Triumph Makers Rigid Gathering

A morning sun widely arose throughout Teldrium, spreading its fresh yellowish ray of light on every tall building. One of the buildings receiving the sunlight included the Triumph Makers secret base, Stellaramid which continuously levitated above the abandoned island, raising the brightness within the statue's eyes.

Inside the Stellaramid, Prila who currently possessed her Superhero form, attached the lime-blue holographic projection in the shape of the phone on her left ear. The Hair Magician planted her resilient furrow as she caught the noise of the woman letting out her concern toward her.

"I know today I will receive my wage as a Triumph Makers member too," The Hair Magician proclaimed, forcibly smiling. "And yes, I promise I send you all my wages of Triumph Makers members and my model's wages to you as fast as possible."

The woman puffed, "I do appreciate you on willingly sending your money for us….….but…but…"

"Please….come back to us, Candila, We haven't seen each…other for a…year," The woman expressed her orriedness at The Hair Magician. "And your father has been worried sick about you too."

Prila grunted agitatedly and muttered, "Mother, I….still cannot come home right."

"You two never accepted my Superhero Life in the first place. I understood you didn't want to lose me, but this is my choice and responsibility." Prila professed reluctantly. "Every time I arrived home, we just continued to argue or force me to live as a normal civilian, especially my father who couldn't stand seeing his precious daughter dying."

"And please….for the hundred times, stop calling me, Candila!!" The Hair Magician scolded, gripping her stammering hand. "I'm no longer bearing that weak girl's identity anymore."

"So far this is the best choice of not seeing you, but I can still help you by sending more of my wages" The Hair Magician added, swallowing the little gulp of her saliva. "I didn't like adding more stress on seeing and expressing your concern to my Superhero Life, mother, and father."

"Daughter, we are sorry that made you mad the last time we met," The Woman let out an apology. 

"Please just….come home. I and your father want to reconcile with you," The Woman argued worriedly.

The Hair Magician heavily puffed, "Maybe another time, Mother."

The call would be ended by Prila pressing the button at the bottom below, placing her phone beside her thigh after the sound of her mother was no longer entering her ears. As she exhaled the burdensome air, a high-pitched whistle echoed into her ears. The Hair Magician rotated her eyes to the right, watching her fellow teammate, Scrap Devil approaching her.

"Your mother asking you to come back home again, Prila?" Scrap Devil asked, pausing his steps.

Prila rubbed her left arm and replied, "As always yes. But this time, they wanted to reconcile with me."

"For my recommendation, you should come back home as soon as possible" Scrap Devil suggested. "Maybe they are now accepting their precious daughter is one of the greatest superheroes in Gloricon or even the rest of the world."

"Well, not now, Caldister," The Hair Magician countered, steering her annoyed sight to the left. 

"Anyway, you must be here because the meeting is about to start right?" The Hair Magician guessed, rotating her sight back at Scrap Devil.

Scrap Devil snickered, "Obviously."

"They've been waiting for you, my beautiful sunshine," Scrap Devil flirted to The Hair Magician who sheepishly guffawed. 

"Knock it off, Caldister" Prila spoke, boiling a sheepish steam red on her face. 

Scrap Devil joyfully giggled, "It's still a suitable nickname for you."

Nevertheless, Scrap Devil managed to persuade his former lover as she pushed her body from the wall and began to head into the meeting room. Despite the discomfort thought of settling the deal with her parent still invading her mind, The Hair Magician was able to plant a half smile of calmness.

A couple of minutes passed and a breezy bluish projection of the globe-shape lamp shone throughout the meeting room. The bright light showed all the Triumph Makers had arrived as they separately occupied the glassy-grey chair floating with the triangular table being flipped upside down.

From the view above, all five seats were tidily lined up, forming a bright white triangle. Girthy holographic glasses filled with maroon-red liquids were magnetically attached to every table of The Triumph Makers members. The longer they stared at the drink, the more disgusted they became, except for Daigrun VII.

On the edge of the row, Daigrun VII remained standing and was being observed by the other Triunph Makers. Behind the alien, a glimmering bluish screen floated, displaying a group of pictures. The display included the sighting of the new hero of Gloricon, Viscable gliding in the sky, the horde of Uprising Venom ships, and the wanted photo of the energy-like man.

"After all of you receive the fair paychecks, now let's discuss our three main problems, fellow Triumph Makers," Daigrun VII announced, tapping his finger toward the picture of Viscable. "We shall start by discussing Viscable first."

"Although he is the son of Sirgion and close friends with some of our members, we must be cautious of him," Daigrun VII remarked, wrapping his fist and pointing his sight toward VWX. "Especially after he fought VWX, it indicates he used an evil magic from Tacrion to win the battle."

"Viscable bluntly declared that he only cares about achieving his personal goal rather than being a true hero. Even worse Mina Rodax's telepathy couldn't read his mind" The Alien Leader added, peeking his sight toward Prila who sighed. "Therefore, we must keep an eye on him for a while. Because of that, we can anticipate the day he finally becomes one of the biggest threats in Gloricon.

"Prila can you share the report regarding Viscable?" The Alien Leader insisted.

The Hair Magician stood up from her seat and picked up her drink, sipping it a bit before coughing. Afterward, Prila put the drink on the table, folding her hand to the back as she was about to share her report with the other members waiting especially with Daigrun VII sitting on his seat.

"Like I said yesterday, Gdark visited his favorite card game store until he met…." Prila didn't finish her sentence as she swallowed a large gulp of her saliva. "One of the infamous rogues, Pendoswing and The Succubus Twin."

"Sadly, Layfree and I didn't find Gdark in the last location," The Hair Magician added with a little uneasiness. 

The Hair Magician cleared her throat, "I supposed he set off the spawning position on an isolated spot."

"As for the other information, most likely Gdark settling the matters with Pendoswing by playing his favorite card game," Prila said, heaving her dumbfounded expression. "I know it sounds dumb, but since this is Gdark, he will probably do something absurd such as this."

Scrap Devil burst out cackling and held his stomach before he commented, "Oh my god…what the hell."

"Why the hell did your arrogant crush decide to play a card game with the insane cosmic being in the first place?" Scrap Devil asked in complete disbelief. "This is like total nonsense honestly even for a guy like Gdark who only cares about power and beating people to near death."

"If I was Gdark, the card game is only a distraction to gain more information about my opponent without taking too much risk. Or he probably turned the card game into a dead game just for the sake of obtaining Pendoswing blood…I guess," The Hair Magician assumed, closing her eyes and grumbling. "I know it's hard to believe."

"Also if I lied, the Honerian Drink will make a great stomachache in my body right?" The Hair Magician teased.

Scrap Devil groaned, "Fine then, it's just hard to believe a guy like him is somewhat dedicated to a stupid card game."

"Since this is Gdark, I think anything can happen," The Hair Magician clarified.

Then, VWX raised his hand, provoking The Hair Magician and The Alien Leader to center their attention on him. Daigrun VII waved his hand, commanding The Laser Master to stand up and take a tiny sip of the drink that he quickly placed on the table, preparing to join the conversation.

"Sorry for interrupting, I assume Gdark wanted to face and defeat Pendoswing without our help " VWX stated and suggested. "However, it's best we tried to assist him or at least save him whenever Pendoswing almost killed him."

"He might be an asshole, but as for now Gdark still holds his status as a hero," The Laser Master proposed.

"I do agree with your suggestion, Layfree, but I would not recommend it as Gdark will blatantly refuse it," The Hair Magician countered. "In his mind, helping him is like humiliating his pride. Remember that."

"Heck, he even rejected my offer to watch him settle his card match with Pendoswing," The Hair Magician added. "I suppose, we let Gdark handle Pendoswing because I believe he might have a chance to defeat him."

The argument of Prila left The Laser Master to bow his head, admitting his defeat as he took steps to the back. Daigrun VII heaved his palm and exhaled a huge chunk of heavy breath especially when turned his stare at the picture of Pendoswing, preparing to engage the blurt out the command toward The Hair Magician.

"I do understand Viscable or Gdark's prideful nature would refuse any sort of help, however, we must focus on capturing Pendoswing first," Daigrun VII commanded. "Although we also had Uprising Venom try to declare another raid to Gloricon, Pendoswing is on the most wanted list."

"We Triumph Makers will subdue anyone who is deemed a threat to the rest of the world," Daigrun VII reaffirmed, hoisting his clenched hand upward. "And Pendoswing is one of those individuals."

"So whenever we find the sighting of Pendoswing, we must take him down no matter what the cost," Daigrun VII declared, eyeing The Hair Magician. "You might have faith in Gdark on taking down Pendoswing, but don't ever forget you are Triumph Makers members right now."

"Apology to say this, but whenever there is a duel between Viscable and Pendoswing in the future, you must interfere with it by calling the rest of Triumph Maker members to put him down for good," The Alien Leader insisted. "Even though you will disappoint him or break his pride."

The Hair Magician hesitantly shrugged it off, "You're not wrong on that."

"Then, I'm sorry if you all see me very defensive with Gdark to the point I almost didn't commit with my responsibility," The Hair Magician apologized, nodding an apology to each of The Triumph Makers. "I should have silently followed him when he activated his pocket dimension ."

"To be fair, I didn't truly blame you on this, Prila" Mina Rodax assuredly clarified. "A person like Gdark is already aware that all of us will become his enemy in the future."

A gratified smirk beamed through The Hair Magician's lip, convincing her to return to her seat. Mina Rodax peeked at The Laser Master who raised his praising thumb, blooming a joyfulness as she released a high-pitched giggle. With Prila no longer blurting out her argument. The Alien Leader clapped his hand.

"Alright then, the argument between Pendoswing and Viscable is settled with the conclusion we are going to interfere with their upcoming duel," The Alien Leader mentioned, directing his finger at the picture of the horde of Uprising Venom Soldiers.

 "Now let's discuss more about the Current problem related to The Uprising Venom," Daigrun VII stated, moving to the next occurring threat in Gloricon, Uprising Venom.



A cozy morning wind also blew throughout the Horzondron hotel rooftop which was currently empty. Most of the guest were either having a satisfying breakfast downstairs or enjoying their morning time inside their room. Lorina who stayed inside the room beside her twin sister and Gilbron, recently finished the warm cup noodle by pouring the remains into her mouth. More specifically, she sat on the balmy white projection of the chair beside the window view.

An out loud burping noise was unbridled after she felt the noodles and the soup sink deeper into her stomach. Feeling satisfaction with the morning feast, Lorina glimpsed at the floating grey projection of the tube, opening its above part. She quickly tossed the empty noodle cup into the trashcan.

"It's lucky, I bought a lot of stock for that instant noodle," Lorina mentioned, joyfully smirking. "It's very addictive."

The alone time of Lorina met its short end when a low-pitch noise of the bell noise echoed into her ears, immediately turned around. She jumped off the bed, hurriedly heading to the door on the edge. Lorina pressed the red button on the doorknob, commanding the door to slide to the right.

A bemused gasp was exhaled from Lorina as the current guest visiting her was her twin wearing an attired that dazzled her eyes. Precisely, Casmine wore a sparkling short purple dress that exposed her chest and bronze high heels. Strawberry lipstick neatly planted on her lips and scarlet eyeliners, forcing her twin sister to widen her confused jaw.

"Are you trying to find a new pitiful man as your victim in the morning?" Lorina asked dumbfoundedly.

Casmine giggled as she stepped in and replied, "More precisely, I wanted to commence Gilbron's plan."

"I thought the plan was going to be initiated tonight?" Lorina countered, scratching her head.

"The sooner the better," Casmine said, sharpening her focus toward her twin sister who rolled her eyes.

"Before I handed over The Ghost Compass to you, who is the supervillain Gilbron pick this time?" Lorina asked. 

Casmine sighed, "Don Golzulin,"

"Wow….Gilbron wanted to bring back the Nightmare of Anthonion, what a crazy plan even for him," Lorina mumbled, shaking her head and sniggering. "Which brings me more question, do you know his current whereabouts or at least the nearby place?"

"When I sucked the life force of my first victim, Galerior Tremelio, I gained information about where the most dangerous villains in Gloricon are being imprisoned. And yes Galerior is a friend of Don Golzulin and the person who enhanced the potential of his power." Casmine explained, glistening the white flashes through her eyes and waving her hand to the left.

"And that special prison from his memory is located on the edge of Pavulitz's Island," Casmine mentioned. "Ironically it was across Athonian's city because Don Golzulin was quickly subdued there."

"Wait, if your first victim is a close friend of Don Golzulin, why he didn't ask your help to free him in the first place?" Lorina countered. "Unless he thought you were just a normal call girl who chose her mating place."

Casmine snapped her fingers, "That's right, he didn't know I was only interested in his life force."

"And when he slowly realized my identity, it was too late for him," Casmine admitted, licking her lips and proudly grinning. "My spell has already invaded his entire mind, turning him into a perfect pleasure slave."

"Very fucking convenience, you are now starting to remember this because of Gilbron's request, sellout Supermodel," Lorina bickered. 

Casmine gushed out the hefty air, "My only concern can he easily be seduced like his close friend."

"Better think that kind of thing when you already meet Don Golzulin himself," Lorina replied, flapping her hand that flowed the green energies.

Hence, Lorina fluently thrust her hand forward and sent the energy to fold her twin sister's eyes, intriguing her to tilt her neck. A crystal clear appearance of Ghost Compass hushedly hovered above, giving a gladful nod at her sister. Lorina sheepishly cackled and fluttered her hand.

"Wannbe Supermodel, please return my Ghost Compass before midnight," Lorina mentioned. "And I wished you good luck in your mission."

Casmine happily beamed at her twin, "Thank you very much for your support, Lorina. I promised I'll be back as fast as possible."
