One Finger Incineration

Pendoswing locked his fascinated stare to his foe who could only frigidly bite his lips, giggling in exhilaration. He slowly hovered forward to look closer at his agitated foe, pinching the pendulum necklace illuminating the bright amber aura through its reflective surface. 

The tiny planet construct on The Tall Figure's waist emitted an orange flash that flew upward shortly and touched the pendulum necklace. A radiating reaction occurred as the yellow and orange beams shimmered within the necklace, encouraging Pendoswing to grip as tight as possible.

"You know this battle is so exciting that I couldn't defeat you in my base form," Pendoswing stated relaxedly, surging the storming energy throughout his back and gusting the massive gale that pushed The Shadowy Fighter sluggishly.

Pendoswing giggled and praised gladly, "You truly lived up to the name Nightmare of Anthonian. 

"If I stayed using my human for, I would have lost the fight with your amazing power nullifier technique," Pendoswing confessed, lowering his feet to step on the ground and pulling out the pendulum necklace.

Pendoswing brazenly pointed his chest and spoke in a chilling demeanor, "Now it's my turn to shine."

The Tall Figure flickered the cyan gleams within his eyes and persuaded him to hoist the pendulum necklace. A soothing sound of feminine chirping echoed through the necklace as Pendoswing stomped the ground below, evoking a spacious earthquake as the arena ground shook.

Even the impact of Pendoswing's pounding foot carved a large cracking line on Sparror's statue's leg. The crack even severed the connection of the statue's leg with its towering body, plummeting it to the ground below, awakening a brief shockwave covering half of the arena.

"Pendulum Necklace, it's time to initiate the swing of fate!!" The Tall Figure declared, shimmering the spinning flashes that spread across Don Golzulin, forcing him to close his eyes in anxiousness.

Pendoswing lowered the necklace and held its rope the longer, fixating his stare at Don Golzulin, who fell into his mercy. Afterward, The Tall Figure channeled the rapid-blowing cyan energy on his palm and shoved it closer to the necklace. The pendulum crystal's reflective surface speedily absorbed the energy until it brightly radiated a light like a bright star in the midnight sky.

Glancing at the sighting of the pendulum necklace glimmering its flashes, Don Golzulin swallowed a large gulp of saliva and got up his tremoring body into a steady standing position. In a heated desperation, The Shadowy Fighter rushed to his tall enemy and unbridled the sleeving shadow on his back.

'The Nightmare is so persistent barge forward, trying to prevent his opponent from unleashing the full power,' Pendoswing thought, heaving his thumb and folding it with one of his fingers.

Pendoswing sighed and affirmed, "Swing of Fate release!!"

The Tall Figure snapped his fingers and beckoned A spacious navy blue and silver wave bloomed on every side of the arena. Its expansion speed was even faster than the light as The Shadowy Fighter's enhanced senses couldn't trigger the wave, unknowingly stopping his motions within Pendoswing's eyes.

Even The Succubus Twin was touched by the wave, paralyzing their body in a time-frozen state. The dark flame scorched instantaneously and erupted within The Ace Duelist's beating heart as he caught the wave, folding his entire body. However, the effort to avoid the wave was no longer reachable as he abruptly couldn't feel any motion within his limb

The Ace Duelist felt the flow of time completely stop as he witnessed the wind, air, and particles on his back frozenly pause their movement. Unlike The Succubus Twin, his consciousness remained active within the time stop especially with the flames shelving his heart went brighter.

He even gasped in bewilderment as the floating white sun-like object hovered in the middle of the arena. Viscable gasped especially when the object amplified its size into wide as the sky faster than a second. Worse no reaction from the surroundings was triggered by the rapid growth of the object.

'This is not a simple time stop,' The Ace Duelist mumbled in distress. 

'He wrapped the entire reality without difficulty,' The Ace Duelist added. 'I could only just because of The Calamity Heart.'

As The Ace Duelist remained immobilized, Pendoswing swiveled the pendulum crystal to the left and shimmered the flourishing white aura. More specifically, the crystal automatically swung from left to right as The Tall Entity steadily rolled the necklace, marking his exhilarated gaze to the orange number projection above.

The pendulum crystal accomplished the left-to-right swing when it paused on the center, shifting the number projection into 1. The crystal swing commenced the second round to the left as it still held the shining white aura through its surface, intriguing Pendoswing to dart his sight downward to await the spectacular result.

Afterward, the pendulum crystal fluently flowed to the right, reducing the brightness of the aura within its reflective surface. Eventually, the pendulum crystal swung to the middle, initiating the end of the swing as the bright white aura dwindled without leaving any physical remains. 

The floating number projection in the center fluently rolls into 2, provoking Pendoswing to raise his watchful glance upward. Marking his eager sight at the number two above, The Tall Entity returned the necklace to softly tangle his neck and draw his hand precisely toward the sun-like object above.

"Wow, I didn't expect I would draw the weakest roll from the pendulum necklace," The Tall Figure uttered in surprise. "One Finger Incineration."

Pendoswing sighed in relief. "Regardless, I'm still thrilled to test this one on The Nightmare himself."

"Swing of Fate, it's time for the One Finger Incineration to take the main spotlight," Pendoswing chanted.

His command evoked the descending ivory beam from the sun-like object when it revolved to the right. Pendoswing concisely gripped the beam with his left clenched fist, forcibly morphing into the bubbly orb freeing the clean white dazzle flowing into the course of his veins.

Then, the bubbly orb morphed into the wild blazes tangled through Pendoswing's pinky finger. The Tall Figure leniently turned his empowered finger to the center, pinning at The Shadowy Fighter who was still trapped in the same position within the warped time stop's flow. 

"Alright, let the flow of fate and time move again," Pendoswing commanded, nodding his head.

The white sun object and the encroaching wave miraculously disseminated, resuming the flow of time gain. Hence, The Shadowy Fighter regained the sense of motion and belonging to the time stream as he hastily ran to Pendoswing, spinning his body until he cloaked himself with the human-size tornado of shadow.

Without caution's sense, Pendoswing impelled his pinky finger onto the tornado and liberated the vortex-yellowish wave. The thundering wave imminently vaporized the folding shadow tornado into ashes. It also confined Don Golzulin into its electrocuting inside, blaring the high-pitched howl of agony.

On the balcony, The Succubus Twin could grasp the flow of time as they panted a breezy air. Casmine raised her surprised eyebrows at the fighting of Pendoswing's held the yellowish wave, signaling her to jeer toward The Ace Duelist who grunted in frustration at the view below.

"Mighty Viscable, can you teleport us away from this dimension?" Casmine asked politely, peeking at the vortex wave rising further.

"Because Gilbron's One Finger Incineration will destroy your entire pocket dimension easily?" Casmine explained.

The Ace Duelist gasped in shock and mumbled, "What?"

"Oh yeah, I just remembered it," Lorina joined the conversation, scratching the back of her head. "Even though it's the weakest option from Swing of Fate, it still has an incredible destructive capability too."

"To be fair, we rarely see him using right, Casmine?" Lorina asked, wincing in a little bit of worriedness before she gawked at The Ace Duelist grunting in despair.

Casmine closed her eyes hesitantly, "Indeed."

"Let me ask you once again, Mighty Viscable, can you teleport us away?" The Supermodel Succubus repeated the question, gently caressing Viscable's shoulder and expressing her alluring smirk.

The Ace Duelist shook his head and murmured, "Sure, I can do it for you two, Succubus Twin."

Viscable darted toward his black watch and hastily pressed the portal icon, bestrewing the bluish particles tangling on his wrist. Having the particles wrapping him, The Ace Duelist swung his hand to the right, evoking the hundred blue particles from below to encircle Casmine and Lorina.

A glimmering circle portal emerged beneath The Succubus Twin after Viscable booted the balcony's ground. Casmine gave a thankful nod that fueled The Ace Duelist to irritatedly shake his head and switch his focus to the thundering wave breaking free the mountainous lightning strike from the depth of the ground.

"So you chose to stay here like a suicidal maniac, aren't you, Prideful Jerk?" Lorina sneered, pointing her finger at The Ace Duelist.

Viscable coughed and countered, "I believed I could survive his attack."

"Simple enough, I'm interested to see my armor survival capability rather than being a coward weakling such as you, Glutton Brat," The Ace Duelist taunted in a chilling tone, bursting a satisfied giggle.

Lorina grumbled, "Okay, you persistently insulting me, asshole."

"If you want to fight me after we leave Parallel Freedom, go ahead," The Ace Duelist responded harshly, prolonging his jiggle. "I bet that disappointing fight will end in less than one minute as your current power is miles weaker than mine."

"Unless you have a pathetic death wish, then I shall commence it. Trust me, you can be a good lab rat," Viscable added, crossing his hand haughtily as the Glutton Succubus impatiently gritted her teeth.

Casmine poked her twin sister on the chest and sternly scolded The Ace Duelist, "Knock it off, Mighty Viscable."

"Arguing with my sister is a waste of your time," Casmine muttered, forcing The Glutton Succubus to puff and rotate her incited sight away from The Ace Duelist. "So please just ignore her."

Casmine sighed and proposed a question, "Let's move on, are we going to be teleported into the same place as the last time we met?"

"Correct, Supermodel Succubus," The Ace Duelist affirmed, persuading Casmine to whistle and tap her chin. "I already set the destination of your respawn spot with my bear mine."

"Then, good luck on surviving Gilbron's attack, Mighty Viscable,' Casmine remarked cheerfully.

The Succubus Twin were instantly dragged into the depths of the portal as more lightning bolts freed from the right side of the arena. After the girls were transported away from the pocket dimension, The Ace Duelist moved forward and scanned at Pendoswing who rotated his neck like an owl. He even maintained holding Don Golzulin's hostage inside the wave, raising the volume of his dreaded scream.

Another mountainous lightning bolt rose from the ground on the left and zapped onto the barrier. The bolt fractured the tiny part of the barrier like a stone being thrown into glasses, beckoning The Ace Duelist to change his observative glance in its direction and humming in emancipation.

"You are interested in withstanding the One Finger Incineration's power, Mighty Viscable," Pendoswing uttered enthusiastically as he briefly pinned his watchful stare at The Ace Duelist, plunging his pinky finger deeper into The Shaodwy Fighter who roared a high-pitched bleat of distress.

"Alright then, I shall commence the finger's full power. Especially for fulfilling your request," Pendoswing added, glowing the partying sparks within his eyes. "I hope this fight can give an useful information, my future rival."

Although Don Golzulin resumed to bleat in intense pain, he frantically glowered and struggled to shake his electrocuted body, watching the empowered finger softly tap his chest. The thundering wave effortlessly vaporized every shadowy aura discharged either on The Shadowy Figther's arms or legs.

My shadow magic is meaningless against his cosmic-powered finger? The Shadowy Fighter mumbled in disbelief.

Then, I'm truly lost in this fight. Don Golzulin closed his eyes in solemn. Forgive me, Galerior, for failing to avenge you.

And I'm highly disappointed with myself too. I shouldn't let myself be put into slumber for 10 years in Anthonian battle against the bastard Sirgion and the rest of Triumph Maker's army. The Shadowy Fighter puked out a couple of drops of blood when Pendoswing's pinky fingers pressed his chest. 

Bec-because now I'm a literal ant compared to this….to this YOUNG MAN's ultimate cosmic power!!