Picking New Criminal To Play

Early Night sky finally rose throughout Teldrium's sky, blowing a spacious chilling gale through the busy streets. More specifically, several citizens pinned their concerned stares at the news screen being projected on several places such as the reflective news buildings, train stations, nearby electronic stores, terminals, and even in the floating holographic screen inside public transport like trains.

It currently displayed a picture of Don Gonzulin's glare on every screen in Teldrium's area. A thick news headline declared the title, "The Nightmare of Anthonian has been freed by a mysterious person and Brought Terror to Teldrium." Gazing at the title haunted most citizens such as two young women who were waiting at the underground station.

"I don't believe this freak who had been sealed for 10 years escaped," The Short-Haired Woman mumbled in fear.

"I thought work was already bad enough alongside The dreadful Venom raid. Now we have this!" The Blond-Long Hair woman uttered, planting her palm on her face and shaking her head as she captured the deep male voice who narrated the news. 

"Oh my god!! Oh my God!!" She repeatedly muttered in awed.

The short-haired woman frigidly bit her lip, "We might have Triumph Makers on our side, but still I'm afraid they are not enough to stop this constant Supervillain's prison break."

Then, the news video transitioned into a clip of the black-haired old man with a tidy brown suit and black ties standing in front of the circular, bluish table. Furthermore, the old man presented his sorrowful face, gaining the courage to spread the petrifying news to the citizens.

"As for now, there is no clear evidence of the one who freed The Nightmare of Anthonian from his supposedly unbreakable prison," The Old Man said in bitterness. "And worse, he hasn't been captured again." 

"We could only hope the current Triumph Makers are strong enough to defeat and seal this frightening monster to his prison again," The Old Man said hesitantly, pouring the shivering sweat on his neck. 

"We indeed didn't want him to repeat the same incident happen again in Anthonian," He added.

The distressed news was also broadcast on the TV screen inside the hotel room where Casmine and Gilbron were resting. Concisely, Gilbron returned to his human and hushedly sat on the bed, while The Supermodel Succubus recently placed glittering cherry-red lipstick on the holographic circular table beside the bed.

"I'm impressed those Teldrium's citizens are more frightened of Don Golzulin than you. It goes to show the infamous incident still left a mark on them," Casmine stated in a little bit of disbelief, heaving her eyes as she fixated on The Young Man.

"Even though you defeated him without difficulty," Casmine added, jumping to the bed and sliding closer to The Young Man.

No response showed from The Young Man as he closed his eyes in tranquility and held his opened palms on the top of his knee, driving Casmine to tilt her head to the left and glimpse an orange flow of energy on his neck. The Supermodel Succubus immediately caressed him on the neck, convincing Gilbron to open his eyes and gas, reducing the orange energy into nothingness.

"Going to The Astral Training again, aren't you, Gilbron?" Casmine asked, moving her hand to stroke The Young Man's neck.

Gilbron sheepishly smirked and gently held The Supermodel's Succubus hand before he stared at the screen. The Young Man giggled delightfully the longer observing the news revealing another picture of Don Golzulin invading the heroes' museum, rotating his excited glance toward Casmine.

"Of course, yes. That's how I become stronger," Gilbron affirmed, exhaling the hefty air as he continued. "Luckily, those Teldrium citizens haven't realized that we are the ones who set all of this."

Casmine gleefully tittered, "That's a great thing for now."

"Eventually, Prila and the rest of Triumph Makers will find out," The Supermodel Succubus assumed.

"I'm ready to face them again if that happens. So you don't have to worry about them, Casmine especially that we have the instant contingency," Gilbron assured, luring The Supermodel Succubus to paint her impressed stare and kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm so relieved to hear it from you," Casmine professed gladly, wrapping The Young Man's neck and raising her eyebrows after she grasped another reminder. 

"Anyway can we discuss which villain you want to pick this time for the distraction?" The Supermodel Succubus proposed.

Gilbron rubbed his chin and hummed, "Why not, Casmine."

"I'm interested in picking which villains suitable to put a good fight for each Triumph Makers member," The Young Man spoke proudly, convincing Casmine to raise her surprised eyebrows.

Casmine cleared her throat and stated confidently, "How about a villain who has a personal vendetta against them?"

"Great idea!!" The Young Man praised, snapping his fingers and broadening his exhilarated smirk.

The Supermodel Succubus got up from the bed and went to the holographic azure tablet on the floating table near the window. As she grabbed the tablet, Casmine swiftly stroked her cherry lip and placed her finger that was shelved by the violet ray on the glassy screen's center. She rotated the tablet's screen to the left, evoking the brimming violet flashes in the center.

It morphed the tablet color into a smoky lavender, intriguing The Young Man by lifting his fascinated stare. Casmine noticed her close mate's interest, persuading her to hop on the bed beside him and drawing the table to the center, revealing the pale-white icon of the horned devil that exposed its sinister grin.

"Interesting, you still have access to El-Vilandos's Checker. A magic that showed the current status of the Supervillains and it can be accessed by just tapping the screen," The Young Man spoke avidly, snickering. "Quite bizarre and unique at the same time."

The Supermodel Succubus displayed her gratified expression and replied, "It's the benefit of draining Galerior Tremelio."

"I can gain some of his magic power too such as this one" Casmine asserted, pressing the devil icon. "Although I didn't get his enhanced strength and his dimensional sword, I think it's enough for me."

The demon icon would quickly vanish and be substituted by the cloudy-like white long bar with a magnifying glass icon below. The Young Man rubbed his chin before he ensnared the orange aura within his eyes and pointed his finger upward, gaining a suitable idea for him to share.

"So, do you have a perfect idea for the first candidate, Gilbron?" Casmine asked curiously, tilting her head closer to meet The Young Man's bold look.

"Judging from your look, it seems you already had one in mind," The Supermodel Succubus teased.

Gilbron snapped his fingers and said, "How about the villains with a strong grudge against Prila."

"Very, very good idea!!" Casmine agreed pleasantly, broadening her grin and pressing the bar on the screen.

Casmine panted and initiated a firm command, "El-Vilandos Checker unveils the true status of Prila's most dangerous nemesis."

The tablet screen immediately sprawled the pinkish branching lines after The Supermodel Succubus retrieved her hand. Casmine and Gilbron set their gazes at the branching lines, which constricted into one another until they shimmered a glossed white flash through the screen.

At last, the flash disseminated from the screen and unfolded its result in the form of three close-up photos of the infamous criminals caged inside the black border frames. The left frame showed the photo of a silk-white woman with curly long maroon hair joyfully smiling, while the middle one presented a photo of the dark-skinned, short hair woman with a tight green suit and green glasses, The right frame also displayed the photo of a gray scaly skin burly man furiously stared at the front.

Each of the villains' pictures held the borders with a variety of colors below. The borders themselves bestowed the list of names and the status such as the left picture hanging the green border with the name, "Amalia Galastar" and the status: "Free" As for the middle and right picture, they conveyed their status as "Trapped in Jail" with another extra pack of letters on below

The black-haired woman's picture with the name, "High Reacher" shared her current whereabouts or jail, "Fricioz Burnish For Scum and Viles People". The scaly man picture that popped up the name, "Martatoriot-Ox", revealed his deservedly prison, "North Rikiel Prison."

"Based on the result of this screen, Amalia Galastar is still roaming around here. So I have to pick either of these two," The Young Man spoke, scanning his sight at High Reacher and Martatoriot-Ox pictures."

Casmine puffed, "If I were you, I'd most likely choose Martatoriot-OX instead of High Reacher."

"Why him, Casmine?" Gilbron asked and explained his argument, "I heard High Reacher possess strong enough to destroy multiple continents with her calamitous kick."

"With this kind of feat, I think she is much more a suitable candidate compared to Martatoriot-OX," The Young Man added, triggering Casmine to shake her head in bothersome.

Casmine rolled her eyes and countered, "Yet, High Reacher often gets an embarrassing defeat by Prila or even outsmarted a lot of time by Scrap Devil."

"I got that crucial information when I drained some of Scrap Devil's life force last time we encountered the Triumph Makers," The Supermodel Succubus said, pinning her sight at Martatoriot-OX's picture.

"Since we need a competent and threatening villain to face Prila, Martatoriot-OX is an absolutely perfect choice for me," Casmine remarked. "Because he is a Amalia Galastar's loyal servant.

"Martatoriot-OX is well known to disrupt other heroes powers and he is also a competent fighter too," The Supermodel Succubus mentioned. 

Gilbron smiled and nodded, "Sounds interesting idea, Casmine"

"Martatoriot-OX and Amalia Galastar once used their deadly combined tactic to put Prila in a dire situation even though it failed sadly," The Young Man proclaimed, dropping his thrilled jaw.

"Alright then, let's put him on the list," Casmine said, tapping the Martatoriot-OX picture and wiping out the other two.

After the two pictures ceased, the Martatoriot-OX picture was vacuumed into the purple box icon on the corner left. The Supermodel Succubus swiped the screen to the right, returning the search bar on the screen as they were ready to discover more menacing villains for the next candidate.

"Ready to spend our night picking more Triumph Maker's nemesis?" Casmine asked sedately.

"Yes, Casmine," The Young Man affirmed, shining the orange aura on the back of his head. "And I have already found the next fascinating candidate."
