Real Grand Debut For The Infamous Cosmic Being

The shadowy maelstrom spontaneously shrunk until no remains were left when the darkened arm was hoisted. The disappearance of the maelstrom showed the view of The Shadowy Fighter retrieving his hand, disseminating the drilling projectiles, and exhaling a constant heavy breath.

Exhaustion also shuddered into Don Golzulin's veins as he inhaled the chilling air, heaving his head to peek at the sky above shortly. Afterward, The Shadowy Fighter shakily exhaled the huge chunk of bothering air from his throat, marking his glare of suspicion toward the front view where his opponent was located.

Don Golzlin watched The Young Man stand motionlessly and bestowed a look of devastation as he drew his opened palms. No clear sign of an orange gleam ignited through his palms. Even the orange aura shrouding his back was no longer visible in The Shadowy Figther's glare.

The pain from the bleeding wound on his chest was not bad as his power couldn't be accessed, The Young Man began to whimper in despair. A line of tears rapidly shed from Gilbron's eyes like a raindrop, wrapping his knuckles and even desperately bleating a roaring scream.

The Shadowy Figther prodded his opened palm and rolled his neck resounding the noise of bone being pulled. He also took a few steps closer toward the despondent Gilbron who helplessly bent his neck, sniveling like a child losing their precious stuff. A furrow of disgust beamed into Don Golzulin's face.

"You act so tough before, but now you turn into a miserable man-child. What a disgrace," The Shadowy Fighter mocked, funneling the shadow flashes into his knuckle as he placed it beside his chin.

"I-I-I-...." Gilbron struggled to finish his sentence as he was consumed by horridness and covered his tearful face.

The Shadowy Fighter spitted onto his foe and jeered, "This is what you got for playing too much with your opponent."

"And now I'm going to make you're going to suffer the most horrid thing before meeting your death, Young Man," Don Golzulin spoke coldly, spinning his arm that enlightened the shadow on his knuckle more.

"Please…plea….PLEASE!!! Give Me A CHANCE!!!" The Young Man begged, painting a dumbfounded glare on Don Golzulin's face. "Give me….a chance to live."

"I don't….want….to die….to …die!!" Gilbron demanded, sifting his tone into a more high-pitched distortion. "I….still….had ….girl….who….care about my wellbeing and I promise…I would not die."

Don Golzulin grunted, "I hate to say it this is out of your character."

"And worse your sound has become distorted, Young Man," The Shadowy Fighter remarked irritatedly, dimming the shadow on his knuckle as he cautiously withdrew his hand. "What kind of mind game you play?"

Don Golzulin gasped in dismay, "Or…did I fail to land The Darkened Drill of Nullification to you?"

The exhilarated burst of laughter widely clamored into The Shadowy Figther's ears, shivering into the course of his veins. Moreover, the laughing voice of the young man clouded a harrowing look onto Don Golzulin's face, biting his jaw and sprinting back with his trembling legs. 

"Your nullifying is indeed work," The voice of a distorted young man echoed through The Shadowy Figther's ears, dropping his frightened jaw and anxiously rotating his head from left to right.

The Young Man blurted out sheepishly giggling, "It's amazing and has a marvelous potential that I decided to escape my human shell."

"Even better I gave a little bit of consciousness of my human body to perfect the act when a man loses his power by your nullifying magic" The Young Man explained. 

"I also admit your efficient observative skill, Nightmare of Anthonian," The Young Man added with a fascinated demeanor. "I am even more impressed you are so aware that your attack wasn't successful."

Don Golzulin continuously scanned the entire arena and paused his stare when he discerned the orange orb levitating near the wall. Panic-stricken sweats might be poured through his neck, but The Shadowy Fighter took three approaching steps at the orb, marking his stern glower onto the object.

"Because of that, I do think you worthy enough to enter the next stage of our awesome match," The Young Man's echoing voice mentioned, luring Don Golzulin to sprint in the orb's direction.

"Prepare to bear witness to the ultimate cosmic power of Pendoswing!!!" The gleeful voice of the young man freed from the orb emanating the lava-like flashes. 

The Shadowy Fighter hassled to the orb and emanated the shadowy energy through his palm as he rushed closer, darting his infuriated furrow. Don Golzulin attempted to clap his foe with his charged-up shadow fingers, but the effort was too late as the flaring orb triggered the shockwave.

A single touch of the shockwave battered The Shadowy Fighter far away from the orb's distance. It even forced Don Golzulin to puke out a tiny gulp of blood as he endured the pain of being rammed by the hardened boulder, impacting his body beside the Sparror's statue foot for his forced landing.

Afterward, the shockwave dispersed when the flaring orb loomed the transcending orange wave from the ground's depth, blowing the storming gale to the entire arena. Viscable, who watched from the balcony, began to heedfully bow his head the longer he observed the levitating orb.

"So he finally shows his true form after realizing your human form is not strong enough to defeat The Nightmare himself," The Ace Duelist muttered, clenching his fist that emitted the magenta sparks on his palm and clearing his throat.

The Ace Duelist sighed and grinned, "The form that made the rest of Triumph Makers fear his name."

"Finally you stop playing around with your opponent this time, Annoying Cosmic Being," The Ace Duelist muttered, blinking out the magenta spark as he blew a hefty breath from his throat.

Casmine peeked at the sighting the arm flexibly forming from the wave, extending her cheerful smirk. Her twin sister, Lorina breathed a relieving sigh with some of the gale passing on the balcony, grasping the sense of one-sided victory for her ally's favor, especially with the orb manifesting the glimmering legs from below.

"Why you didn't show concern toward him like the last time, Wannabe Supermodel?" Lorina asked curiously and guessed. "Is it because Gilbron will pulverize the fear-obsessed creep without effort."

Casmine giggled joyfully, "Absolutely."

"Don Golzulin might be one of the most fearsome villains in the world, but it's only in his era," The Supermodel Succubus clarified, stroking her chin briefly. "Time has changed, Lorina."

"And now, The Nightmare himself will soon meet the man who took his golden spotlight as the threat of the world," The Supermodel Succubus professed in admiration, tapping the below part of her lip.

"Well, well, this what I called a complete stomp, sis," Lorina stated, letting out a shaking laughter of contentment as she held her stomach. 

Lorina halted her laughter when she stared at The Shadowy Figther and sarcastically commented, "Ironically, Don Golzulin will taste his own medicine."

"Nice way to indirectly humiliate your opponent, Gilbron," Lorina exclaimed, malevolently smiling.

"Poor Golzulin," Casmine murmured in a pity.

The Succubus Twin fixated their astonished gazes on the orb below that beckoned the ethereal humanoid body on the arena. Glancing at the energizing figure flying closer to its human shell, lifelessly kneeling on the ground, The Shadowy Fighter unshackled his frightened frown.

The figure patted his human shell, disintegrating its physical presence into a speck of dust faster than the lightning bolt. The only remains spared by his human sell was the pendulum necklace. It persuaded the ethereal figure to grab it tightly and wrap it around his neck, embarking the rising energy within its limb.

The Shadowy Figther slapped himself to wipe out his look of horror promptly, obtaining the desire to execute his opponent when he displayed a scowl. Hence, the shrouding fear within Don Golzulin was shortly live with him roaring a furious howl and rushing at the figure like a wrathful bull. 

"Can you wait for a while, Nightmare of Anthonian?" The mangling voice of the figure warned Don Golzulin, who engulfed the shadowy flames on his knuckle and shoved his knuckle forward.

"Come on, I don't want to ruin the wonderful entrance for making the match more interesting," The mangling voice insisted.

Regardless, the figure propelled his hand, letting loose the massive gale ricochetted Don Golzulin easily. The Shadowy Fighter harshly pounded the wall below as it carved the wide cracking lines through its surface, stinging dizziness with rubbing his head and tiredly groaning.

The energy figure swiftly stretched his hand, unleashing the blinding wave that covered the entire arena. Don Golzulin was unable to escape as the blinding wave quickly caught him. The wave-smoldering touch forced The Shadowy Figther to scream in agony and blocked his eyes with one of his palms.

Therefore, the wave ceased into nothingness after it expanded its existence to swarm the above view of the barrier. It revealed The Shadowy Fighter's body evaporated from the steaming smoke, feeling like he was directly boiled by the sun. Even some pieces of his suit, such as on the shoulder, were burnt, exposing his injured skin.

"This….this young man finally his true form to me now," The Shadowy Fighter muttered in anguish. 

The Shadowy Fighter gripped his head and shook it. "Oh no…oh no... Oh NOOOO!!! No!"

Don Golzulin frustratedly slammed his knuckles to the ground and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Is this…is…this the retribution I must pay after giving endless suffering to my victims!!"

"Or worse, is this the way he humiliated me?" The Shadowy Fighter assumed, dropping tears of defiance and rubbing the ground deeply.

"Giv-giv-giving me the tru-true sense….of fear,!!! Don Golzulin bickered, wiping his tears and pointing his devastated frown at the figure who took a few slow steps closer into his direction

At last, the true form of Pendoswing was revealed within the Shadowy Fighter's haunting gaze, especially a two-meter figure standing in front of him, frigidly shivering his spine. The more Don Golzulin locked his sight on the tall figure emanating the translucent mixture of bluish and orange aura behind him. The Figure brushed it off his shoulder, erasing the traces of the aura.

A polymerized cyan and hazel flame became the entire part of Pendoswing's head, especially with the pair of triangular viridescent eyes popping up. A gentle flow of glimmering water majestically formed into The Figure's thin upper limbs with the wood brown color on the left side and emerald green on the right. 

The ivory-color armored vest was planted on Pendoswing's entire chest, a brimming orange aura through its chest. containing the metallic golden skin on the vest's center spot—a projection of the spinning orange planet is enacted on The Figure's spine. It shimmered the flowing gleams.

Well-tidy flaxen yellow rocks cleanly compiled into the whole lower part for Pendoswing. A pair of coral-like surfaces, jade statues of the man freeing its exhilarated expression, were planted on The Figure's knees, shimmering the mounting orange gleam within their broadened jaws. 

Forest green projection is made of win strictly constricted Pendoswing's waist, turning it into a belt as the center spot showed the tiny sun-orange construct of a planet. Glistening silver dazzling gloves sleeved the Figure's hands and skin-tight amber boots securely covered his feet.

The arrival of Pendoswing's true form convinced Viscable from the balcony to heave his wary frown at his presence, dampening the sweat throughout his neck. He also reluctantly placed one of his knuckles that trembled on the back, luring Casmine to giggle giddily before she muted it by coughing

"You seem shocked to see Gilbron reveal his true form in your arena?" Casmine teased, tilting her head at The Ace Duelist. "And what do you think by looking at him, Mighty Viscable?"

Viscable lifted his neck and replied, "I hate to say this. My current power is still out of his league."

"Even though I only saw him from afar, I can sense the overwhelming strength he possessed," The Ace Duelist muttered, grunting. 

Casmine puffed and assured, "Don't worry, you shall see some of Gilbron's marvelous power with your naked eye."
