
chapter 6

Ian's POV

The adrenaline rush hit me as soon as I woke up. I carefully removed strands of red hair from my face and sat down looking at everything and nothing at the same time .

Today was a full moon . The lust, the anger , the pain. I turned to see the Princess sleeping soundly resting her head on the make shift clothe at the other end of the cabin.

She didn't deserve this and most definitely didn't deserve to see me change either. My thoughts drifted to what I said yesterday.

"I'll be any race you want Princess." and laughed softly.

If May heard this, I sure would have been getting an earful by now. Stepping outside, it was mid day already. But the forest was still as quiet as night time apart from the occasional voices of birds chirping.

The leaves of the trees churning with the wind like the feel of eminent danger. The supplies I hurriedly grabbed before the palace was running short and it would be difficult getting them in the evening.

Looking behind, at the cabin, I decided to leave to grab somethings before the Princess awoke. Grabbing a basket, I remember hearing the gushes of water yesterday, probably a spring or a little river.

Following the sound of the water, I stopped occasionally to pluck some wild berries and herbs. After a while of walking, a clear shallow stream appeared before my sight.

"A little swim won't hurt." I thought as I removed my clothes, carefully folding and placing them behind the nearby tree.

Stepping into the water, I could see the nearby fishes scampering away from where I stood. Funny that this actually seemed cute especially since some were going to get cooked soon.

Stepping further into to water, I dove in as I swam several laps till my muscles began to ache. Coming out of the water, I noticed that evening was soon approaching and so got to start fishing before leaving for the cabin.

My fishing expedition was a success maybe partly due to the fact that I was an apex predator in the first place. I looked at the sky , the moon would be out in about 2 hours . I grabbed the basket and headed back to the cabin .

I opened the squeaky cabin door, it giving me a tired grunt in return.

Mr Hale, a voice shouted from inside.

"Mr Hale", i repeated in my head and chuckled. This Princess gets funnier by the day .

"Please call me Ian." I said placing the basket on the wooden table. She pressed her lips together as if in thought.

"Then you have to call me Nyx." She said finally.

"What ever you say...Princess." I replied grinning.

She rolled her eyes to me at which point I laughed. I began making dinner to which she wanted to help but I refused insisting it was just a simple dinner.

We sat down, eating our fish soup in silence. It was almost close to the full moon blazing in the night sky and I had to head out. I turned to her.

"I need to go somewhere, it's very urgent but I'll be back in the morning." I began.

She looked at me her eyes wanting to protest but she remained silent.

"Stay indoors" I continued," ... and hide. But if push comes to shove, you run and I promise I'll find you where ever you are." I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

" Take this." I added giving her a knife the Hales used for training. With all that said I stood up ready to leave.

Taking a step, I felt a hand tugg at mine.

"Be careful Ian." She said not breaking eye contact with me.

"You too...Nyx." I replied with a slight nod before stepping out.

The wind was cold outside, I started with a jog and soon broke into a full sprint. The leaves parted reacting to my speed. The hairs in my body were tingling, a rush hitting me by the second, but it wasn't calm and soothing, it was exhilarating.

I beared my already protruding fangs, claws digging into the ground cutting through like butter. Grunting in pain, I felt my muscles break down and bulge simultaneously and fur replacing the hairs on my body.

Slowly slowly, the feeling of being human was replaced, golden eyes blazing, as it scanned through the thick darkness encasing the forest.