Chapter 6 : The second half of the day

He stepped out of his base and back into his apartment. That was the only negative to his base, he always exited it at the same point he entered. No knockoff teleportation skill for him.

Ryuji stood outside of his new classroom waiting for the homeroom teacher to let him in.

He might not have been transferring into the school in the middle of the year, but he was still a new transfer. Most, if not all, of the students in his new class had been together for at least the last two years.

Some might have been together all their scholastic lives. So, he was a new stranger and needed to be properly introduced.

When the door to the classroom slid open, he stepped inside and stood in front of the chalkboard at the head of the class.

He swept his gaze over the suddenly very quiet class as they stared at him. It didn't take him long to figure out why. Sitting within the students was a young woman who could have been his sister.

They both had crimson red hair and blue eyes giving them a very strong family resemblance.

The thing was, Ryuji knew who his parents were, he'd gotten his hair from his mother and his eyes from his father. He'd known them for a few years before they had died.

He had no recollection of having a sister at all.

It got worse though. As he looked at her, he remembered.

It was something he'd only watched once, only the first season, and only because he'd been dating a weeb at the time and she insisted he watch the stuff she liked before she'd be down for happy naked times. He'd been... in his twenties? Maybe.

Either way, he did remember the show, mostly because he liked the lore from the world-building and it had a ton of breasts in it. However, he'd absolutely loathed the main character and fervently wished he would die.

He had heard rumors that the guy did die at one point but got better through cheap dues-ex stuff.

The point was that he knew the red-headed girl because she was the female lead, the main crush, and the one most often seen topless in the show.

Rias Gremory, a literal devil from the literal underworld. He was stuck in a world just one step above hentai.

Well, at least he now knew the supernatural existed.

The sound of a throat clearing broke him out of his reverie. He glanced at the homeroom teacher who was giving him a look that clearly said, 'Well, get on with it'.

He gave a rueful chuckle and bowed politely to the class, "Good morning, my name is Okane Ryuji, please take care of me."

The teacher nodded and looked at the class, "Okane-san is joining us thanks to a scholarship he received. Does anyone have any questions for him?"

Immediately the majority of students had a hand in the air.

Looking around he realized he was the only male in the entire room.

As the teacher picked one of the students, she asked, "Are you related to Gremory-san? Her long lost brother or something?"

Ryuji smiled and shook his head, "If you'd asked me that a few minutes ago I wouldn't have even known who Gremory-san was.

Technically we still haven't been properly introduced but I can deduce who you mean simply by looking.

While I cannot be one hundred percent certain, I can say with confidence that if we are related, we are not closely related. Though the similarities are rather striking."

That got the class chatting in excitement at the mystery of it all.

Ryuji was pretty certain he had zero relation to Rias though. In fact, he was pretty certain he could hear a particular bartender's laughter echoing in his head.

It was obviously not a simple coincidence that he looked like he could be Rias's brother but he highly doubted he was some sort of human descendant of the Gremory clan.

What followed were a couple of more mundane questions, such as if he was dating. Obviously, he was not.

After his introduction classes went on as normal. Mostly it was a review of what was covered last year and handing out a syllabus for the coming year. There were some differences between his new education and his previous education, like the teachers coming to the classroom instead of him moving from room to room.

Of course, there were the obvious differences in curriculum, like having Japanese history instead of American history.

All in all, nothing really strange or too difficult to parse.

The next big difference was at lunch. He hadn't packed anything, being given a stipend for cafeteria food, so he selected one of the available bentos.

The difference in food quality between what he had now and what he remembered was significant. However! Pizza Friday would always be superior!

He got some attention while eating, but no one approached to join him as he ate in silence. However, he did spot a trio that he instantly loathed.

Well, maybe that was a bit strong, though hearing the protagonist of the show calling him a handsome bastard trying to hog all the oppai in the school was annoying. Especially when being backed up by the two perverts with him.

The second half of the day was much like the first. When it ended he did get a nice surprise though. After packing his bag he was greeted by Momo, the girl who showed him around the campus, "Good afternoon Okane-san.

I was wondering if you would be interested in walking around the campus and seeing a few of the clubs we offer. While you aren't required to join one, we do heavily encourage it."

Ryuji smiled politely. Now that he knew what world he was in, he remembered that all members of the student council were devils. Though he found he didn't have anything in particular against them.

As long as they left him alone, he would leave them alone. After a small tilt of his head, he replied, "I would enjoy that Hanakai-san, and please, feel free to call me Ryuji."