Picking A Cosmic Being As A Main Rival

Pendoswing tumbled the bolting finger deeper, amplifying the thundering wave's size until it reached the top of the arena barrier. A distorted howl of tormented pain bleated from The Shadowy Figther's sore throat, enduring the pain similar to being electrocuted by a thousand bolts as his skin began to evaporate in smoke.

The mountainous wave flexibly expanded and encroached on the entire duel arena, decimating the ground, the statues, and the barrier faster than the speed of light as the remains vanished. Even Viscable who was still standing on the balcony was caught by the vortex wave, roaring a mangling scream

It also evoked The Ace Duelist's armor to glimmer the sleeving magenta particles throughout its surface. Viscable hastily heaved his blocking arms in front of his face the longer he encountered the vortex wave, loudening his sore scream. Although he captured a crystal clear glimpse of the balcony dissolved by the thundering touch, The Ace Duelist persistently raised his head, enlightening the magenta particles on his entire body.

 I'm eager to see if it can withstand this finger that has a great potential to destroy even a star.

The Ace Duelist peeked at the sky view, fully corrupted by the vortex wave. He precisely gained the sighting of wide concrete lines after tilting his neck to the left, gushing out a perturbed air from lingering this lung. Out-loud delightful laughter freed from Viscable, embracing the neverending electrocution.

The vortex wave fully consumed the entire Parallel Freedom, volatilizing everything within the area, such as the sky and ground which ceased to exist. The vast expansion of the wave even deleted the pocket dimension's existence, especially when sudden white particles surfaced, slightly opening the glimpse of the beach area.

Eventually, the abrasive detonated into the surging explosion wave, confirming Parallel Freedom's destruction. Viscable drowning in the depth of the explosion, he relaxedly rested his blocking arm and watched his magenta particles still intact on his armor, pouring the look of contentment on his face.

Impressive I could survive this despite The Parallel Freedom being destroyed. The pocket dimension with the same mass as a dwarf star.

After this, I should advance more of my preparation. The Ace Duelist , soothingly closed his eyes and bowed his head.



Meanwhile, the Succubus Twin waited for the arrival of their friend in front of the abandoned factory as they scanned the ground below. One of the twins, Lorina, grew impatient by repeatedly stepping on the ground and shakily glared at her sister, who maintained her composure. 

"You grew impatient on waiting Gilbron's return, didn't you?" Casmine teased, jeering at her twin sister.

Lorina rolled her eyes and muttered, "Isn't it obvious?"

"I haven't eaten lunch ever since you asked to accompany Gilbron," Lorina grunted, rubbing her hungry stomach.

"You only care about eating," Casmine spoke irritatedly, glancing at the grasses beside her left foot and smirking.

Casmine gleefully giggled and taunted, "How about you eat those grass instead? I bet it can satisfy your hunger."

"Oh, I'm not a goddamn sheep, cheap Supermodel!" Lorina yelled, boiling an annoyed eyebrow. "I prefer eating skinny old people than grass that didn't even have any good nutrition."

Casmine guffawed, "Always complaining because your personal need couldn't be satisfied, no wonder you never get any lover."

"Because you ate them literally!" The Supermodel Succubus accused, shaking her head and glancing at her sister, who darted her enraged eyes. 

"I remembered that you ate Ash for the sake of never bringing you to a buffet restaurant," Casmine mocked.

"To be fair, he was an annoying nerd boy who wasted his life playing games, collecting stupid holographic statues, and the worst one tryhard to be a philosophical maniac," Lorina clarified, feeling her stomach loudly growling. "No wonder I prefer to feast him like a good snack."

Lorina shrugged it off and argued, "At least, I didn't drain the life force of a perverted old man who is, coincidentally, a Nightmare of Anthonian's close friend!"

The argument between The Succubus Twin was suddenly interrupted by the white particles gusted upon them. They wiped out their irritated looks and replaced them with firm furrows, raising their sight after they captured the blurry glimpse of the armored man's silhouette.

The gathered white particles imminently vomited the armored man harshly to the ground, blowing a bunch of smoke throughout his armor. The Succubus Twins took a few steps closer and widened their bewildered frowns at the man, revealing himself as The Mighty Viscable who heavily puffed an air and rolled his body to the left.

A concerned expression splashed onto Casmine's face, especially when she pinched the below part of her lip, focusing on The Ace Duelist who got up his tremoring legs. Viscable stomped his steaming feet deeply to the ground, gaining a well-balanced standing before he stared toward The Succubus Twin.

"What happened to him there, Mighty Viscable?" Casmine asked worriedly, closing her shivering lip.

Viscable steered his sight to the back briefly and replied, "The Annoying Cosmic Being will be back here even though he destroyed my pocket dimension."

"Wait, wait, wait, how?" Lorina asked, heaving her bemused eyebrows and scratching her head. "I don't even understand a bit about your goddamn pocket dimension."

"Unless your reasoning is just fricking work, I'm buying it," Lorina sneered, pushing The Ace Duelist to chirp in bitter disappointment.

The Ace Duelist burst a giggle and mocked, "Since your brain is as small as a ragworm, no wonder you are so confused and love to complain a lot."

"I guess being a gluttonous monster makes your brain dumber," Viscable uttered.

"Alright, alright…" Lorina paused her sentence when her twin sister poked her chest and glowered at her.

 "Okay, okay please explain…it to us, Mighty Viscable," Lorina forcibly spoke in a polite demeanor, .

"Simple, when The Parallel Freedom was about to destroy, I already set the coordinate to its spawning place in here," The Ace Duelist explained. "Precisely, I set this landing place ever since I transported you two here."

"Even The Annoying Cosmic Being alongside his unfortunate foe will return here toom; The Ace Duelist added, rotating his sight behind and grasping the view of the white particles extending upward.

The Ace Duelist and The Succubus Twins fixated their stare on the gathering particles that abruptly faded out from their naked eyes. From the dispersing remains of the particle, Pendoswing's sighting showed up in a poised standing position, elevating his finger that diminished the tangling bolt.

Beneath The Tall Figure's foot, his opponent, Don Golzulin, was found lying on the grasses in an unconscious state, freezing a distraught expression. Even though his entire body was engulfed by the thickened smoke and molten burnt marks, The Shadowy Fighter still exhaled a hefty breath.

A gladful look clouded Casmine's face after clearly witnessing their close friend's fresh arrival and Lorina sighed in relaxation. However, The Ace Duelist headed closer to Pendoswing and emitted the magenta particles through his palm that continued to evaporate smoke, 

The Tall Figure clapped his hand and praised, "Impressive. The Nightmare of Anthonian survived this."

"Despite being frightened by my true power, I'm truly impressed Don Golzulin still has the guts and desire to live," Pendoswing stated, pinching his chin in fascination. 

"It concluded either Nightmare of Anthonian had a strong durability or I wasn't hard enough," The Tall Figure assumed, gawking his sight to the back and noticing Viscable paused his approaching steps.

As Pendoswing centered his interested eyes on The Ace Duelist, a hunger sensation consumed Lorina's thoughts as an amethyst aura covered her entire back. A craving expression broadly clouded The Glutton Succubus when she pinned her sight toward the unconscious Don Golzulin.

Casmine promptly tackled her twin sister on the jaw with her knuckle embedding the white aura. It forced The Glutton Succubus to move backward and shut her aura, forming a pouting expression. Nonetheless, Casmine shook her head in bother and pressed Lorina's left shoulder.

"I understood you wanted to devour Don Golzulin, but now, please," Casmine insisted, frowning at The Ace Duelist, who hushedly placed one of his hands below the damaged triangular backpack.

"I'm afraid The Mighty Viscable will have no hesitation to fatally wound you, sister," Casmine informed her sister, pursuing her to close her eyes and hesitantly moving her shaking feet back. 

Casmine grunted and admitted, "And I hate to say this. Both of us combined is not enough to defeat him."

"Sorry. I'm so sorry, Wannabe…Supermodel," The Glutton Succubus let out an apology, bending her neck. 

"I got carried away….by my hunger to the point I….forgot the situation here," Lorina explained.

At last, The Glutton Succubus squeezed the lower part of her stomach, barricading her craving hunger from consuming her again. Viscable puffed a relieved air after sensing no interruption from the back would come to him, persuading him to center his observative glare on The Tall Entity.

"So The Nightmare of Anthonian still survives your thundering attacks?" The Ace Duelist asked eagerly.

Pendoswing giggled, "Very much yes."

"Are you going to return him to prison, Migthy Viscable," Pendoswing blurted out a question.

"If I were you, I prefer to let him roam in this world," The Tall Entity suggested, drawing his open palm. "I'm curious to see if he pushes his power nullifier potential harder." 

The Ace Duelist chuckled, "Then our answer is the same."

"The only different thing is he will be put into my list as the most desired opponent," Viscable uttered affirmatively, wrapping his shaking knuckle and glowing the magenta rays within his eyes.

"Fair point," The Tall Entity agreed with Viscable's statement, slightly hovering closer to his future rival. "Should we leave The Nightmare of Anthonian here?"

Viscable giggled and crossed his arms, "As long as one of your Succubus Twin didn't try to eat him, then leave him be."

"Let's move on to a more interesting topic," Pendoswing uttered in deep excitement, centering his stare toward The Ace Duelist and lowering his floating foot until he smoothly landed on the ground.

"What do you think about my combat performance, Mighty Viscable?" Pendoswing asked pleasantly

"Pardon me, you may answer this question as honestly as possible, please," The Tall Entity insisted.

A quivering fear snowed into The Ace Duelist's thought, shuddering his arms when Pendoswing continued to interrogate him. Even though The Tall Entity diminished the aura, he hesitantly whimpered in dread the longer pressing his sharpened stare, dampening the flood of sweat on his neck.

Afterward, Viscable constantly coughed, placing the brief relaxation in his arms as they no longer trembled. The Ace Duelist also gritted and closed his eyes temporarily, pursuing Pendoswing to step back. He rested his crossed arms beside his tight before raising his neck, willing to respond to the annoying cosmic being's question.

"If I'm being honest, I'm currently still like a thousand times weaker than you, Annoying Cosmic Being," The Ace Duelist admitted. 

"Facing you right now will be a complete suicide for me," Viscable mumbled uneasily. 

"Interesting. Interesting answer, Migthy Viscable" Pendoswing remarked, humming in amazement. 

The Ace Duelist forcibly giggled and professed. "It seemed you were even stronger than the time the current Triumph Makers faced you."

"Oh well, thank you for your compliment," Pendoswing spoke thankfully, humbly nodding at The Ace Duelist.

Viscable coughed and stated, "Also, I have another thing to discuss with you, Annoying Cosmic being."

"Since we are going to meet often, how about you ask The Supermodel Succubus to free more poor criminals?" The Ace Duelist proposed his idea assertively. "Precisely, treated them as a temporary distraction for the Triumph Makers."

"You meant picking supervillains who have a strong vendetta or grudged against The Triumph Maker members?' Pendoswing guessed joyfully, especially when he raised his contorted pitch.

"Correct," The Ace Duelist confirmed, revolving his stare at Casmine, who expressed her shocked ogle. 

"Having a lot of distraction can strengthen our preparation," The Ace Duelist spoke, shaking his clenched knuckle. "Those heroes, even The Trophy Girl, will have no hesitation to intercept and ruin our duel to the death."

"That's the reason I switched my rival from Triumph Maker to you," Pendoswing exclaimed, blowing a bothersome air. "Facing an opponent who persistently pushes his limit to the fullest is truly the best choice."

"I strongly believe you are the perfect candidate," The Face Entity claimed, gusting the blistering wind onto Viscable. 

"Even though you are now playing hero, I can sense deep down you only wanted to accomplish your goal rather than saving the world or stopping the threat, Mighty Viscable!" Pendoswing uttered confidently, convincing The Ace Duelist to snicker pridefully and tap his chest.

"And defeating you will be a stepping stone for me to continue my life goal," The Ace Duelist countered boldly.

A thousand magenta particles unshackled from the rusted triangular backpack when Viscable squeezed his chest. Pendoswing stretched his arms and heaved his eyes that radiated the blitzing flares, engrossing his thought with the desire to challenge The Ace Duelist at his peak potential.
