Chapter 10 : THE FUCK?!"

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Ryuji covered his face with his hands as he groaned in despair, "How? How did the protagonist himself die to a medium rat? Not even a magical one!

Just a normal fucking rat, sized up a bit! You shouldn't have died you sonuvabitch! The quest reward was seeing breasts! I couldn't have made it any more obvious!

That should have been all the motivation you needed! You fought Riser nearly to death in the rating game over goddamn boobs! THE FUCK?!"

Yet, no matter how much he ranted, Issei's corpse was still sitting in his inventory, taunting him.

But no, this wasn't HIS failure. It was Issei's fault for being completely fucking useless. Yes, that was it.

Definitely not his fault for sending a boy, with no training in anything, into a potentially dangerous situation, with just a sword. Definitely Issei's fault, not his own.

Right. Well. Time to check the spoils perhaps? He could feel that some energy had been gathered from Issei attempting the scenario, not much but it was a start.

Then there was Issei's corpse... Wait, wasn't his broken-ass Sacred Gear part of his soul? That seemed worth investigating.

With a flick of his hand, an image of his inventory came up. Focusing on Issei, he knew all the different things he could do.

He quickly found the option he wanted and separated Issei's body and soul. A new slot in his inventory was instantly filled with a glowing ball of white light that had streaks of red and gold tangled and moving within it.

With another thought, the soul split in two. One slot held the bright white ball that was Issei's soul, the other the red and gold of his Sacred Gear.

The red and gold soul quickly condensed down into a red and gold gauntlet sitting pretty in its slot.

Ryuji leaned back in his seat and studied the gauntlet of near-unlimited power. He was tempted to take it for himself, though there was a problem with that. He had no idea how to bind it to his own soul so he could use it.

There was nothing in his head that indicated the ability to do so anytime soon. He could, in the future, use some scenario options to do so, but soul stuff was super high tier and he was a newbie.

He could also use it as a treasure available in a scenario, again not for a long time. No way was he giving away something that he could remember was capable of killing god without making people work for it.

If it was to be a reward, it needed to be for something that earned him a startling amount of energy.

Well, he couldn't do shit with it for now so it was staying inside of his inventory, along with all other proof of his... Was it a crime? Yeah, it was probably a crime.

Whatever, he just wanted to go to sleep and pretend this day had never happened.

All that excitement about helping out was ruined because Issei was a chump.

Rias gently landed on the grass of the small backyard with a near-silent flutter. She was quickly joined by her Queen, Himejima Akeno.

Akeno was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair, and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a very long ponytail, reaching all the way down to the floor with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

Like Rias, she is wearing the standard Kuoh Academy girls' uniform, though hers is even more strained at the bust than Rias's own.

They were shortly joined by Sona and her own Queen, Shinra Tsubaki.

Tsubaki is a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye both behind blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses.

The four of them are Devils, one of the three factions of the Abrahamic Religion, and the 'Rulers' of Kuoh with permission from the Japanese Pantheon.

It is their job to take care of the town and to do their best to protect its residents from supernatural threats such as Stray Devils, psychopathic excommunicated exorcists, flesh-eating Yokai, and more.

The entire town was surrounded by a ward meant to detect bursts of magical energy. Sadly, it was rather thin and could be inaccurate due to stretching over an entire city.

However, it did not miss the small burst of magical power emanating from this yard about fifteen minutes ago.

They'd gathered and double-checked that it wasn't a known location to expect magic. It was only after confirming that it was a mundane home that they'd chosen to fly over.

They had the capacity to teleport, but teleporting into an unknown location wasn't the brightest idea in the world.

Now all four of them were staring at a magical portal to who-knew-where. It wasn't like anything they'd ever seen before, a doorway made entirely of swirling blue light.

It almost looked like rippling water standing vertically. After looking it over a bit and trying to sense it, Rias gave up and looked over at her fellow King, "Sona, do you have any idea what this is? Aside from the obvious."

Sona lifted her hand and conjured up a light blue magic circle filled with complex mandalas and containing the symbol for her clan in the center.

The mandalas shifted and swirled as she scanned the water-like doorway. After a few moments the magic circle faded and Sona frowned slightly, "It's definitely a portal of some kind, however, I cannot detect any signs of it leading to a different destination. If we step into it, we will go... nowhere."

She frowned in thought as she studied the portal, "I think it's a doorway to a pocket dimension. It's the only thing I can think of to explain the readings."


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