
Chapter 32

"Authors POV"

"Your two minutes late" a voice said as soon as she stepped out. She could feel the threat and danger carried through the air and she immediately knew who it was.

"Sorry, I'm just....."

"I didn't ask for a reason, just get your skinny self out here." He shouted, interrupting her speech making her flinch as she whispered sorry as she dragged the large bag out of the room.

"Is everything in there?" He asked looking at the large box with a squint, not even making an attempt to help the struggling girl.

"Yes Sir." She murmured as she came to a pause at the door, trying to catch her breathe.

"Good, let's start leaving. Listonne is a long way ahead." He said pulling back his purple hair, not even giving her time to catch her breathe as he began walking again while whistling, leaving the girl to her plight.


The large mansion decorated with golden chandeliers was filled with the ear splitting scream drawing the attention of its occupants to the origin.

"What the hell was that?" Pierre asked as he came out of his bed chambers with a furrow in his brows.

"I don't know but it seemed to be coming from the main hall." Clove replied also looking confused.

They both walked to the main hall where the scream came from. On the floor lay the bloodied and battered body of a man, by the side a young maid who had supposedly fallen to the ground at the gruesome sight, her hands to her mouth as she stared in fright.

"What is going on here?" Pierre frowned deeper as he was welcomed with this sight.

"A-A-Alpha." The maid who was on the ground stammered surprised and scared by the sudden appearance of Pierre. Everyone present in the hall lowered their heads in submission except for the maid. She was meant to bow but her fright seemed to have gotten the best of her as she just stared. A growl had her flinching and bowing her head in submission.

With a scoff, Pierre walked towards the almost unrecognisable body. The body was layed face down making it had to recognize who it was. With a frown, Pierre waved his hands, signaling Clove over.

"Turn it over." He commanded, his lips pursed in irritation.


"Goodness." Gasp filled the entire hall as they recognized who the body belonged to.

"How did this get here?" Pierre growled, releasing a suppressive aura causing everyone present to bow their heads in submission. He looked around at the heads bowed, eyes landing on the maid who was on the floor,

"Explain." He growled out causing her to flinch as she stammered out a response.

"I-I-I came out for the m-morning clean up and s-stumbled on s-s-something. I t-thought it was a p-p-package and wanted to s-store it p-properly. When I t-turned on the l-l-light I saw it was a-aa...."

"Silence!!!" Pierred growled out, anger pulsating in his veins as he clenched his hands tightly.

"Get back to your workstations you all, you two; make sure I don't see this when I come out." He commanded before turning to leave as everyone scrambled to their stations still in shock.

"A-Alpha, what are you to do with the body?" One of the two men assigned to clean up ask making Pierre pause in his track. With a deep breathe and a frustrated sigh

"Give him a proper burial. He was faithful till his end, he deserves it." Pierre said before walking further into the hallway.

Admitting it or not, he felt a bit sentimental. Oliver was his cousin and although they weren't that close, he(Oliver) had been one of the people who had always supported Pierre. 

Clenching his plan into a fist, he gritted out the word "Chris" before slamming his door shut.


"Did you send what I asked you to?" The purple haired guy asked, paused in his track as though he suddenly remembered this detail.

"Yes Sir." The girl replied, tired and pale from dragging a luggage thrice her size and capacity. With a creepy smile etches on his face,

"I wonder if they love my gift." He said with a slight cackle, as he began whistling his happy tune again.

Why don't i get you a little present too crimson wolf...