
Chapter 16

Nyx's POV

The wind slapped across my face as Roshan ran through the forest. I tried keeping my eyes open, trying to take my environment in for the future and now but I just couldn't. His speed was very impressive.

I looked at Ian, he wasn't having as much difficulty as me, I admitted embarrassed. His red hair flew up and down with the wild breeze. I tried to rap my head around the phenomenas I had seen today.

So he really is a werewolf....

Looking at him from this view, he looked so..so human. His white silk shirt had been torn in several places and I couldn't imagine how much pain he must be in.

My thoughts drifted to my father. I wondered if he knew of this. How were they able to keep their identity a secret all this years. And looking at Ian again I wondered, do they all look this...,this handsome...

My thoughts landed on Clove for a split second and I shivered slightly. What if....

"We are here." Roshan said pulling me out of my insane thoughts.

Standing in my own two feet and wobbling for like a second, I turned back as the place came into view.

Wow!!, I heard my self exclaim.

The metallic gate stood tall but was covered with pine trees to mask it's presence. The fence was run with string lights giving it a soft warm glow. Laterns hung on the doors illuminating the stony path. The houses looked all the same though the were not bigger than a shed for obvious reasons, the look like the were crafted by a specialist.

I felt I should be on my guard walking to such a place for the first time but seeing Ian's calm demeanor, I let my curiosity take over touching things here and there.

My eyes sparkled as I imagined the things that were in the city. Growing up I wasn't allowed much contact with outside world and to think that on my first visit I met with actual werewolves and a MYSTERIOUS CITY!

I had a lot to tell Marriane ..

Taking a right turn, stopping Infront of a small building with a red door, Roshan took a bunch of keys from the pocket I didn't know he had.., shriveling one of them into the key hole.

"We'll rest here for the night," he said opening the door.

The door opened to what looked like a better version of the cabin. The walls and floors were made of wood and turning a switch, laterns soon glowed adding to the antique of the room.

Roshan walked into what looked like the only room and shortly after came out flinging sheets of clothes to Ian.

"Try and have a good night sleep, tomorrow is going to be a busy day, " he said before walking back into the room and closing the door.

Ian scutted off to the side arranging some sheets and after my offer to help was rejected, I was left to my own thoughts.

How did Roshan get a place like this. Who was he....and what debt could somebody this powerful owe ..

Sleep standing..? Ian said pulling me out of my thoughts and I realised I had been in one position through out. Turning towards him my face a little red, I could see the sheets had been made into a make shift bed on the long wooden chair.

A warmth flooded me as I realized we would be sleeping together and I wondered if I snored or worse drewled....

Ian walked towards the bed and shifting slightly he sat down on the floor placing his head on the chair rest.

Goodnight Princess..., I heard shortly after. Disappointed but didn't know why, I stayed awake to my own devices and soon my thoughts landed back on Ian.

My one man army I thought as images of him fighting the wolves came to my mind.

I wondered if he was okay as I remembered he lost a lot of blood during the fight. Contemplating for about 10 seconds, curiosity and worry got the better of me and I turned to look at him.

His red hair spilled on the chair rest and his face looked peaceful and relaxed though the night was very cold. Staring at him this close and not in danger really brought out his features.

His face was chiseled and his jaw line was sharp. His skin had a warm undertone. On his neck, he wore a leather cord with a golden coloured pendant.

Pulling one of the sheets from my bed, I draped it around him even though I knew I didn't need to.

Climbing back softly on my bed, Roshans words resounded in my head.

I wonder what we'll be doing tomorrow...