This is my opening for landing at least an attack at him. Don Golzulin rushed the explosion and lifted his shadow-conjured arm.
He was truly a monster for easily vaporizing the illusion. The Shadowy bit his lip in frustration. The same illusion that could manipulate all the senses without any difficulty.
Don Golzulin cleared his throat. So his power could even detonate an illusion.
The destruction of the shadow wave dispelled the fear curses upon Casmine and Lorina as they finally exhaled a constant, hefty breath. A relieving atmosphere swiftly gushed into their throat with them washing the sweat and feeling their legs no longer tremoring in frozen dread
More specifically, the sighting of Prila from Casmine into dust and even Daigrun VII's presence haunting Lorina was vaporized into thin air. The Succubus Twin gleefully giggled after being freed from the curse. Afterward, the twin marked their focus on the explosion ending ts extension by fading when narrowly tried to touch the statue.
"I'm very gladful Gilbron saved our assess from the frightening illusion," Lorina said gladly, cleaning the remaining sweat on her forehead. "Without him, we could have been toast by Don Golzulin's illusion."
Casmine giggled cheerfully and spoke, "True, Lorina."
"I'm much more impressed his basic power can even detonate a literal illusion," Casmine praised, dimming the white aura into nothingness when she stroked her left chin and happily grinned.
"Truly an amazing improvement," Casmine added, broadening her grin.
Casmine pondered at the view of Don Golzulin barging into the massive smoke and brimming the violet energies through his fingers, continuing the inspection without any unwanted disturbance. Inside the compacted smoke, The Young Man nonchalantly walked forward, casting a torch-like orange aura through his back. The Shadowy Fighter cautiously spotted the silhouette of Gilbron who was close enough to escape from the smoke's grasp, inhaling the freezing air into his throat.
Don Golzulin bowed his head and closed his eyes shortly, 'Please calm down, Don Golzulin, calm.'
'He is a powerful opponent, but he is not invincible,' The Shadowy Fighter added, panting and furrowing toward Gilbron. 'Especially his challenging and arrogant demeanor can be his downfall.'
The Shadowy Figther yanked his hand to the back as he slowed his rushing steps, sharply capturing the sighting of Gilbron relaxedly walking out from the smoke. Without hesitation, Don Golzulin drove his shadow-embedded hands to the front, releasing the flock of dagger-shaped projectiles.
Gilbron stretched his exhilarated smirk, drawing his hand beside his left cheek that kindled the lava-like flare. As the dagger-shaped projectiles almost skewered The Young Man, he waved one of his hands forward and gusted the small flow of wind, illuminating the orange gleam on his palm.
The Young Man speedily shoved his molten palm that touched the passing wind, triggering the incoming reaction. Moreover, the wind morphed into the bombarding wall of the explosion, instantaneously incinerating all the daggers without any difficulty. The explosion only in brief seconds as it vaporized, leaving Gilbron to hop onto the left and beaming his lip in amusement.
"Come on me show me more of your thrilling trick, Don Golzulin," The Young Man provoked, raising his surprised eyes further.
Another flock of shadowy daggers rallied to his front like a speeding bullet, lifting his molten hand to guard his face as he landed on the ground. However, more imminent danger came with Don Golzulin sprinting to the left and thrusting his shadowy palm to the front, freeing newly shadowy daggers from his fingers.
In a quick reflex, The Young Man blootered the ground until a quite big size of rubble flew off and was grabbed by his grip that shone the heated light. Gilbron peeked at the daggers from the left and tightened his grip to swarm the rubble by the steaming orange aura before hurling it. The enhanced rubble intercepted the flock of daggers and promptly detonated the looming explosion, swallowing the dagger and disintegrating all of them until no more remains left.
Despite the other flock of daggers on the frontline reaching his distance, The Young Man swayed his hand to gush a wind. Gilbron quickly prodded the wind nearby him and turned it into the scorching barricade, combusting to the dagger. All the dagger projectiles incinerated to smithereens by the single touch of the barricade before they diminished into nothingness.
"Even though my leg is still trapped in his curse, I can move smoothly in this battle," The Young Man uttered joyfully, observing one of his legs that continued to endure the curse from his foe.
"Impressive, impressive," Gilbron praised.
The inspection time for Gilbron encountered its short end with The Shadowy Fighter abruptly dashed from behind. After he glimpsed at the back, The Young Man barely heaved his startled gaze, especially grasping a view of Don Golzulin hoisting his leading foot that was enveloped by the spiky wolf construct howling.
Gilbron groaned and whispered as he turned around, "Alright…what an interesting sneak attack."
With The Young Man trying to initiate his imploding trick again, the shadowy wolf head hastily bit his arm when Don Golzulin bounced himself by diving kick the air below. Peeking at his arm, dripping blood, Gilbron hustled his embarking palm to clasp onto The Shadowy Fighter's chest.
An alerting desperation stung The Shadowy Figther's mind as he yanked the wolf head from prolonging the bite on his opponent. Sadly, The Young Man's hand tapped onto Don Golzulin's chest, activating the small explosion that pounded him to the ground and vomited a couple of blood.
Gilbron flipped backward and smoothly landed, eyeing The Shadowy Fighter, who clutched his clawed hand on the ground and shakily got up his hefty body. The wolf head shrouding his foot dispersed after Don Golzulin regained a steady standing position, roughly rubbing his chest.
"You have a strong and durable defense too, Nightmare of Anthonian, amazing," Gilbron spoke excitedly.
Gilbron tapped his chin and proclaimed, "My last attack could potentially kill you, especially disintegrating your heart."
"Simple enough I already put some of my shadow energy to protect my inside," The Shadowy Fighter stated, unfolding the inside of his limb, reflecting the radiating purplish and black energy.
Don Golzulin sighed and pointed his finger at The Young Man, "I knew you would try this sort of thing."
"However, you foolishly fell into my trap," Don Golzulin announced grimly, resting his marking finger and exhaling a freezing sigh from his throat.
"Arrogant and overconfident young man," The Shadowy Fighter muttered irritatedly, exhaling hefty breaths.
The Shadowy Fighter ensnared the shadowy flashes through his bloodshot eyes, centering toward his foe. An astonished frown clouded Gilbron's face as he grasped the realization of his foe's act, switching his exhilarated stare at his arm that started to implode a couple of shadow strings.
Gilbron might tried to tap his arm, but the preventing effort was too late as the flooding shadow sheathed his entire arm. The shadow extended its presence until it finally reached its shoulder, frosting itself. His arm was immobilized by the frozen shadow, blowing an impressed whistle.
Glimpsing the shadow covering The Young Man's arm, Don Golzulin clapped his hand and burst, swarming pitch black shadow seething eyes. Then, The Shadowy Fighter stomped the ground, creating a small earthquake that shook Gilbron and intrigued him to center his gaze at his opponent.
"Let me show you the fear of losing your power forever," The Shadowy Fighter declared, slowly pulling away his clapping hand that cast a surge of shadow vines sprawling his entire wrist.
Gilbron giggled and held his chest, "This is what I've been waiting for, Nightmare of Anthonian."
"Your ultimate technique," The Young Man uttered.
"The same deadly technique you used to make The Great Sirgion powerless in the first place!!" Gilbron provoked. "I would love to see whether I can escape or fall into your deep curse!"
The Young Man smirked and chuckled, "Come on, bring your best shot, Nightmare of Anthonian!!"
A contorted howl roared from the top of Don Golzulin's throat as his feet compressed the ground until it dug deeper. Shadowy vines on The Shadowy Figther's arm whipped on the side parts of his neck, planting the warmed-up raven-black skeletal wolf head with a dreaded expression.
Don Golzulin steered his hand to the below left and folded it together, gushing the storming gale toward The Young Man rubbing his chest. Regardless, The Shadowy Fighter roared his distorted howl and enveloped his entire back with a dark purple shadow tightly shrouded on his spine.
'Galerior, lend me your strength, so I can slay this young man,' The Shadowy Fighter mournfully chanted.
Don Golzulin bit his unnerving lip, 'In honesty, I'm not even sure if my ultimate nullifier is enough to seal his extraordinary cosmic power.'
Viscable who continued to fixate his gaze from the balcony, gasped in irritation as The Shadowy Fighter ensnared the large dark shadow inhabiting his spine. He even clenched his quivering knuckle the longer watching Don Golzulin folding his knuckle again and positioning beside his left leg that he pressed.
"I can sense you are so eager to directly face Don Golzulin unleashing his deadliest technique, right, Migthy Viscable," Casmine asked remarkably, winking her left eye toward The Ace Duelist.
Viscable groaned and muttered, "Obviously, Supermodel Succubus."
"I'm also curious to see why my Father couldn't withstand Nightmare of Anthonian power nullifier technique in the first place," The Ace Duelist professed, drawing one of his shaking hands beside his stare.
"I will admit, I have a strong grudge with Don Golzulin too," Viscable added.
"So do you also find a way to counter his nullifying move, too, Mighty Viscable?" The Supermodel Succubus blurted out a question.
Viscable nodded and pinned his fingers onto his chest shortly, "Absolutely, Supermodel Succubus."
"I'm well prepared with the scenario of one day duking with The Nightmare of Anthonian himself," The Ace Duelist stated confidently.
Satisfied with the response, Casmine cheerfully snickered and tilted her stare to grasp a clearer look at the current arena view. The Supermodel Succubus watched The Young Man keep holding his chest, obtaining the sight of the rising orange aura embarking on his chest.
Casmine proudly smiled, Oh the so-called Nightmare will soon face the true meaning of an overwhelming power.
Don Golzulin gestured his neck to the left before he blared an ear-piercing howl that echoed through the arena. It persuaded the dark-purplish shadow to materialize the giant mountain-shaped spike that impaled deeply into his spine, coughing out a huge chunk of blood as he shrieked in pain.
Nonetheless, The Shadowy Fighter shielded his sight with the enfolding shadow and slid his right foot to move back. A hardened drill made of the solidified shadow spawned on his folding knuckles, gushing the more aggressive wind that almost tossed around The Young Man.
The Young Man's frosted hand and leg abruptly glowed a glistening violet aura, persuading him to chuckle delightfully. Watching Gilbron only express his thrilling smile, the Shadowy Fighter exhaled one last sigh and charged toward him, raising the whirling spin of his shadowy drill.
"From the depth of the shadow, an unstoppable nullifier will crawl out flawlessly," The Shadowy Figther chanted, funneling the pitch-black and purplish sparks on the shadow drill's tip.
"When it called, an absolute judgment of fear come upon on the miserable enemy," Don Golzulin resumed his whispering chant.
"And it will take the most precious thing he possessed," The Shadowy Fighter spoke.
An uprising flow of shadowy sparks broke free of The Young Man's frosted limbs and flew through the mountain spike, flickering the ray of shadow light whirling in a circle. Gilbron began to endure the pain of every bone on his crushed limbs being crushed by the shrouding shadow.
"Let the execution begin, Darkened Drill of Nullification!!" The Shadowy Figther screamed valiantly, kicking the ground below that jounced him closer toward Gilbron and thrust his drill to his foe's chest.
The Young Man swiftly tapped his chest with his enflaming hand, silently manifesting the tiny orange orb fleeting away from the scene. Unfortunately, Gilbron couldn't evade the attack as the drill skewered his stomach, vomiting a lot of blood from his throat and heaved his startled eyebrows.
With the shadow drill swimming deeper into his stomach, The Young Man persistently maintained his enthralled smirk. It even painted a bemused expression toward Don Golzulin, driving him to shove his drill that sprinkled more blood off his foe's chest. A distorted howl was unshackled from Gilbron's throat with the drill sped up its spinning tip, funneling the darkened violet aura.
Inspecting his opponent being pierced by the drill and dripping more blood on his face, The Shadowy Fighter lifted his shadow construct. The shadow wave transcended from the tip of the drill when Don Golzulin continued to upraise the drill. The wave swallowed Don Golzulin and Gilbron at the same time before it amplified itself to the same height as the two statues in the arena.
The mortified screams of males and females clamored throughout the arena, forcing Casmine and Lorina to cringe unpleasantly. As for The Ace Duelist, he didn't flinch from the scream with the enormous wave of shadow entering his ears. Viscable only grunted, waiting for the outcome to unveil from The Shadowy Figther's deadly attack.
Inside the shadow tower, Don Golzulin shrieked in the struggle with the growing orange aura seething The Young Man's chest. It prevented the glistened drill tip from moving further even though The Shadowy Fighter kept shoving it forward as if his versatile opponent's body was made of unbreakable steel.
"Not even Sirgion could resist this when the drill touched his body," The Shadowy Fighter murmured, raising his dumbfounded look.
"Alright then, it's time to use all I got," The Shadowy Fighter added, declaring the sonorous scream that evoked the mountain-shape spike to fracture its edge and releasing the rapid-flowing purplish shadow
When the purplish shadow touched the center above the wave, hundreds of dark-fueled violet beams cascaded onto The Young Man. The beams self-destructed themselves and vaporized the orange aura, opening an opportunity for Don Golzulin to unshackle the ramparting explosion from the drill's tip.
The shadow tower miraculously shrunk down, letting loose the spacious maelstrom of shadow concealing the entire arena. Unbeknownst to The Shadowy Fighter successfully delivering his deadliest attack, an orange orb hovered on the far right, emitting a magma-like gleam through its surface.