Picking The Perfect Criminal For A Thrilling Challenge

A freezing night wind blew across every shimmering building of Teldrium as the pale moonlight cleanly arose in the middle of the sky. One of the buildings receiving the touch of the passing wind was a floating and towering building with hundreds of bluish glassy windows planted.

A glistening brown signage on the top right of the building planted that formed a letter, "Horzondron Hotel." On the top of the building, a glowing green prism hologram shelved the hotel rooftop area with a warm swimming pool and a couple of hotel guests initiating their night party.

Not all hotel guests joined the party as some of them chose to spend their time on refreshments inside their rooms. One of those guests was Gilbron who lay on the comfy white projection of the bed and leaned his head on a squishy creamy pillow, swinging his pendulum necklace.

"The Mighty Viscable said he didn't care about his past," Gilbron uttered, pointing at the pendulum necklace. "He never even wanted to ask a further detail about my encounter with The Triumph Makers."

Gilbron giggled, "He is one ambitious guy who only cares to move forward and become the best in the universe."

"Impressive determination," The Young Man proclaimed, pausing the pendulum swing and folding it into his knuckle.

"Also I'm still quite wondering who I am before meeting Lorina," The Young Man murmured, pressing his intrigued furrow. 

Suddenly. a brimming flash shone into The Young Man's thought, recalling one moment that remained trapped in his mind. The flash vanished from his mind, unveiling the scenery of the fiery wave shining like a rising sun. A bright red armored figure with a completely dark face and yellow eyes hovered from the wave, heaving his knuckle and kindling the molten energies.

The memory quickly faded when Gilbron shut his eyes shortly, returning him to the present as he put the pendulum necklace on the levitating small circular table beside his left. The Young Man smiled and sheepishly chuckled, blowing out the large chunk of sigh from his lung.

"Almost every time I slept, the memory of encountering The Legendary Sparror often appeared as my dream," Gilbron mumbled, tapping his chin. "Quite curious to learn more about it."

"Maybe after having the most satisfying match with The Mighty Viscable, I would love to investigate my past life," Gilbron added.

The sound of a door being slid echoed into The Young Man, encouraging him to get up his upper half and rotate his curious glance to the left. He widened his relieved eyebrows when Casmine entered the room, bringing the lime-green noddle cup. The room door was automatically enclosed as she headed to her close companion, greeting him with a fascinated smile.

"How's Lorina doing?" The Young Man asked, watching Casmine placing the noodle cup on the table before she sat next to him.

"As always, she was busy finishing her late-night appetizer," Casmine answered, exhaling a heavy breath and crossing her arms. She even bought me her favorite instant noodle, Kalbrin."

Gilbron sighed, "Old behavior, overeating junk food."

"It felt like her stomach is a literal bottomless pit," Casmine stated in a little bit of annoyance, eyeing the instant noddle. 

"Anyway, do you want my instant noodle, sorry I didn't like it?" Casmine offered the noodle cup on the table.

"Just keep it. I'll most likely eat later," The Young Man said, breathing out the cold air from his lungs.

As Casmine stroked The Young Man's cheek, he widened his eyes, capturing the lingering reminder within his thought. Hence, Gilbron cleared his throat and hummed in captivation, preparing to blurt out the next topic for the night discussion. Casmine gently retrieved her hand from his cheek, placing her tiresome back on the pillow.

"Are you truly ready with the plan of rescuing the infamous Supervillain," The Young Man asked.

Casmine smirked blithely, "Of course."

 If it's for you, I am always ready to obey every kind of your request, Gilbron," Casmine proclaimed.

"You just have to give the name of the villain, I can borrow Lorina's Ghost Compass to find its whereabouts," Casmine insisted, gleaming white flashes inside her eyes and confidently giggling.

The Young Man repeatedly tapped his fingers with the sense of eagerness fueling him, continuing to wonder. Gilbron also started to gaze at the above interior, revealing a brimming yellow projection of the lamp shining its light throughout the room, freeing his exhilarated jaw.

He presented his enthusiastic glance toward Casmine who curiously unfurled her lip, awaiting the incoming request from her close companion. The Young Man mashed his knuckles, channeling the igniting a blinking flare on his back. A challenging thrill consumed The Young Man as the flare went brighter before resting his knuckles.

"Oh, I have the best suggestion for the starter villain," The Young Man proposed his idea, raising his finger. "Specifically, the villain who would love to be a trial fighter for testing my new power."

"Let me take a guest, is it one of the most threatening villains that Triumph Makers ever face?" Casmine took a guess boldly. "Possible, villains who once almost killed all the members."

Gilbron nodded, "Very much correct, Casmine."

"Plenty of dangerous criminals being imprisoned right now," Casmine remarked, gesturing an elevating hand.

 "Do you want to keep guessing which criminal you choose or do you want to spill it out quickly?" Casmine asked, winking her riveted eyes.

"Since you are the closest and yet trusted person I ever had, how about you guess which one is the criminal suitable for my taste," Gilbron provoked, resting his mashed hands and placing them on his lap.

"I gave you three chances for guessing before I revealed the true answer," Gilbron announced

"Alright, alright," Casmine shrugged it off.

"I shall comply with your little game," Casmine assured, blowing a chilling air and fluttering. "Okay, let's start with the first guess."

"I bet your first pick for the unlucky villain is Galzoorum," Casmine took a guess and continued with an explanation. "He is a monster-like villain who can absorb and conduct magical energy. 

"He even has the potential of destroying the earth or even other planets easily," Casmine added.

Gilbron rubbed his chin and hummed, wandering with his close comrade's suggestion for the next villain. He gaped his sight at the windows nearby, encouraging him to bite his lip in dissatisfaction. Then, The Young Man switched his attention toward Casmine, shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, it's a wrong guess," The Young Man admitted, forcing his close companion to heave her bemused eyebrows.

"Wait I thought Galzoorum would be the most suitable one for you," Casmine argued and continued. "This is the same ugly monster guy who nearly killed VWX, Mina Rodax, and Scrap Devil, so why don't you want to face him?"

The Young Man sighed and reluctantly said, "I am aware Galzoorum is a powerful villain, but sadly it will be a completely one-sided match."

"Because my current power is far stronger than his, especially with my basic power," The Young Man claimed, igniting the dancing flares on his palm and dispersing them when he crushed it. 

"I never like defeating my opponent by only one strike," The Young Man added. "Also, he became the threat to VWX and Mina Rodax 6 years ago. But now, those two probably can defeat him even by themselves. I remembered VWX and Mina Rodax inflicting a serious wound on me in the last battle, indicating their current powers are much stronger than Galzoorum."

"Perhaps your argument is quite understandable," Casmine replied, blissfully chortling. "Your basic power is becoming more terrifying as you didn't need to touch the object to explode it."

One guess has been lost and Casmine began to tap the below part of her lips, constructing the next guess for the villain. As she wondered about a suitable guess, The Young Man curiously looked at his close companion. Gilbron even swiftly lured Casmine to sneak her glance toward him.

"Do you want me to give you a specific clue regarding the villain?" The Young Man proposed avidly.

Casmine grunted, "Fine."

"Okay then, here is the first clue," The Young Man replied, inhaling the cold air and blowing out immediately. "He is one of the most dangerous villains who almost ended The Triumph Makers for good."

"That's the only clue I gave you," Gilbron remarked. "Good luck with figuring it out, Casmine."

Casmine hummed, "A villain who almost ended all the members of Triumph Makers by himself, huh?"

A shocking realization zapped Casmine's thoughts as she started to lift her stammering frown. More specifically, her mind projected one scenery filled with the pile of suited army corpses laid waste on the bloody pond. In front of the corpse, a shadowy hulking man with a silver armored and lengthened cape blared a burst of maniacal laughter.

The impulsive wave of energy embedded his knuckles as the man loudened his laughter before he propelled his hand forward. The man fired off a blinding blast that returned Casmine's mind to the present, pouring a flood of sweat on her forehead. She sluggishly fixated on The Young Man who broadened his thrilled grin.

"Wait a minute, the villain you wanted to release first is Don Golzulin, The Nightmare of Anthonian's City?!!" Casmine guessed with a shocked expression. 

"The one who depowered Sirgion with ease and murdered almost all the Triumph Maker members," Casmine added.

Gilbron happily giggled, "Precisely correct, Casmine. He is the opponent I've been waiting to face too."

Casmine panted, "Wow, wow I didn't expect you chose to pick Don Golzulin as your test subject."

"Are you doubting me again, Casmine?" The Young Man provoked, siphoning the tiny flare from his thumbs. 

Casmine shook her head and defied his claim, "No…no."More like I'm surprised by your choice."

"The Ghost Compass can help me to find the specific prison," Casmine uttered, biting her lip in concern. "Luckily, I do quite know about his current whereabouts from my first victim."

"However, I'm more concerned whether Don Golzulin will be easy to negotiate with or a megalomaniac who didn't have an interest in discussion in the first place," Casmine complained.

The Young Man elatedly beamed at Casmine who sunk into skepticism, scratching her left shuddering arm. Nevertheless, Gilbron warmly cuddled his close companion, bringing the serene into her as she pulled back her scratching hand. She even hugged him on the back of his neck.

"I do have faith your charming words can convince him, Casmine," The Young Man assured, caressing his close companion's soft hair. "And if anything goes wrong, you have the failsafe call that allows me to instantly come into your position."

Casmine merrily sniggered, "Hearing your words is more than enough to calm me from thinking about the terrible possibility."

"Are you ready to initiate the mission tomorrow night?" The Young Man tried to ensure her readiness

Casmine retrieved her arms and softly pushed The Young Man until he fell on the bed, embracing the enrapturing momentum. She fondled her close companion on his lip, leaning her face closer to him. It drove Gilbron to move his hand to wrap her back and the other rubs her sleek thigh.

"Sure I am ready now to do it," Casmine said exuberantly and proposed. "Also, today is quite a tiring day, so let's initiate our wonderful time together, Gilbron."

"Why not," Gilbron replied.

Hence, Casmine passionately kissed The Young Man on his lip, leading him to tenderly squeeze her thigh. Both of them embraced their lovely time for ending the rough night, including the scheming to free the long-time criminal who once became the terror of Gloricon.
