Clashing Motivation Between Former Lovers

"I was caught off of you changing form easily" Prila admitted, giggling and breathing out the hefty air lingering in her lungs. "I never thought you could change when I sealed your motion."

"Then, it goes to show you only needed your mind to access the change," The Hair Magician assumed, waving her hand to the left.

Prila nodded, "Unexpectedly impressive."

A stretching line of hairs sprawled from the left side of her twin tail, folding it together to cast the small violet cyclone. The cyclone initiated its last spin that reshaped itself into a pinkish humanoid with thickened smoke skin, plunging its knife shape left hand onto The Full Blader.

Afterward, the smoky surface dissolved when the humanoid drove its hands to the back, unveiling its true within The Full Blader's eyes. More concisely, Viscable received a crystal clear glimpse of the paper-thin humanoid figure with the jade jewel-surface blades replacing its hands. A dark-gray statue horse head with aqua blue lights on its eyes planted on the humanoid's neck, thumping the blades.

Several green portals simultaneously popped out on each of the coins latching on The Full Blader's front part, anticipating the next move of Prila as flaring flashes sparked through the humanoid blades. Suddenly, the ear-piercing soundwave invaded Viscable's ears, numbing his legs and paralyzing the circling motion of the portals. 

The Hair Magician hushedly summoned the white-furred dog head from the pinkish portal being held by her lengthened line of hairs on the right, opening its mouth to emit the soundwave. Then, the soundwave alongside the dog dispersed into thin air, leaving the humanoid to shove its bladed hands forward.

"Go now, Thrashing Vanguard!!" The Hair Magician shouted a command toward the humanoid, stomping the ground.

The Thrashing Vanguard flickered the dazzling violet light when it plunged the blades downward, producing the giant slashing waves hammered onto Viscable, panting in trembling shock. Not only did the slashing wave inflict the giant crossing mark on both sides of his bulky body, but it detonated the violet explosion onto The Full Blader, ricocheting him afar.

"I remembered she used to have a difficult time summoning The Thrashing Vanguard, now she could do it easily," The Full Blader muttered as he harshly landed on the ground, capturing a glimpse of the upper part of his bulky armor tearing apart.

Viscable folded his left knuckle as he darted his sight toward The Thrashing Vanguard who speedily hurtled into his direction, convincing him to glow magenta particles on his palm. The Humanoid drove its blades that surged out the pulsing strings especially when The Hair Magician fluttered her hand to the left.

The Thrashing Vanguard hoisted its blades and lined up them to gesture an arrow, emanating the green gleams before resting its hovering motion. Without hesitation, The Humanoid hurled its blades downward, silently evoking the jade arrow projection behind The Full Blader.

The Full Blader promptly backpack flew off from Viscable, entering the jade portal nearby and fading out from when it entered. At the same time, The Ace Duelist backpack arrived on the scene by leaping free of the magenta portal on Viscable's temporarily spawning right side, latching on his back. He regained The Ace Duelist's form again, omitting the rocketing particles on his back.

Hence, Viscable dashed forward until his physical presence blinked out faster than the lightning could reach, cleanly evading the triangular projection that scattered into fleeting ashes. Then, The Ace Duelist resurfaced on the right corner of the arena barrier, hoisting his hand and attracting the shard to stick on his palm.

The Ace Duelist channeled the enlarged flock of magenta particles on the tip of the glassy shard, sharpening his sight toward The Thrashing Vanguard. A massive magenta blast was unbridled by Viscable pulling his upward, triggering The Hair Magician to switch her sight at The Humanoid.

He changed form again and focused on decimating The Thrashing Vanguard. The Hair Magician hastily spread the line of her twin hair on the right side.

I won't let it slide.

The line of hairs folded themselves and propelled forward, releasing the pinkish beam fleeing to the Thrashing Vanguard's position. The beam flexibly transfigured into the pinkish cat with the owl ears, opening its tongue as it detected the sighting of the blast.

The cat punctually intercepted the blast from eradicating The Thrashing Vanguard who hurtled to the left. An opportunity to counter the ramparting blast fell into the cat as it licked onto it, invoking the pinkish mist. The mist enveloped the entire blast, compressing it until it scattered into fleeting particles.

The more unwanted surprise came onto The Hair Magician in the form of the discharging yellow square popped out beneath her and The Thrashing Vanguard. Bolting vines sealed their motions and electrocuted them at one as their limbs unstably stammered. Even Prila blared an unyielding screech, dispersing the cat into untraceable dust.

"Oh my…I didn't anticipate this!!" The Hair Magician bickered frantically, glimpsing to the back and biting her shaking jaw in the little flare of annoyance.

Her sight encountered the view of Viscable switching his form into The Blaster Jabber with the square backpack stuck on his back alongside his suit, which was dominated by yellowish color and square motives. Magenta portal emerged beside Viscable, retrieving The Ace Duelist's backpack and vanishing its presence in less than a second.

Both the square portals declared their speedy spin, raising the intensity of the bolting electricties as Prila loudened her painful shriek. Her legs also became even numbed with more electricities trespassing her limbs. Viscable centered his cautious attention on The Hair Magician, directing one of his knuckles to peek at the sky above.

A muscular humanoid miraculously leaped out from the portal beneath The Hair Magician, jabbing her in the stomach. She gasped in intense pain, vomiting a lot of blood from her throat. The humanoid continued to fly and carried her body with its knuckles. The humanoid retreated its fists, surging the electrical strings on its knuckle, proceeding to punch its foe's stomach.

Another electrifying fist jabbed into The Hair Magician, puking out more blood and a hefty shriek. Nevertheless, the muscular humanoid unleashed a flurry of bolting punches to the helpless Prila, dripping more blood that rained down the arena and blowing several shockwaves onto her.

A hundred punches completely paralyzed any motion from Prila's limbs, feeling every bone on her body cracking. Instead of succumbing to the pain, The Hair Magician recklessly funneled out the pinkish aura on her back.

The Thrashing Vanguard picked up the signal of its master, hastily drifting upward and swaying the blades to the sides. However, the effort of aiding the master only met a failure as an acute tip of the empowered glassy shard abruptly skewered the humanoid from the back, revealing Viscable trailed it.

Specifically, Viscable shifted to The Ace Duelist form as the triangular backpack returned to inhabit his back, while the rectangular backpack recently drowned into the yellowish portal on his left. He glared at The Thrashing Vanguard who fluttered its bladed hands, coloring a petrified look on The Hair Magician.

'Wow, he targeted The Thrashing Vanguard first!' Prila mumbled in surprise, pondering her sight to the lengthened hairs branching out. 'I must say it was a smart choice, Gdark.

The Ace Duelist glistened magenta gleams in his eyes, persuading him to hustle his glassy shard downward. It led The Thrashing Vanguard to flawlessly cut in half, evaporating its existence. Viscable fluently withdrew the gleaming glassy shard after the success of eliminating his opponent, sliding his finger to the tip.

In a nick of luck, The Hair Magician summoned the colossal rabbit below the humanoid by her lengthened hairs generating the portal. The rabbit unbridled its starving jaw, swallowing the muscular humanoid completely. The torment of electrocuting punches finally ended as Prila could clear her sore throat, wiping the blood that stuck on her lips before she lightened the aura to hover.

"I'm impressed you are still able to keep up, no wonder I never underestimate you," The voice of Viscable entered The Hair Magician, luring her to dart her sight to the left and watching her opponent flying closer in her direction.

Prila giggled and praised. "Your continuous form switching truly caught me off guard, Gdark."

"I didn't expect you would use your last attack on The Thrashing Vanguard," The Hair Magician mentioned, peering at the glassy shard, "I thought you were going to straight up finish me off."

The Ace Duelist giggled and replied, "Easy answer, I'm not going to fall into your obvious bait" 

"And about The Thrashing Vanguard, I intended to wipe it out from the first place," Viscable admitted, raising his clenching knuckle. 

"Compared to the last time I met, you already mastered it very well." Viscable complimented his opponent, clapping his hands. "That's why I decided to finish it first."

Viscable pointed his fingers toward The Hair Magician and proclaimed, "Besides, you still hiding a couple of dangerous spells."

"That's why I rather be cautious than foolishly charging," The Ace Duelist stated, chuckling and confidently crossing his arms. "You are truly embracing your potential as The Illustrious Hair Magician."

Prila shrugged it off and teased, "Oh come on, Gdark. You praising me because you indeed love me deep down. Of course, every good man always did anything to comfort the woman he loved."

"Love, you said? No, no, no. It's only my honest opinion toward you," The Ace Duelist countered joyfully, heaving his stammering knuckle and sounding out a huge chunk of laughter. 

Viscable repeatedly snapped his fingers and contortedly chirped, splashing a dumbfounded expression on The Hair Magician. Then, a realization came into her frowning sight as she watched the growing dark torches arise behind The Ace Duelist, alerting her to flickering the pinkish ray of light within her eyes.

"I wanted to point out something about you," The Hair Magician stated, exhaling the frigid air from freezing her lungs and clarifying her argument. "I noticed you didn't chant or shout out loud your special move."

"Is it because you treated me as a threat," Prila guessed, unfolding her alluring grin. 

"Or maybe you're just embarrassed to do it before me?" The Hair Magician added, tilting her head to the right

"Unlike the others I faced so far in here, you're not something I shouldn't see as beneath me," The Ace Duelist remarked, "Thus, I chose to fight you as if I'm eager to kill a powerful entity."

Prila hummed and tapped her chin, "Then, I already fit the category as your perfect trophy girl."

"Is it correct,?" The Hair Magician asked, marking her pinky finger at Viscable shortly.

"If so, why do we just call off the fight and spend the rest of this day together like we used to, Gdark?" Prila argued.

"You think this fight will end by just you countering most of my attacks?" The Ace Duelist muttered, flying closer and raising his glassy shard to the side of his neck. "Oh don't get your hopes up, yet."

"This fight needed to end with one of us falling in the arena, no matter the cost!" Viscable added, raising his deep-enthralled voice. "I knew you have a strong urge to spend an affectionate time instead of continuing this."

"Sadly, like I said before, I prefer to do something matching my favor!" The Ace Duelist exclaimed. 

The Hair Magician closed her eyes and shook her head, "Gdark, Gdark, you always be a bizarre man even without the dark heart you planted in."

"It motivates me more to defeat you!" Prila asserted. 

The Hair Magician drove her fingers to the right, multiplying her lengthened twin-tail hairs into a thin line of them, widely spreading throughout the area. The branching hairs strictly encircled Viscable's direction like a pack of wolves cornering its helpless prey. Instead of being consumed by fear, The Ace Duelist darted his cold stare at his foe, heaving his right forehand.

"You know what I adore most about you, my trophy girl, your persistence," The Ace Duelist praised, shimmering exhilaration within his voice. 

Viscable nodded and lowered his pitch as he continued, "Even though I already stated I'm a change man, you still didn't give up on persuading me."

"Not only you're strong with your power, but consistent in holding the affection," Viscable added, scanning the horde of hairs nearby and spotting all of them conjuring the flowing pinkish auras.

"Now, I'm more excited to become the victor in this fight. To confirm that you are the perfect trophy girl!!" The Ace Duelist confessed. 

Prila rotated her sight from left to and admitted, "You're right about me."

"I'm persistent to make you a better man not only for me but for your sake too, Gdark!" Prila spoke firmly.
