The soft glow of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm hue across the room. The alarm clock buzzed insistently which was Orochi , its shrill hiss cutting through the remnants of my sleep. With a groan, i rolled over, squinting at her .
" stop I'm awake now " .
"Great," i muttered to himself, throwing off the covers and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The cool wooden floor sent a shiver up my spine as i stood up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I splashed water on my face, the coldness jolting me awake.
After a shower, i dressed in the academy uniform, the fabric soft against my skin.
The first class was practical mana manipulation. It was a bit underwhelming, but I decided to attend it regardless, maybe I could reap some benefits or learn something new.
As I entered the classroom, my eyes scanned the space, taking in the intricacies of mediaeval architecture. The walls were lined with shelves, each filled with books and mysterious trinkets that glimmered in the soft light. A large fireplace flickered at the front of the room, casting a warm glow over the rows of desks that were
arranged in neat rows.
I couldn't help but not feel a sense of awe as I took it all in. This was no ordinary classroom, yet it looked so... simple, however - this was a place of magic, of wonder and mystery. And it was supposed to be my privilege to be a part of it.
I spotted Arthur sitting at the opposite side of the room with his bond .
As I settled into my seat, the professor entered the room, a proud smile on his face.
He strode to the front of the room, his robes trailing behind him, and cleared his throat.
"Welcome, class," he began, his voice ringing out with authority. "As you all know, this is not just any ordinary classroom. This is a place of magic, a place where the impossible becomes possible. And it is my job to teach you how to harness that power, to wield it with skill and precision."
" yah like I will learn something from this fucker " i thought.
As he spoke, he gestured to the shelves and the trinkets that adorned them, his voice laced with pride. "These are the records of the students who have achieved so much under my tutelage. So as long as you stay close to me," he said and gave a sly smirk to the girls in the frontmost row as they all blushed in tandem, "you will be able to achieve greatness too."
My interest in the class had somewhat died but as the professor continued to speak, his pride began to border on arrogance. The repeated talk of his own accomplishments, of the spells he had cast and the feats he had achieved. He seemed to revel in his own power, taking every opportunity to remind us of just how skilled he was and taking no opportunity to go out of hand to hit on a girl half his
His demeanour until now showed that he had the ability to back up his claims.However, human nature is something that nullifies even innate talents , he is not capable of doing what he claims he can do.
A person too self-conceited and arrogant, despite having every advantage possible at birth would sooner or later crash down, the innate gifts being of no use to him.
As I gazed out the window, my mind drifted to the subject of privilege and its often-corrosive effects on human behavior. It's never boring to learn about human nature and behavior.
It seemed to me that those born into positions of power or wealth were often doomed to fall prey to the seductive siren call of arrogance , not all of them but most.
They became so enamoured with their own success that they forgot the essential humility that kept the rest of us---humans, grounded. And it was this arrogance that eventually led to their downfall, as they became more concerned with maintaining their position than with doing what was right. In the end, it was their own pride that betrayed them, their refusal to acknowledge their own flaws and limitations that ultimately led to their demise.It was a tragedy, really, to see so much potential wasted in a blaze of ego and hubris.But such was the way of the world, I supposed - the powerful would always be vulnerable to the allure of their own privilege, and it was up to the rest of us to keep them in check.
However, I didn't feel obligated.
The obligation of keeping others in check for a smooth functionality of society, I just couldn't picture myself like that. However, as I heard the professor talk arrogantly about himself, it piqued my interest in his ability but I know his ability so I'll pass , if i didn't know what he is capable of maybe I'll try him out .
Since this class was called practical mana manipulation, it was no wonder that the professor would assert his dominance as well as try to impress the girls by giving a practical demonstration.
"Now that all is said, it's time for things to get done. I don't want you lads and lassies to think I am a chatterbox." He said as extended his arms sideways, "Since this is a practical mana manipulation class, all we are going to do is a practical demonstration. Now... I need a volunteer."
there were others who couldn't even understand. what he was trying to do and started to cheer for him. Observing the bustling cheers of boys and girls alike around me, I couldn't help but ponder on the predictability of human nature.
Despite the infinite complexities and nuances of the human mind, our behaviours and decisions often followed a distinct pattern, like clockwork. The comfort of routine and the safety of the familiar seemed to be a driving force for many, creating a sense of order and stability in a chaotic world.
Yet, the irony of this predictable nature was not lost on me, for it was often the unexpected, the unpredictable that truly kept us engaged and alive. It seemed that humans were bound by their own desire for safety, but at the same time, drawn to the unknown, the excitement of the unpredictable. It was this dichotomy that made our species both fascinating and frustrating to observe, our predictability and unpredictability in constant conflict.
As I was lost in thoughts, a certain hand rose up.Golden Blonde hair and elven ears. Hair braided. It was Frith Ivsaar IV in short FeyFey.
Snapping out of my complicated and tiring inner monologue, I looked at the open space in front of me. Beyond the desks, was an open space, enough for a friendly spar.
I leaned forward and rested my chin on my interlocked fingers. However, my attention was interrupted as I saw a pair of eyes looking at me. Looking down, I saw a petite girl with an expressionless face, her brown eyes looking straight at me, ignoring the spar that was about to begin.
One glance into her and I could tell who she was. The only thing that changed about this girl was her size. She was the human princess---Kathyln Glayder.
" Fuck , I totally forgot about her , she is in the same class as me what should I say , i took another peek of her and she looks very angry , i need to run away from her or maybe I should just play dumb ". I thought.
Everyone else was too concerned about the fight that they didn't even know about her. Once she reached my side, she sat down at empty seats right beside me. Not knowing what to say, I just looked in front of me not daring to say anything .
"Uhhh, hi," I replied. An awkward silence ensued after I said that.
"So, an adventure, huh? Despairing just like that, not even a heads-up," her words were measured and emotionless.
"_," I didn't respond to her. After a few minutes, I took a quick peek, and she was still looking at me.
"Haha, you know, life…" What the heck am I saying?
"No, I don't know. Tell me," she said in a chilly tone.
"You know, sometimes you just decide you need to be an adventurer and don't think about a lot of things; you just do it," I said.
"I don't know what you're talking about. You can't just decide that you need to be an adventurer without telling anyone about it. I thought I was someone you could trust," she replied, her tone ending on a sad note.
Fuck, I'm running out of excuses. I didn't prepare for this conversation. Wait, I have one.
"You see, princess, I have an illness—a very dangerous one," I said in a serious voice.
I could see her expression change from anger to concern very quickly. "Haha, I got you," I thought.
"Wha…what happened? When did you get the illness? Who…" she said, panicked.
"Don't worry about it; I've got it under control now. Well, more like I'm used to the pain. And lower your voice," I replied.
"Elli, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice. What's it called? I will look for the best doctors in this country. Don't worry; we will find a cure and…"
"Princess, it's okay. I'm used to being in pain. I actually have little time left… I looked for a cure everywhere, but I couldn't find one, and it's really rare. It's called 'If you tell anyone about being an adventurer, you will die,'" I said in a very serious tone.
Bahahaha, look at her face! She was so concerned and scared for me. She totally bought it! Hahaha, it's so fun messing with her like that. She came to me so angry and demanding answers. What a cute little girl, demanding answers from me like that.
Perhaps it's the thrill of messing with her, the rush of seeing new expressions from her. Or perhaps it was something deeper, a desire I don't know about yet.
She didn't respond to my statement and just stared at me with a straight face, devoid of emotion, her eyes full of disappointment with a hint of tears.
Her hand traveled to my face and stopped just before touching it. She pulled it back and said with a sad smile, "Is everything a joke to you?"
"Ellis Rose, do you really think that what you're doing here will push me away?" she muttered in a soft, sad tone.
How did she come to this wrong conclusion? I just didn't understand why I should explain myself to her. I wanted to make a remark or a joke, but knowing my humor, it would just make things more awkward, so I didn't say anything and instead started to look at the fight that had just begun.
"We are not finished with this conversation yet. After class, we will continue," she told me as if it were a command.
The Professor Geist had already dashed forward, flames dancing around him like little wisps.
As I observed the supposed friendly spar between Professor Geist and FeyFey, I was reminded of the sheer mastery of the former, whose proficiency in the manipulation of fire mana left the latter, who wielded water mana, floundering in his wake.
The professor's incandescent flames danced with a fluidity that spoke of years of dedication and diligent practice, while his opponent's attempts at using aqueous energies were swiftly quenched by the superior heat and intensity of the former's fiery spells.
Although, on the surface value it was a good fight, the humiliation was obvious. I was hoping for a fight that could intrigue me, but the sheer arrogance of Geist killed the fun as he continued to toy with him.
The jovial spar between the bumptious and loquacious professor, who boasted of his unmatched proficiency in harnessing the power of fire mana, and the unassuming yet determined student, who sought to showcase his acumen in controlling the fluidic currents of water mana, left me spellbound.
Alas, my amazement was short-lived as Geist, with his facile command over the incendiary energy, effortlessly vanquished Feyrith's water spell---turning it into steam, who despite his valiant efforts, was unable to counter the professor's fiery assaults.
incendiary energy, effortlessly vanquished FeyFey water spell---turning it into steam, who despite his valiant efforts, was unable to counter the professor's fiery assaults.
One to look at it was a positive one since even after the obvious attempts at humiliating Feyrith, he put on a good fight. Although he emerged defeated, his unwavering spirit and tenacity in the face of such formidable odds won the hearts of all present as all of the students clapped in tandem for him.
"Anyone else wants to give it a go? We still have time. Why not the other members of the Disciplinary Committee---the elite student combatants, give it a go?".
I looked to my right.
The human princess was also wearing a black uniform. A uniform indicating that she was a member of the same committee.
' I should stop her from participating .' I thought to myself as I saw the human princess get up and look at me.
" Kathy don't participate his is trying to show off " I said to her rather than telling her, my voice more monotone than usual. She didn't respond and walked down the stairs towards the Professor.
Did I mess it up?
"You did well, Feyrith." I patted the elf's back. He did well considering he didn't know what he was up against. What was this professor trying to do by making a fool of us here? Did he just want to boost his ego by picking on his students?.
"Would anyone else like to volunteer?" he stated while looking at Kathyln the princess of Sapin . I was about to raise my hand but was startled when Kathyln suddenly shot up from her seat and spoke.
"Please guide me well," she said simply before lightly hopping down into the arena.
"Kathlyn Glayder. I must say that it is an honor to have your presence in my humble class. " Professor Geist gave a deep, exaggerated bow. "Please do not hold whatever the results may be in this 'demonstration' against me," he continued, putting on a pitiful face.
Her cold expression unwavering, Kathlyn just nodded, drawing her staff out from the dimension ring on her pinky .
"Very good! Let us proceed!" The Professor clapped, fire igniting from between his palms .
Without a word, she lifted her sky blue staff. Before Professor Geist had a chance to unleash his fireball, two javelins of ice formed around Kathlyn.
"Shoot." I heard my fellow disciplinary committee officer mutter before the javelins fired towards our professor.
So she decided to go the offensive route to keep Professor Geist from attacking her.
A faint smirk crept up on our professor's face as he lifted his hands that were still aflame, ready to block the ice spears.
As soon as the ice javelins touched the fire on his palms, they instantly melt, disappearing slowly as a sharp hiss resounded .
"Ice Javelin," she muttered again, and this time, instead of two, five spinning javelins formed near Kathlyn .
"Shoot." Her expression remained icy, like a coiled serpent ready to spring .
"Haha! Impressive! As expected of our princess!" Professor Geist grinned, the class leaning forward to get a better view of this intense battle . Since most of the students were first-years, they weren't at the level where they'd be able to conjure something like this, let alone almost instantly .
Our professor concentrated as the five spears shooting toward him, ready to pierce through if not countered.
"Ember Wisps!" The spell he prepared finished in time as Professor Geist jumped back, releasing small, floating orbs of blue flames.
Wasn't this the spell Lucas used during his rank examination?
"Break," Kathlyn muttered, and she willed her five ice javelins to shatter into an uncountable amount of small, sharp shards of ice.
"Fire!" Professor Geist, his face not nearly so smug as before, willed his orbs of blue fire to shoot at his opponent. Kathlyn, on the other hand, was so focused on finishing her final spell that she ignored the incoming streams of blue fire about to hit her.
"Ice Tornado!" Her voice filled with a faint panic as she realized upon finishing her spell that she was about to receive the brunt of Geist's attack.
I knew from watching Lucas that once the remote spell from the wisps were shot, they couldn't be cancelled. I need to blocked it now.
Before I could react, a *clap* echoed through the air, plunging everything into an eerie silence. The spells that had been swirling around us dissipated as if they had never existed. Suddenly, a boy my age appeared between the professor and Kathlyn. He had silky black hair pulled into a messy bun and striking purple eyes that seemed to pierce through the stillness.
He glanced back at Kathlyn and whispered something I couldn't quite catch . Then, as if nothing had happened, the world snapped back to normal. I could hear again, feel again, but the moment the clap resonated, I lost control of my own body. A strange sensation washed over me i have the feeling of being on control of my body but I know it's just a feeling , a realization that I was still here, yet utterly powerless. It was his spell's effect; even my bond Sylvie felt its weight.
In a sudden burst , Sylvie leaped onto the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement. After a moment, she turned back to me and exclaimed in a cheerful voice, "This is the kind uncle I told you about!".
"Kind uncle? When did you get an uncle?" I replied, my voice laced with disbelief.