"Choosing the arena to remember our past opponent?" Don Golzulin guessed, clenching his fist and charging forward to The Young Man.
"So bizarre choice that made me want to strike first!!" Don Golzulin added, glowering at Gilbron.
The Young Man tittered and praised, "I like you are now initiating the attack, Nightmare of Anthonian
The Shadowy Figther pressed his bleak furrow and heaved his left hand that forged the pitch-black blazing swarm on his fingers. An exhilarated grin widely colored The Young Man's smirk, swinging his pendulum necklace to the left before he emanated the molten torch on his palm.
Enlarged sable, metal claw emerged on Don Golzulin's fingers as he shoved it to his thrilled opponent on the neck. Gilbron closed his eyes and tumbled his fiery palm to the ground, detonating the mounting flame that threw him to the back. Glancing at the sighting of his opponent dodging the clawed hand's attack, The Shadowy Fighter hastily leaped to the left, exuding the black shroud on his right forehand.
Don Golzulin rotated his hand downward and materialized the hardened shadow-black long blade. A cloudy-shadowy aura illuminated the blade's rusty surface, pursuing The Shadowy Figther to thrust it toward the placid Gilbron. Having the blade narrowly about to lance his neck, The Young Man only relaxedly lifted his opened palm and siphoned the lava-like gleams
The slight touch of the blade's tip on Gilbron's hand triggered a small explosion that battered The Shadowy Fighter aside, grunting in pain and dropping to the ground. The blade construct on Don Golzulin's forehand fractured completely into dust, panting in agitation and frigidly biting his jaw.
One touch of this young man's exploding hand can disintegrate my blade without any….effort. The Shadowy Figther lifted his legs and obtained a shaky standing position.
Guess I have to go all out rather than slowly torturing him. Don Gozulin tapped the ground with leasing the black ropes constructed on his ankles.
The Shadowy Figther inhaled a cold breeze air and leered at the Sirgion's statue, quaking the ground below. The rampaging gale blew under Don Golzulin's feet as he pushed deeper to the ground, gathering the purplish shadow sleeve. He fixated his vigilant stare toward The Young Man, expanding the shrouding shadow.
Gilbron capered as The Shadowy Fighter dashed to him, lifting his leading foot that manifested a new shadow construct: an enlarged and spiky fur wolf head with a pair of large fangs. The Young Man slid his left foot to the back after he captured a clear view of the shadow construct, igniting the enveloping orange energy.
The Young Man swiftly swung, scorching his kick when Don Golulin plunged his wolf-head feet, commencing the shockwave that blew through the ground. A vast, blinding wave arose across the arena, blowing the harsh gale to the balcony above as The Succubus Twin lifted their blocking forehand.
Afterward, the blinding wave diminished into a speck of dust, unveiling the sight of Don Golzulin roaring a gut-wrenching scream. The wolf-head construct shielding his foot faded into thin air, showing the lower part of his leg twisted. Even rapid drops of blood sprinkled on his leg, especially with the bone of his leg going out, feeling he was ramming the impervious steel pipe.
Unlike The Shadowy Figther, Gilbron's leg didn't receive injuries or bruises after the imploding clash, resting his foot on the ground. The orange energy ceased from his covering leg as The Young Man perceived Don Golzulin falling onto the ground. He also watched his foe fall to the ground, loudening the scream with more blood splashing on his surroundings.
I felt I was heating a literal impenetrable wall despite he covered his leg with an exploding flare. The Shadowy Figther frantically winced the longer he gawked at his mighty opponent.
Don Golzulin bit his lips, This young man reminded me of one of my victims, a teenage hero having an explosive touch that I managed to put an everlasting fear before he died.
Unlike that pathetic hero, this guy can even turn his explosive limb into a wall. The Shadowy Figther clutched his bleeding thigh and emitted the shadow sleeve to blanket his fatally injured leg.
Since his mind is a blank sheet, I'm now going to rely on my instinct to figure out his power. Don Golzulin rotated his sight at The Young Man's leg and swallowed a tiny gulp of his saliva.
The Shadowy Fighter glowed the pitch black gleam within his eyes. Now…now the only thing I can do is to activate the disabler curse at the leg he used to counter.
A pitch-black shadow withered on The Young Man's lower leg, humming in curiosity when he took a peek. Don Golzulin hurriedly grunted and pushed his face forward, illuminating the gleam through the shadow attached to his opponent's leg. Hence, the curse was brought upon Gilbron with shadow frosting itself.
The Young Man tried to kindle the orange flare on his covered leg, but lavender flashes shone through the frosted surface. It wiped out the flare's existence faster than the blink of an eye, provoking Gilbron to tap his lip. Despite the shadow curse being activated, Gilbron repeatedly kicked the feet and siphoned the orange aura that dwindled due to the frozen shadow shimmering the flashes again.
Although Gilbron's leg was still intact by the solidified shadow, The Shadowy Fighther frowned in disbelief. He shakily whimpered before inhaling a large chunk of chilling air, returning the exposed bone into his leg's inside with the shadow sleeve blistering the small wave of wind. The severe wound on his leg was well patched up and Don Golzulin immediately stood up, luring The Young Man to point his fascinated stare and blowing a high-pitch whistle.
"This is how you seal Sirgion's power?" The Young man guessed, lifting his leg and cheerfully giggling.
Gilbron clapped his hand, "Impressive, impressive, trick."
"I'm surprised you have not at least lost 70% of your power even though it's only a little touch" Don Golzulin uttered cautiously. "And you still able to stand up too or even charge up your power."
"It seems you have a strong resistance to a powerful curse such as this," Don Golzulin added, pushing his muscular forward. "When I used this little touch on Sirgio, he struggled to power up for one minute."
The Young Man sniggered and taunted, "Then, I'm becoming more curious to see you casting the same curse touch that permanently sealed Sirgion's power for good."
Viscable, who maintained his sight on the ongoing fight below, began to gasp resentfully, channeling the waterfall of magenta particles from his triangular backpack. The wave of particles even blew onto Casmine, luring her interest toward The Ace Duelist and heaving her curious eyebrows.
"Do you feel threatened by Don Golzulin's incredible power sealer or are you just expressing strong resentment toward him?" Casmine asked, humming and remarkably smirking at The Ace Duelist.
"Why would his presence threaten me, Supermodel Succubus?" Viscable scoffed, shutting the magenta particles from ever spreading when he snapped his fingers.
"Besides, my power alone could handle his so-called dangerous power sealer curse in the first place," The Ace Duelist scoffed brazenly, pointing his thumb to the chest.
Casmine tapped her chin and guessed as she unfurled her, "Then, Don Golzulin must do something dreadful to someone important.
"Especially when Gilbron mentioned the named Sirgion," The Supermodel Succubus guessed, patting The Ace Duelist's chest shortly. "I can take a good guess you are Sirgion's son, am I wrong?"
The Ace Duelist nodded, "Fine, yes I am."
"Even though I'm not close with him, as a son, I've indeed had a strong desire to crush The Nightmare of Anthonian for what he did to my father," Viscable spoke rigidly, directing his glowering expression toward The Shadowy Figther and hoisting his knuckle in front of his face.
"And I promise it will happen someday. The day where he trembled before me," The Ace Duelist added, retreating his knuckle.
"For an arrogant and self-absorbed man like you, I'm impressed you still have a sense of honor for your family," Casmine praised, stroking The Ace Duelist's left shoulder.
"Rather than digging about my past, how about you focus on observing The Annoying Cosmic Being," The Ace Duelist suggested and coughed as he rotated his observant eyes toward The Young Man.
"Because so far, he kept playing around rather than unleashing his true potential," Viscable added, clearing his throat and pressing his alerting glare.
Casmine shrugged it off and sighed, "You're not wrong that Gilbron hasn't revealed his strongest form."
"However, he only did this to show the mastery of his basic power, Mighty Viscable," The Supermodel Succubul clarified, forcibly snickering and shaking her head when she gazed at Gilbron, who waved his provoking hand.
"But Gilbron is now taking too much stalling on his opponent," Casmine added, slightly opening her dissatisfied lip. "I shall tell him to use his full power when Don Golzulin puts him into a critical position."
After a long conversation, Casmine and Viscable continued focusing on the arena below. They witnessed The Young Man eagerly lifting his frozen leg to the back and skipping to the right as he placed his exhilarated stare at Don Golzulin, emanating the molten flare on his palm.
The Shadowy Figther reluctantly closed his eyes, extending his arm that embarked on the pitch-black dazzle on his forehand. Urgent caution was beaten into Don Golzulin's heart the more he perceived The Young Man igniting the lava-like surface on his palm, sluggishly stepping to the left.
'I only need him one more hit to fulfill the requirement on activating the perfect power disabler curse to win this rough fight. The permanent curse that could seal Sirgion's almost indestructible power.'
Perhaps I should distract him with another conversation. The Shadowy figure nodded his hefty neck as he took more steps to the left and elevated the shadow-dazzled hand beside his left cheek
Don Gozulin coughed and declared the beginning phase of his distraction, "Have you ever wondered why I decided to face you in the first place."
"Is it because I killed you, close friend, Galerior Tremerio?" The Young Man answered, pointing his bold finger toward his foe.
Don Golzulin hesitantly gritted his enraged jaw, rolling his eyes when The Young Man heaved his surprised expression. Then, The Shadowy Fighter poked his other hand, triggering the flock of shadowy particles through his veins and gusting the small wave of gale throughout Gilbron.
"At first, I believed my old friend was killed after hearing the convincing word from your succubus friend," The Shadowy Figther spoke sternly, enlightening the shadowy-black beam of light within his eyes.
"Thanks to my telepathy, now I know the truth of Galerior's fate," Don Golzulin muttered, spitefully scowling. "You are not the one who killed him…instead…instead."
"Instead, he was murdered by the same Succubus who rescued me!!" Don Golzulin yelled, gushing out the freezing air that blew past The Young Man.
Franticness overwhelmed Casmine as she grimaced, evading the stare from observing The Shadowy Figther. It drew Lorina to rotate her sight toward the Supermodel Succubus, rolling her eyes and groaning in disappointment at her. Even Viscable also set his hawk eye at Casmine, nervously clutching her wrist.
"Well, well, looks like The Nightmare himself, Don Golzulin, figure out your gimmick, sis," Lorina jeered.
"Oh, you are so in big trouble right now because this guy is so eager to the real taste of fear to you," Lorina derided. "Does your first victim even know he possessed telepathy?"
Casmine groaned and insisted angrily, "Don't feel my temper, Lorina."
"I didn't anticipate a man like him would possess an efficient telepathic power," Casmine argued.
"What?? What?? Don't tell me your first victim didn't know he was a telepath," Lorina muttered.
"I'm afraid Don Golzulin never told Galerior about his telepathic power," Casmine mumbled, wincing frustratedly.
Casmine constantly exhaled the dreaded air from ever roaming her throat, especially when her twin sister rolled her eyes in bitter disappointment. Regardless, The Supermodel Succubus rested her clutching hand, eyeing Don Golzulin, who gave bloodshot eyes at her from the arena below.
"If you knew Casmine was the one who killed your best friend, why didn't you kill her when she rescued you in the first place?" Gilbron asked.
The Shadowy Fighter fizzled, "It is a reckless decision because she planted the possibility of me attacking her by instantly calling you."
"To put it more simply, she could summon it even though she was a distance away," The Ace Duelist explained.
"Smart answer," The Young Man praised, clapping his hand and resuming the conversation's flow. "So did you know what I'm going to do next to you by scanning the Succubus Twin's mind?"
"My telepath gains a piece of information you're just playing around with after scanning those two succubus minds," The Shadowy Fighter replied, moving his shadowy-filled hand in the front of his eyes.
"Sadly, they indeed have a lack of knowledge on your current tactic, let alone your power in that form" The Shadowy Fighter added.
Gilbrons giggled and smirked, "I'm thankful they didn't know much about my power and limitation, Nightmare of Anthonian."
"Even though they didn't know about your current tactic or hidden strategy, I'm going to prevent you from ever achieving your cosmic being form, Young Man!!" The Shadowy Figther uttered irritatedly
"If you transformed into your true form, I would be outmatched completely, Young man," Don Golzulin uttered.
"I know your cosmic power is a thousand times stronger than mine!!" The Shadowy Fighter grumbled.
Gilbron rubbed his chin and said, "Interesting choice. What an interesting choice you made."
"It will be more fascinating when I cut your head and show me the everlasting look of horror on your face!" Don Golzulin rebutted and exhaled the large wave of wind as he was prepared to land two fatal blows on him.
"Also, about Galerior, I'm not surprised a seductress will kill him as he couldn't control his lust on mating," The Shadowy Fighter stated before he grunted. "However, as a close friend, I shall avenge his death too."