, this year contains ma...…. .

" I don't give a fuck about what you well say " i muttered under my breath before standing up and heading to the exit.

" that's the firstborn son of the famous Graves family! Make sure you don't get on his bad side," the boy next to me whispered, again, in a pointlessly loud volume . " I think he heard me " looking at him for a second before continuing walking to the door.

Suddenly, a loud explosion startled me as well as the students walking around nearby. Something was happening at the end of the marble walkway .

After a quick glance I walked off , as I shortened the distance I heard a voice. "I don't see how a short-ass dwarf like you can even hope to be a proper Augmenter. Why don't you stick to forging some weapons for real warriors like me?"

"What da hell didja say? Who do ya think ya are, anyway?"

I stopped at a good distance away and shook my head when I realized what was going on. It was just stupid posturing between two students. The explosion had been made by the human, hitting his fist on a nearby tree with mana so I continued in my path.

" Too much drama for a first day " I muttered shaking my head. I know it's a drama to make the Mc and Fmc have a great reunion but i don't need to watch it .

Outside, the trees arched over the marble walkways producing small showers of fall-colored leaves , The students were all excitedly chatting amongst their peers, getting to know new people. I saw a few female students pass by me, doing a double take back and giggling with their friends.

After the incident, all I did the whole day was to wander here and there and scan every nook and cranny of the campus. The school had separate dorms for both boys and girls. And every student a roommate. The reason behind this didn't seem meticulous as it had a plain reason of just allowing the students to know how to coexist with others.

As I got closer to my designated room, I hovered my hand over it. The artifact recognized my mana signature, and the subtle metallic grinding reached my ears as it opened.

Walking inside, I saw Director Cynthia as she sat on a rocking chair, her face carrying the typical smile she carried giving her a warm grandma like look.

Cynthia is a tall, elderly woman, having a height of 1.7 meters. She has gray hair and brown eyes. Her soft, facial feature gives her the image of a gentle grandmother. Cynthia presents herself gracefully in front of others.

But there was more to her than what meet the eye. She wasn't from this continent.

That much was obvious about her. Although, she had blended in quite perfectly, it still didn't change the fact that the mana responded differently to her

" sigh , there goes my plan of being invisible for the first few months, but now that I'm in front of her I'll remove the mysterious approach , actually it will be dum to act on my first plan". I thought 

"Good evening, Ellis Rose ." Cynthia said. A moment later an owl came through the window and landed on her shoulder. "Oh, this is my bond, Avier."

"Good evening, director." I replied with a modest bow, before walking over to her and sitting in the chair in front of her.

"So, what brings the director herself here?" I asked, looking at her dead in the eye.

"Well, first of all I wanted to say that you really are a hard man to investigate I couldn't find anything good to mention , I really am happy for your grandfather he finally have a grandson , secondly you don't want to enroll at the right year of the academy i think it's very strange of you to enroll a year ahead , it's that hard to wait one year, don't take it wrong you're more than worthy of scholarship in this school ."

"Thanks for the compliment, director." I replied shortly.

"But I still want to ask, why did your grandfather refuse to let me meet you back then. Not to mention, even now you're restrictor your core limiting the information on your actual core stage. What is it that scares you?"

I stayed silent for a moment, letting the silence make the atmosphere heavy with anticipation and tension.What scared me?. She said

The idea never crossed my mind. Fear was a primal instinct of every living thing,

However, fear was deeply related to one's own powerlessness.

I didn't feel that way.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Then why?" she asked.

"I have a question as well, Director." I countered her question with a question of my own.

"What is it?" She replied.

" here goes nothing , I really don't want to do this early " I thought 

"You've worked endlessly to build a spot in this continent and to get a high status. Does the idea of all of it crashing down ever scares you?" I asked, noticing the subtle hints in her body language.

"Oh dear, who wouldn't be. But I can build it all up from the ground, so I am not scared... but I will be sad." She replied but the massive gulp of saliva gave it away.

She was lying.

"So, what is it that actually scares you, director?. I asked

"I think that is the exact question I asked that you so shrewdly dodged." I said

"Is it..." I paused letting the tension build up, "That your actual masters from the other continent will catch you for going rogue?" I asked and in the mere second, all color in her face vanished.

As she was about to get up from the chair, I hovered my hand above her and increased the gravity above her.

"This act will have serious ramifications, Ellis." She said and Avier took flight, changing forms as it grew in size and attacked me with its talons. With a quick motion of my hand I did a shadow graphic of a snake, Orochi jumped from the shadows and bit him on his neck, her teeth digging inside his neck and her body wrapped around Avier tightly . Blood oozed out of it but she didn't kill him rather immobilized him.

"You're the one who should be worried about the ramifications, Cynthia. The runes on your back are going to be more than sufficient proof of you being from Alacrya."

"What do you want from me?" She asked, as I lifted the veil of gravity from her.

"Nothing much. I can keep your identity a secret in exchange for a peaceful, undisturbed year in this school with a little bit more privilege in the upper library ."

"But how did you know about Alacrya?" She said.

"Like I said, I desire a peaceful time. I don't want to get in the middle of a conflict between two continents." I replied.

I lied to her.

She sighed and nodded as I motioned for Orochi to release Avier. Avier broke free and flied towards Cynthia, sitting on her shoulder and touching his beak on her forehead.

"I really wished for you to join the Disciplinary committee. That was the main reason I came here but it looks like I won't be able to do so." Cynthia said.

This could actually help me , " hold this offer for some time, I'll think about it ". I replied and her face lit up . 

Weird woman i just exposed you why are you happy.

Cynthia patted Avier and pondered over it for a few moments before talking, "Fine.

Done. You can use the room I will give you and will be given a warrant with my seal indicating your authority. Does that work?"

"It would." I replied as she smiled meekly. She had a lot of questions but she buried them in her heart especially about my summon .

Click * , the door closed and she was gone.

Jumping in my bed and thinking about the encounter , it wasn't bad but not good enough for me, " sigh , why did you have to come this early and ruin my plan of playing Batman , well don't worry about what happened it's already done and I can't change it. I still have a lot of things to do .

Looking at my side i saw Orochi still here , ever since my core hit the silver stage I think my shikigami intelligence have gone up , it does say the higher my stage the higher my summons strength does that includes intelligence pulling my self out of my through and looking back at my snake I said," thank you Orochi for your help you can go back now " , she didn't go back just stayed there looking at me i swear I heard a giiiiiiiiiii* , " not know Orochi I'm tired " I said to her , and nothing happened she still looking at me.

" sigh, ok ok you can come sleep with me in the bed , change your size first you are too big , do summons even need sleep . " i complain annoyed and she finally moved happily hissing at me.