
Chapter 7

Nyx's POV

Waking up from my afternoon nap and not seeing Mr Hale really gave me a big fright. After minutes of searching and not seeing even a shadow, I stopped and calmed myself with the thought that he probably won't leave me in the forest as it was his duty to guard me.

...But then again, thinking back to the fact that the person I've lived with for past sixteen years of my life was able to do something as vile as attempting to harm the royal family.....no, her family, I wonder who else on this earth is actually worth trusting.

Choosing to trust my gut feeling, I walked towards the back yard where I had seen a drum of water while searching for__

Using his absence to my advantage, I fetched some water from the drum with the bucket I had found for a quick bath. I reeked of sweat and heaven knows what. I wonder if I had stunk like this when Mr Hale was here.

Looking down at the heavy clothe I had on, I began my journey removing and untying every single rope and whatever could be found on my dress. Whoever thought of the idea of corset must have had a lot of insecurities and free time also.

After successfully removing the dress, I neatly folded it, not like it wasn't already dirty. At the back of the cabin, I found a hidden corner where I had my bath. With only one available under garment, I washed it and after a lot of squeezing and trying to remove the water from it, I finally walked into the cabin with a cold but somewhat dry under garment on.

This cabin seemed like it had once been inhabited, "well of course why else would someone construct such structure" I mentally eye rolled.

I walked in front of the somewhat dressing table, dusty with lots of broken shards from what I believe was a mirror. Using the biggest piece from the mirror, I looked at my appearance; amber eyes looking back at me.

I really was a mess, my dark curly locks were in a state of disorder and I had to use my fingers as a make shift comb. Chapped lips, puffy eyes, I sure was an embodiment of__

I walked towards the wooden bed where I had placed my dress. I didn't know what do with it but for one thing, I was sure it wasn't practical in this current situation.

Looking around for something sharp and my eyes landed on the mirror shards. With a gleam in my eyes, I picked up one and began tearing the dress. Thankfully it was made of lace and easy to cut through.


The sky seemed to be darkening and I began to doubt if Mr Hale had really left me behind. I didn't have to worry too much as he soon appeared in front of the cabin with....a basket?

"Mr Hale." I called out as I moved towards the cabin door.

"Please call me Ian." He said placing the basket on the wooden table. Ian....so that's his name. After a brief thought, I continued.

"Then you have to call me Nyx." I said, earning a brief look of surprise from him.

"What ever you say...Princess." He replied grinning making my eyes twitch in annoyance.

I found out he had gone to get a few ingredients to make dinner and so offered to assist but was rejected. Oh well....

We ate our meal in silence, not like I had the chance to speak cause I was really starving. I didn't even realize that till I started eating. After the meal, Ian cleared the place and I assumed my position on the bed.

"I need to go somewhere, it's very urgent but I'll be back in the morning." He said surprising me. I was a bit reluctant but I guess he still had matters to attend to.

Not wanting to be a spoiled princess, I listened to his instructions to stay indoors as he placed a knife in my hands.

I watched his back disappear from sight after I bid him goodbye. With nothing to do, I had no option because but to retire for the day.


A slight sound at the door roused me from my sleep. The moon shone at it's brightest and with it as a light, I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness.

Taking the knife I had placed underneath the bed, I slowly stood up from the bed, trying not to make a sound as I tiptoed towards the noise.

"Hello Princess."