Hey kids, I am not suspicious.

I felt rather giddy, I just got to watch my first real ninja fight! Honestly, it was pretty cool to see, even if both of them seemed to be holding back quite a bit. I wonder how my Star-Eater would fare against either one of them, It would probably end in a draw.

Kakashi probably had a technique powerful enough to blow two Star-Eaters up at the same time, which would bypass their Paradox ability, but I knew that his main weakness was his lack of Chakra capacity, and if I knew it then my Start-Eaters would too, so they wouldn't give him the chance.

Either way, Kakashi finally left my people alone after that and headed back to town. At least for now... He hasn't seen anything too concerning yet, so that's nice.

Now, hopefully, he leaves soon so I can stop stressing out over him discovering something he shouldn't.

The first Star-Eater I made is also doing well, thankfully I did give him most of my knowledge while putting the mind within the body, so he had no trouble adjusting, I made some floating rocks that would fly around my realm as homes for him and his brothers, fully hollow with lots of space for anything they want to put inside, with the added benefit that sometimes when they got close enough to the main island they would look like shooting stars.

The first thing he did when he got to his one was ask me to make some pillows, and then promptly fell asleep on them.

How cute, once he wakes up, I'll name him if he doesn't have a name already.

The blessings I gave my warriors were also already proving their worth, all of them managed to already feel their Chakra after a couple tries.

My plan there was to first just give them the ability to learn, and then after we get a good idea of what they can do, start making specialized blessings for each one, that way I don't waste a bunch of DP because these blessings weren't cheap.

They should basically be prodigies in all matters related to learning, sadly didn't have enough juice to make them all as smart as Orochimaru, but hey, in terms of comprehending Chakra and combat, they should be right up there with him.

Honestly, besides keeping an eye out for Kakashi I didn't have much to do currently, the four leaders of the church were already hard at work basically rebuilding Wave's government from the ground up, I felt bad for just leaving them like this, but being a god didn't magically give me the knowledge I needed to run a country.

And if I had some spare time, I can go try something, while not too important at the moment, could be extremely useful in the future.

It would also be a nice form of revenge on Kakashi for snooping around so much.


Sasuke was frustrated. Technically, they were supposed to be guarding Tazuna while he finished his bridge, but instead, Kakashi took them all the way out here to some random spot in the forest where they had been training since yesterday.

That would have been fine, he needed the training anyway, if he was going to kill... that man.


Sakura had perfected Tree Walking in a few minutes after starting, and then when Kakashi decided to teach her Water Walking, she also managed it in about half an hour.

Kakashi had taken her away to teach her something else, while he and Naruto kept struggling with walking up this stupid tree.

It pissed him off, not only because of how easy she seemed to find everything they were taught, but also because he was stuck alone with the idiot.

They were tied neck and neck in how far up the tree they could walk.

"Gah!" Naruto shouted as he fell down to the ground once more, landing on his back with a thud. "Damn it!"

Sasuke just grunted as he continued trying to climb higher than before. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to concentrate better, willing his Chakra to flow through himself and into the ground beneath him. He ran towards the trunk of the large oak tree and started running upwards again.

One step, two steps, three steps... four steps...

He gritted his teeth together as he felt his control slip slightly after reaching his previous limit. And in his attempt to fix it, he ended up cracking the bark and falling backwards onto the grass below him with an audible thud.

"Wow, you guys sure are working hard." A cheerful voice spoke up from behind both boys, causing them to turn around quickly and see who it was.

It was a man wearing simple brown clothing under a cheap looking robe. The most notable thing about him was his burn scars, that covered almost half his face and his arms, the other thing was his eyes, they had a gold ring around them.

"Oi! Who are you?" Naruto asked loudly while standing back up on his feet. "You better be ready if you're here to mess with us!"

"Oh no, I'm not here to fight." The stranger chuckled before bowing slightly toward Naruto in greeting. "My name is Ayumu, a pleasure to meet you."

Sasuke eyed him cautiously, how did he manage to sneak up on them without either one noticing? He didn't seem like much of a threat at first glance, though...

"What do you want then?" Sasuke asked coldly, still eyeing this Ayumu guy suspiciously.

"I just saw you both training and decided to stop by for a bit," Ayumu said, still smiling cheerfully. "It's not everyday you see an Uzumaki and an Uchiha training together, especially not nowadays."

Sasuke tensed slightly upon hearing that, why would this man know their family names? Also, what did he mean by Uzumaki and Uchiha? Did Naruto's family have a history with the Uchiha?

"So you know who we are?" Naruto asked excitedly, not the reaction you're supposed to have to a random man knowing your name in the middle of the forest, Naruto. "Hey wait, what did you mean about Uzumaki and Uchiha?"

Ayumu looked surprised for a second, before his eyes softened slightly. "Ah, I should have guessed." He cleared his throat before explaining. "Before the Village system was implemented, there were several clans spread all around the continent, each with their own history, traditions, and customs."

He motioned towards both of them. "You are both born into one of these clans, although neither of you seem to have been taught much about the Uzumaki clan, considering your surprise."

"A shinobi from a clan normally has a special technique or a Bloodline Limit, like my Sharingan." Sasuke spoke up again in an attempt to distract himself, blurting out the first thing that came to mind. "Does Naruto's have something similar?"

"Yeah, Yeah!" Naruto nodded rapidly while agreeing with Sasuke's words excitedly. "Do I have a cool ability too?"

"Ah, yes," Ayumu replied. "The Uzumaki had an incredibly powerful life force, allowing them to have much greater stamina and vitality than regular people. Some also had the ability to heal others by giving them their Chakra, some others could manifest chains made from Chakra from their bodies."

Naruto seemed thrilled at hearing this information, bouncing around like he always does. On the other hand, Sasuke was curious about how this man knew all that... This guy was very suspicious.

"And lastly, probably their most famous trait is their proficiency with seals." Ayumu concluded. "There was a great deal of knowledge lost when the Uzumaki Clan was slaughtered during the Second Great Ninja War."

Sasuke twitched slightly upon hearing those words, he glanced over at Naruto, who looked sad upon hearing that.

He... really didn't know what to do here. He would be lying if he denied looking down on Naruto for acting like a buffoon all the time, but hearing about his clan being wiped out made him feel a slight kinship with the blonde boy.

"I see..." Was all Sasuke could muster up as he watched Naruto's expression fall further into sadness.

Thankfully, Ayumu broke the silence after it got too awkward.

"Well, anyways, the reason that I said it was surprising to see an Uchiha and Uzumaki together, is because both clans had a... troubled history." He smiled sheepishly. "The Uzumaki were closely allied with the Senju clan, and fought several times against the Uchiha in wars before the village system was created."

Sasuke shifted uncomfortably at the reminder of how little he knew about his family's history, it grated on him that a stranger knew more than he did.

"Oh." Was all he could say at first, so his clan used to fight against Naruto's? "Wait, how did you know that we are from those clans?"

Ayumu looked at him drily. "You have your Clan symbol on your shoulder, and he has it on his back."

Sasuke frowned, looking at Naruto's shoulder, that swirly symbol was the Uzumaki Clan Crest? Wait, if Naruto didn't know about the Uzumaki Clan, then who gave him that crest?

"Sadly, I have to go, but you when you are back in Konoha you should ask a person called Hatake Kakashi about seals and the Uzumaki, that man trained under Minato Namikaze, husband of Kushina Uzumaki." Ayumu said with another bow. "It was a pleasure meeting you two."

Kakashi-sensei knew someone from Naruto's clan? Sasuke frowned, why didn't he ever mention anything about it?

Before they could ask anything, Ayumu started to walk away, Naruto seemed to want to say something, but Sasuke put his hand over his mouth before he could.

He was going to be telling Kakashi-Sensei about this encounter, that was far too weird.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Naruto elbowing him in the stomach. He let go of him with a wince.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" Naruto yelled while rubbing his lips, glaring angrily at Sasuke.

"For once, just shut up." Sasuke hissed back coldly, causing Naruto's anger to flare even more so than usual. "That guy was weird."

Naruto growled before turning around and walking towards the tree again, clearly upset with being told off like that.

But Naruto stopped halfway there and turned back towards him. "Hey..." He asked quietly, looking somewhat unsure. "Do you think that Kushina woman was related to me?"

Sasuke felt slightly uncomfortable again, he wasn't good at social interactions, less so when dealing with another person's emotions. But...

"We can ask Kakashi-Sensei about her once we see him next." He said back calmly, watching as Naruto's mood seemed to lighten up immediately after hearing those words.

He didn't like seeing Naruto sad, it was too... foreign for him to deal with. He was much better at handling the annoying blonde idiot when he was screaming at the top of his lungs, not moping around.

The next few hours were spent in relative silence as both of them worked on their Tree Walking exercises.


Heh, hope you enjoy answering awkward questions, Kakashi.

I knew this was going to make Kakashi even more paranoid about Wave now, while Naruto and Sasuke were naive enough that nothing I said sounded too out of place, but to Kakashi it would sound extremely suspicious.

Not many people know about the relationship between Kushina and Minato, hell, most people in Konoha probably didn't know that the fourth Hokage had a wife. And if they did, most of those likely didn't know she was an Uzumaki.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason I had done what I did, I also wanted to check out the seal on Naruto. Honestly, Uzumaki were insane, I had no idea what the fuck I was looking at when I examined it.

It was like an ant colony, a lot of small parts working together in tandem to accomplish something much larger, thousands of squigly lines moving around... At least, that's what it looked like to me.

I had no way to mess with it without fucking everything up, and messing up could result in Naruto exploding into a giant sentient fox-shaped Chakra monster.

That did mean I couldn't talk to Kurama and ask him about the Ōtsutsuki, which was a shame, he was one of only ten beings that knew anything about them in this whole world. But hey, I guess you win some and lose some.

Guess I will have to wait until my boys and girls are strong enough to go get the Sanbi, he should be free right now. But that would take a few months, even with my blessings, so no point rushing it.

I didn't need a Jinchūriki, but I already fucked canon up, the chances of Kaguya being freed were high, so I needed to prepare. And everyone knows the first step to win a war is information.