Dangerous Switcheroo Warrior

Wild combusting smoke ensnared throughout Prila's branching line of hairs, leasing out the drilling pinkish beams heading toward The Ace Duelist altogether. Instead of being drowned in worriedness, Viscable resiliently crossed his arms and shimmered the glowing green energy on his watch.

Hence, the triangular backpack flew off from his back when The Ace Duelist swung his hand to the right. At the same time, the chunky circular backpack glided out from the green portal beside his right shoulder, substituting the position of the previous backpack by swiftly patching his back.

Viscable obtained The Full Blader form once again especially with the blocky body parts materialized, whirling the jade portals throughout every side of the coins on his armor. The horde of green blades was liberated, lengthening like a venomous snake biting its victim to counter the beams.

The green blades cleanly vaporized all the pinkish beams at once, including cutting some of the air as the pieces of them rained down. A shivering frown clouded The Hair Magician's face, rushedly headbutting the air that withdrew the encircling hairs, reverting it into her usual twin-tail hairs.

The recent form change of Viscable also put him at a disadvantage as he sunk to the ground, pulling back all the lengthened blades to the portal that dissolved in less than a second. A strike chance came into The Hair Magician's favor as she oscillated her palms to the left, broadening the below part of her hair. 

Below part of her lengthened hair tangled until it spawned into a half-body, bluish scaly-skinned woman with long blonde hair and beaming pink eyes, holding the polished white moon-scythe bow. The newest human projection silently flipped her hand, forming the glistering pink arrow she placed on the bow and aiming at the descending Viscable. 

"Time to test how fast his form-changing could react," Prila mumbled heedfully, directing her finger forward.

The bluish woman fired the arrow that morphed into the racing wave fleeing toward The Full Blader bowed his head. Specifically, the almost-lightspeed flow of the arrow the further it flew, allowing it to reach the narrow position of her foe and even almost skewering his neck.

Unfortunately, the arrow couldn't pierce Viscable's skin further with the stretching triangular shield popping up from below, flexibly folding it by expanding like a slime. The shield quickly squeezed the arrow until it decimated into a complete speck of dust, leaving no visible remains.

The Hair Magician rolled her eyes in a little bit of disbelief when she watched Viscable efficiently regain The Ace Duelist's form and the circular backpack retreated into the green portal above his head. To be more concise, Viscable heaved his right forehand sleeved by the triangular shield, bestrewing the wave of magenta sparkles within his backpack that granted him to levitate

"So he can switch form by only using his thought?" Prila commented. tapping the air below with her quivering finger. "Alright then…I have to be more careful with him."

Her gesture commanded the bluish woman to be retrieved by the string of hair wrapping its spine, leaning the bow closer on its left shoulder. Prila sharply darted her gaze toward The Ace Duelist who shook his shielded hand, reshaping the stretched-triangular shield into its default state.

"My suspicion on your form changing is coming true," The Hair Magician declared, opening a smirk on her lips

"You indeed can change form only by your mind right? Prila guessed.

The Ace Duelist nodded and uttered, "You are indeed correct."

"As long as I used The Calamity Heart, I could switch form without any restriction or special device like my watch," The Ace Duelist confirmed, hovering closer to Prila and resting his shield.

Prila giggled and pinched her lips, "Using the power of darkness to gain seemingly limitless stamina."

"Then it goes to show you are more unpredictable," The Hair Magician stated, swiping the dust beneath her lips.

"Kind of reminds me of Pendoswing," Prila blurted out a reminder. "One bizarre young man who can summon almost anything he could think of and it needed all of the Triumph Markers to barely defeat him."

"Pendoswing. I heard that name before," The Ace Duelist replied, broadening his thrilled grin. "He was indeed included in my primary list of targets. I curious to meet him as he is one of infamous rogue that Triumph Makers couldn't capture until this day."

"Seems he is very interesting opponent to be topple by my hand," The Ace Duelist uttered and continued with him loudening his voice. "However, I must complete the personal requirement which defeats you first!!"

The Hair Magician chortled sheepishly and proposed, shrugging her arms, "Or you can ask for assistance in defeating him?"

"Why would I need assistance in defeating my opponent?" The Ace Duelist was baffled and muttered sarcastically. "I rather die facing Pendoswing alone than letting your or the other Triumph Makers assist me."

A blistering magenta spark gushed out from the back of The Ace Duelist, soaring onto Prrila, and drawing his glassy shard emanating by the magenta spark. In rigid anticipation, The Hair Magician crossed her arms, fulminating the bright pink aura on her arms that ordered the bluish woman to caress the bow.

Streams of pink energy kindled on the bow the bluish woman caressing it, producing five shimmering arrows all at once. The bluish woman heedfully locked its bow toward The Ace Duelist who resumed his gliding motion, enlarging the magenta sparks on the tip of the glassy shard.

Without hesitation, the bluish woman pulled the arrow and launched all of them, blinking out its presence from Viscable's sight. Hence, The Ace Duelist securely upheld his shielding forehand, scanning every side of his surroundings which led him to grasp translucent sighting of the five arrows nearly trying to pierce his throat.

Viscable imminently revolved his hand that flexibly lengthened the triangular shield, folding the five speeding arrows at ease. Moreover, The Ace Duelist plunged his hand downward, letting the shield squeeze the arrows until it turned into a complete speck of dust, leaving no traces in his sight.

In steady caution, The Ace Duelist dashed to the right when his enhanced sight caught a glimpse of the arrow almost spearing his neck. He positioned the glassy shard downward, firing the thin beam of magenta energy. The beam easily skewered the bluish woman on the forehead, disintegrating it until only ashes remained.

The Ace Duelist pulled back the glassy shard and eyed Prila who lashed the two sides of her hair onto him. The line of hairs sundered in Viscable's direction, separately blending the edge sides until it morphed into a gulp of pink aura that vanished itself. Two new creations of The Hair Magician, the bronze-coated statue of the tiger head man showing their ravenous jaws emerged on the scene.

The tiger head statues emitted ghastly orange blasts from their mouths the longer they hovered toward The Ace Duelist. The orange blast even splintered into a dozen orange volleys, falling like several comets onto Viscable who flew down to the ground and landed in a steady standing position.

The blast volleys even transfigured into the spiraling drills when it almost sunk to The Ace Duelist, embarking yellowish flashes on his forehand. Hence, the triangular backpack dispatched and plummeted deeply into the instant magenta portal spawn behind his ankle. It also called forth the rectangular backpack to patch on his back. Blaster Jabber's form cleanly resurfaced on the arena, kindling the blistering bolt of lightning when he peeked at the spiraling drills.

"She didn't know yet The Fallen Pillar of Decimation is coming in her way," The Blaster Jabber whispered

"Unless she already had a specific plan to anticipate its movement." Viscable added, extending his enthralled grin, rotating his sight to the middle above that displayed the growing mass of bolt.

The Blaster Jabber cackled. Regardless, I'm the one who received the advantage in this battle.

The Fallen Pillar of Decimation is almost complete and even better, I could still fulfill it until I changed form. Even though she summoned another artificial being to counterattack, it will be a foolish attempt once this attack comes upon her.

Better when she tried to block The Fallen Pillar of Decimation, I could easily finish her with another powerful attack.

Viscable briefly peeked at his forehand and rolled his hefty neck.

Hence, Viscable thrust his knuckle to the back before he declared the flurry of punching knuckles. A large horde of bolting volleys spontaneously emerged from his knuckles and continued to produce more of them as The Blaster Jabber persistently pushed his flurry punches.

Every bolting volley jolted the spiraling constructs and exploded altogether, creating the bombarding party in the sky. The fraction of the bolting volley incineration unknowingly transferred into the mass of bolts above, expanding its size and shimmering more gleams into The Blaster Jabber's sight.

The Blaster Jabber ended the flurry of bolts by putting his heating knuckles down, observing the last clash of bombardment in the sky. Eventually, the blasting volleys from both sides were completely disintegrated, leaving no visible traces to be detected by Viscable's naked eye. 

The destruction of the blast volley also extended the size of the mass of bolts that The Blaster Jabber darted on, slowly seizing the winning opportunity in the duel as he chuckled in delight and temporarily grinned. Prilla wavered her long hair and sneered to the back, glimpsing at the return of The Thrashing Vanguard that was recently being unrolled from the enfolding hairs.

"Summoning Thrashing Vanguard again?" The Blaster Jabber asked, clenching his fist and switching his watchful stare toward Prila especially darting his focus on the left side of her lengthened.

The Hair Magician nodded, "It's quite obvious to finish you off, Gdark, however….."

"You made a clever move to land on there," Prila finished her sentence.

"It's for avoiding the incoming surprise blow from your Thrashing Vanguard attack," The Blaster Jabber affirmed, raising his provoking knuckle. "But, I'm sure your artificial life can fly fast too."

Prila giggled blissfully and fluttered, "Oh Gdark, Oh Gdark. You're smart on guessing my next move."

"And you are not observant enough to anticipate this," The Blaster Jabber whispered, spinning his hand to the left and pushing his knuckle down. 

"It's all according to my plan of defeating you," Viscable added, placing his sight onto the stretching hair of The Hair Magician.

An instantaneous ray of yellowish light descended onto The Hair Magician, inflicting a nerve-racking burn into his stammering limbs. Prila even helplessly screamed on top of her lungs, feeling like she was trapped inside an electrocuting volcano with her limbs unstably shuddering. 

The Thrashing Vanguard hurriedly pointed its stare at the middle above, capturing the sighting of the colossal hands showing up from the portal, formed by the imploding mass of bolts. Viscable chortled in soothing joy as the agonizing scream from The Hair Magician became louder, sluggishly walking closer toward her.

"Now the only thing you can do is choose, whether you should be crushed by the pillar or by myself," The Ace Duelist taunted, excitedly blaring a chortle and glowing the magenta particles on his forehand.

"Your power is very efficient in countering most of my attacks, but I can find the most effective way to outwit it," Viscable proclaimed, crossing his arms and siphoning the magenta particles on his wrist.

The Ace Duelist sighed and murmured as he tilted his head onto the twin tail hairs of the shuddering Prilla, "Now the only thing you have to do is to choose which attack you should guard."

"Either way, I already claim the victory in this battle," Viscable remarked with a brazen confidence.

The giant muscular hand rapidly discharged the glistering flock of sparks on its clapping palm, morphing into a long and bulky pillar faster than the blink of an eye. With the humongous pillar finished its construction, the arm hurled it toward The hair Magician who only prolonged her shriek.

The Thrashing Vanguard resolutely glided to the pillar, gleaming the razor-sharp flashes on its blade. Then, The Thrashing Vanguard mashed its hand to form a triangular pose upward, blistering the sleeving jade spark on its blade and flickering the dancing sparks within its gaze.

Meanwhile, the rectangular backpack flew away from the back of Viscable, neatly replacing it with the triangular backpack he summoned by the magenta portal surfacing behind his left leg. The Ace Duelist form occupied the spotlight on Viscable's side, shimmering the blinding magenta light and triangular projection on his suit.

He swiftly extended his opened palm, concealing the magnetic string to patch on the glassy shard, and pulled them over. The Ace Duelist obtained the glassy shard on his plan, channeling the covering magenta particles on the tip and thickening its surface when he hoisted.

"If he tries to finish me with another giant blast, I could handle it," The Hair Magician whispered, steering her frantic sight toward her guardian who continued to float toward the pillar.

"Come on Thrashing Vanguard, you can do this," Prila added, biting her jaw until dripping a small line of blood.

The Thrashing Vanguard hurled its blades downward, silently generating the triangular projection behind the pillar. The projection dashed and battered the giant pillar, tearing it into two. A racing green wave arose unbridled from the triangular projection, swarming the splintered pillar alongside the yellowish hands by expanding to reach the sky above.

Noticing the pillar and the portal decimated, The Ace Duelist drove his glassy shards to the ground and shattered its tip. Twin magenta twisters flew freely from their containment, jumbling s into the storm of particles. Then, the twin storms contributed to opening the grand debut of the triangular armored humanoid projection in an obedient kneeling position. lifting its head 

Even though the ray of light dispersed and freed her from the boiling torment, Prila worriedly bit her lips as the avatar of The Ace Knighted Sword hared. Her haunting skepticism came upon her when The Knight Projection suddenly arrived beside her left, lancing her ribs with the prism blade. She loudly cried in pain and puked a huge chunk of blood, letting the knight strangle her neck

"He….was too fast," The Hair Magician murmured frantically, eyeing her scowling eyes at The Knight Projection who plunged its sword deeper and exuded the speeding wave of magenta particles. "Fine, I have to tear this thing as fast as possible before it going to finish me off."
