Han Jiho's ordinary life spirals into chaos when he awakens in the "Land of Trials," a mysterious realm shrouded in darkness. Bound by a cursed black ring he cannot remove, Jiho encounters cryptic doors, deadly hellhounds, and other spirits struggling to survive in this world fueled by Dark Energy.
As he grapples with the shocking revelation that this realm bridges life and death, Jiho learns of a fleeting chance to return to the living world through elusive doors that shift and vanish over time. However, the cost of failure is steep—spirits who linger too long risk losing their identities, succumbing to Dark Energy, and transforming into malevolent entities.
While struggling to decipher his connection to this world, Jiho crosses paths with a ragtag group of survivors. Together, they confront haunting mysteries, dangerous trials, and the grim reality of their fading existence. With his memories, humanity, and very soul at stake, Jiho must find a way to outwit the trials of the afterlife before time runs out.
Is it truly possible to return to the world he once called home, or ?