Persuasion of Love and Lukewarm Past Memories

"Unlike the glasses freak, I will not hold back with you," The Ace Duelist warned, gathering the magenta particles throughout his back and pointing his glasses shard in the right crossguard position.

Viscable took one last glance at The Hair Magician who sprawled a hundred lines of hair from both sides like wild vines. Cautiousness poured into Prila's furrowing eyes the longer she darted her watchful gaze toward The Ace Duelist who hurtled forward, spreading the large round of magenta sparkles from his backpack

The Ace Duelist speedily dashed forward, triggering The Hair Magician to command her hair to tangle, forging the whirling pinkish portal in front of her. She booted the ground, leasing out the ferocious white-furred dog with crimson eyes through the portal, opening its mouth that vibrated an ear-peacing soundwave that vanished instantly.

The effect soundwave might have pierced The Ace Duelist's ears, numbing his hovering legs from moving further. However, Viscable lifted his hefty neck and shimmered the magenta flashes within his eyes, locking his sharpened sight toward The Hair Magician who gritted her shocked teeth.

Viscable blared out his rigorous scream, firing the massive flock of magenta particles within his backpack. It led The Ace Duelist to forcibly fly upward and blitz out his physical presence, leaving The Hair Magician to pull back her stretched hair. The dog alongside the portal reduced into dust after she retrieved her weapon, alerting Prila to heave the upper line of her twin tail hairs.

Unbeknownst to her, the flock of magenta particles spontaneously materialized behind The Hair Magician, materializing Visacble physical presence. Moreover, The Ace Duelist drew his glassy shard that flared on the sleeving magenta energies on its tip, swinging it to Prila's neck.

A stinging vibration concurred within Prila's hair, provoking her to glimpse behind and watch the empowered shard narrowly touch her neck. It drove The Hair Magician to thrust her fingers below, commanding elongated hairs to securely wrap themselves before pulling it back, manifesting the pinkish-white rabbit freeing its fang. The rabbit promptly bit onto the shard, preventing the direct slash, convincing The Ace Duelisy to imminently withdraw his glassy shard, flexibly hopping to the left.

The strike's attempt was not over yet for The Ace Duelist as he repositioned his glassy shard below, channeling a thousand particles on the tip. Receiving the sighting of his action, Prila turned around and shimmered the pinkish sparks through the left side of her twin-tail hairs, folding the edge below altogether.

"Unlike with Layfree, Gdark seems to want to kill me," Prila assumed, generating the uprising pinkish energies within the opened below side of her wrapped hair. 

It's not a bluff that he didn't hold back with me. Perhaps this is his love language.

Prila proudly smirked. Either way, I'm going to defeat him and teach him to be a better person.

With the edge of the shard fulminated the embarking magenta energies, The Ace Duelist hastily propelled to above. A gigantic magenta blast was launched, alerting The Hair Magician to leap away. A giant pink beam blasted out from her wrapped hair, morphing into the head of the cloudy pinkish cat head with the yellow owl ears.

The cat's head exuberantly yawned to welcome the magenta blast, pushing its tongue in lingering curiosity. Hence, the cat's head smoothly licked on the speeding blast, siphoning the enormous rose mist enveloping the blast that constricted it like a snake trapping its prey. The Ace Duelist observantly hummed, fleeing backward as he watched the blast flawlessly dissolved by the mist.

The Hair Magician snapped her fingers, shrinking the cat's head alongside the pinkish mist until no traces of them were left. She eyed The Ace Duelist who rested his hand holding the glassy shard beside his right waist, retreating the extended line of hairs and crossing her arms downward. 

He didn't even chant his special move like he did to Layfree. The Hair Magician wiped out the tiring sweat on her forehead and relaxedly closing her eyes.

"I thought you could be more gentle toward me, Gdark?" The Hair Magician teased, bursting out an alluring laughter.

The Ace Duelist cackled and boldly lifted his forehand, "Why would I weaken myself in front of the trophy girl?"

"I'm only here to see if you remain worthy as my trophy girl when I complete my life goal!" The Ace Duelist exclaimed and praised. "So far you quite intrigued me to use all of my arsenal."

The Hair Magician grinned and taunted, "Is this how you see the woman you truly love?

"Or perhaps, a way for you to prevent yourself from ever embracing your feelings?" Prila teased.

"Remember the wonderful time we had before you left?" Priya blurted out a reminder, raising her voice and sprawling the line of hair above.

Viscable grunted, "Those are fun times, but it will not persuade me."

"You might be good at denying through words, but that time….I saw you embracing your compassion to me!!" The Hair Magician rebutted, hastily sprinting to The Ace Duelist and tangling the two sides of her long twin-tail hairs. 

"Gdark, I knew deep down you have a strong desire to build a family with me too," Prila proclaimed, retreating her tangling hairs and materializing the purplish wheel above. 

At first, The Ace Duelist undoubtedly clenched his stammering fist and grumbled in heating bitterness, centering his sight on the spinning wheel and surging the encircling storm. The storm rapidly reformed into a cloudy head that took the form of a lion, trumpeting its harrowing roar throughout the arena.

Afterward, the cloudy surface of the lion disseminated, unveiling its true form into The Ace Duelist's naked eyes. The colossal head of the lion with the violet scaly skin resembling a fish debuted on the arena by blurting out its high-pitched roar, kindling the aqua blue smoke inside its reflective-surface eyes. 

Viscable clenched his right fist as he smoothly landed on the ground, switching his glance toward The Hair Magician who colored her face with a concerned expression. Magenta particles were cast out more from The Ace Duelist's backpack, encouraging him to raise the black watch below his chin. 

"I should remind you, you are the same man who is very dedicated to embracing Prila's identity in the first place," the Hair Magician called out, raising her voice and placing her grip on her beating chest. You also encouraged me to convince my parent that I could become a Superhero!!"

The Ace Duelist giggled, "Yes, I remember I put a lot of dedication into helping you master your power. I only did that for the sake of awakening your potential, just like what I did to the Glasses Freak

"Not completely true, Compared to Layfree, you often ask me to go out together like going to an amusement park and buying a lot of makeup stuff for me," The Hair Magician argued, bowing her head and blissfully smiling for brief seconds. "Better, you always treated me to the most delicate restaurant in Teldrium. Even when I tried to repay all the debt, you persistently refused it."

"You are also eager to comfort me whenever I argue with my parent!" The Hair Magician added.

The Hair Magician rubbed her chest and uttered, "Compared to other men and women I dated, you are the best so far!"

"So please stop drowning yourself further in your obsession of becoming the best, Gdark!!!," Prila pleaded and suggested. "Instead, just embrace yourself as a man who dedicates himself to bring peace to his loved ones!"

The Ace Duelist grunted and heaved his hefty neck, "Your words are convincing and persuasive."

"However, it will not force me to give up my life goal!!!" The Ace Duelist shouted, speedily gliding to Prila.

"Then, what happened when you claimed me as your trophy girl?" The Hair Magician asked with a disgruntled wince and continued. "When you already defeated all the strong opponents?!"

"Simple answer, I turned our future children into a new mighty challenger!!" The Ace Duelist affirmed, bursting out a loud delighted laughter, embedding his beating heart with the darkened scorching flames. 

"Enough shielding yourself from your true feelings!!" Prila bickered, plunging the three of her fingers and biting her lips. "I bet you knew your path only led to more suffering for yourself, right Gdark!?.

"No matter how much you tried to suppress your humanity with The Calamity Heart or other stuff, you couldn't get rid of it in the end!" The Hair Magician argued, loudening her voice and darting her sight toward The Ace Duelist.

"I admire your way of not letting emotion cloud the judgment of being a hero, but I'm aware it is almost impossible to be erased," Prila professed.

A freezing silence was the only response being shown from Viscable as he rested his hands, placing his sight below and allowing the shard to return to the empty slot on his backpack's below part. Watching The Ace Duelist didn't reveal any sign of offense lured The Hair Magician to paint her face with a pity look, lowering her lined-up fingers.

The Ace Duelist exhaled a huge chunk of deep breath, positioning his fingers on the front of his chest and engulfing his rapid-beating heart with more scorching flames. Furthermore, dark blazes torched Viscable's fingers as he slowly shoved them closer to his chest, warning The Hair Magician to gawk at him.

"I must admit you did a spectacular job of using your persuasive words," The Ace Duelist reluctantly professed. "You had valid points showing the downside of continuing my current path."

"Sometimes I do feel I want to give up my life goal. Even I desired to become your husband," Viscable grumbled, bumping his blazing knuckle closer to his chest. "However, I have a strong dislike of losing."

The Ace Duelist plunged his fist closer and loudened his voice as he resumed his statement. "And I don't want to let myself succumb to my desire!!"

"Because if I embrace the feeling of love, the goal to become the best will be meaningless!!" The Ace Duelist shouted.

"More precisely, it indicated that I am already satisfied with my current status and I couldn't allow it!! I, Gdark will also topple every internal conflict or feeling that disturbs the flow of becoming the best !!" Viscable affirmed.

The Hair Magician frowned in bewilderment and guessed. "So you thought your romantic feeling toward me was something that needed to be overcome?"

"Very correct answer, Trophy Girl!!" The Ace Duelist affirmed, broadening his enthralled grin beneath the mask.

"And you're about to see how I'm going to do it!!" Viscable announced assertively, pushing his fist until it skewered his chest, gasping in excruciating pain and dripping a couple of blood that dropped to the ground like a raindrop. 

The Ace Duelist swiveled his hand upward, beckoning the uprising dark flames through the ground beneath him. More specifically, every blood droplet beneath Viscable instantly ignited the dark-fiery strings that flowed through his chest, engulfing more torches within his beating heart.

With the pitch-black torches engulfing his heart, The Ace Duelist thrust his arms and evoked the two shards to magnetically patch on his palms. He sharpened his glance toward The Hair Magician who gritted her stammering teeth, omitting the large round of particles fleeing from his backpack.

"I didn't expect he could control The Calamity Heart without any evil temptation consuming him or drawbacks," Prila muttered in a quivering shock, witnessing the black watch on his wrist dispersed into a speck of dust 

Prila dropped her dreaded jaw briefly and finished her sentence "I have to finish him as quickly as possible because I'm not sure I could keep up with his unpredictable surprise."

"Regardless…regardless," The Hair Magician whispered, clapping her hands and lifting them near her forehead. 'I hoped I'm able to win this.

 "So I could make you into a better man than this," Prila added.

Her recent gesture commenced the scaly-lion head to funnel the gathering gale on its mouth, darting a bloodshot stare at The Ace Duelist who pointed the glassy shard on his right hand upward. Viscable hurriedly hauled his arm, liberating the giant magenta blast headed to The Hair Magician.

The Hair Magician calmly closed her eyes as she obtained the clean sighting of the magenta blast soaring, incinerating the ground beneath as it moved. Prila bent her neck to the left, leading the lion's head to roar clamorously, spurting the glimmering pink gale throughout the area.

The enlarging gale disintegrated the magenta blast into a hundred particles fleeting in front of The Hair Magician. She gawked her stare toward The Ace Duelist who recently endured the passing gale. The touch of the gale boiled Viscable's blood veins with him screeching in stammering agony, repeatedly scratching his arms before he kneeled.

A golden chance of strike fell into The Hair Magician's favor as she pushed her gleaming fingers forward, initiating a new order for the lion head to free its jaw. Dancing sparks rose through the lion's eyes, summoning the azure-blue pyramid-shaped projectiles within its mouth.

"Stay down for your own good," The Hair Magician declared, pointing her fingers at Viscable who could only screech in intense pain, speeding up his scratching hands as if he felt his skin being peeled off.

"Aqua Eyes Lion, go deliver your hushed finisher to Gdark!" Prila chanted, spinning her left hand.

The giant lion head immediately dove its head, unshackling the grip of the pyramid projectile, falling upon The Ace Duelist. Even though the humongous projectiles narrowly landed, Viscable consistently kept his coolness, rotating his sight on the right forehand that shone a fading jade light.

The projectiles indeed pounded The Ace Duelist, but it failed to execute him as a jade light glowed throughout the surroundings. The horde of jade blades simultaneously liberated from every side, impaling the pyramid-shaped projectile and flawlessly shattered like a breaking glass. The blades instantly withdrew after completed its task.

The Hair Magician was startled after she allowed the giant lion head to vanish its presence, pulling back her elongated twin-tailed hairs. It even led her ponytail to revert to its normal size, widening her frowning eyes toward her discovery. She frozenly caught Viscable morphed into The Full Blader's form.

She briefly peeked at The Ace Duelist's backpack to sink into the magenta portal below that shrunk into nothingness faster than the blink of an eye. The boiling curse of the gale also perished from haunting his veins as Viscable was no longer scratching his hands, firmly standing. 

"I didn't expect he could change form with his mind," The Hair Magician whispered in disbelief.

The Full Blader flipped his hands and asked sarcastically, "Feel surprise, trophy girl?"

"This is only the beginning," Viscable whispered, fading out the green portal from all of the coins on the front side of his bulky armor.
