want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters
Sona and Rias might have claimed the school as their main base and the entirety of Kuoh as their territory, but they still had to follow the laws of mankind.
No matter what rules and regulations they might make and try to maintain within the bounds of the school, there were laws regulating them. He'd made himself intimately familiar with said laws and had no problem using them to get out of meeting with Sona in private.
Somehow he didn't think she appreciated his growing knowledge of law in regards to what a school was allowed to do with the students.
It also didn't hurt that she couldn't level any real threats against him. What was she going to do, expel him? He'd love to see her explaining that to Sirzechs after the most powerful devil in existence went out of his way to make sure Ryuji attended Kuoh this year. He was pretty sure that Sirzechs would not be amused.
Finding nothing out of sorts in his bag, Sona passed it back to him. She tried to keep her expression stoic but he could see the annoyance she was hiding at his repeated refusals to do as she wanted, "No. Your schoolwork is as exemplary as usual and you have broken no school rules."
It must have killed her to say that and Ryuji would be lying if he said he didn't take a small bit of pleasure in seeing her unable to get her way. He considered it an important life lesson for her.
After all, adults do not always get their way in the real world. She should get used to disappointment because she was going to run into it a lot outside of the school.
Taking his bag, he gave her a polite, if a bit shallow, bow and turned to make his way onto the campus and toward his classroom. School was simply easy for him and not something he had to pay a ton of attention to in order to excel.
So, he planned to spend a lot of his classroom time focused on designing his next few scenarios. He could work on them anywhere since it was all in his head. It was just that his Home Base let him do it out in the open and use the magical screens to get a visual representation of what he was doing.
He almost had his testing one finished and planned to have someone run it tonight. He was actually working on several different scenarios with specific individuals in mind. He'd also realized something that, in hindsight, was kind of obvious. The characters he created could have and use skills he didn't.
For example, the son of the old couple in the onsen resort was a professional masseuse, something that Ryuji himself was most definitely not.
He hadn't even thought about the kind of education and experience something like being a professional masseuse required and he'd just made one. So he was using that knowledge to make other professionals that could help the members of the various peerages improve their skills.
For example, he was making a scenario for Kiba that had a Master Swordsman as a teacher with disciples that Kiba could challenge. Defeating all of the disciples, who got progressively stronger, would let him challenge the leader. He expected it would take Kiba a few tries to complete it but he had rewards at various points for beating the disciples to keep him motivated.
He had something similar for Koneko in the form of a mixed martial arts dojo, only her prizes were sugary delicacies. For Rias he was working on a version of duck hunt that would require her to use her Power of Destruction in a more thoughtful manner.
Going full blast might seem like an alright idea, but she tended to run out of power fast and big blasts weren't always necessary. His goal with her was control. For Akeno, he was actually stuck. He couldn't make creatures completely immune to specific elements, yet, but he planned to so he could make monsters immune to different elements and force her to use more than just lightning.
She's supposed to be good with all elements and never uses the others.
When it came to Sona's peerage... he was clueless. It wasn't his fault that Sona and her peerage were just side characters in the show! He knew hardly anything about them. The only things he honestly remembered is Sona used water magic and Saji used his tongue Sacred Gear to suck people off, or something.
He questioned his memory of Saji's ability but then remembered that DxD was barely above the level of a hentai so he stopped doubting and figured he was closer to right than wrong.
Since he had no idea how to really train Sona and the others, he planned to just make a D&D style scenario chain for them so they could get stronger, even if they wouldn't get as much out of it as Rias and her peerage.
Maybe if he'd seen more of the show he could help them more, but it's not his fault the weeb broke up with him when he said Bleach was overrated.
Ah, good times.
He sat at his desk and was a little surprised when he saw Rias looking at him speculatively. She still hadn't done anything toward him so he had no idea what she was thinking. He hadn't gotten any intel on her thoughts toward himself so he was kind of in the dark there.
He'd do his best to make up for killing Issei and screwing her over, but he drew the line at joining a peerage and becoming a slave. No matter how well he would be treated as said slave.
Ya'know, with naked Rias cuddles like Issei got. As tempting as they were he was going to stand firm on that and stay human...
Okay that was a lie. First chance he got he was going to drop his humanity like a bad penny and swap to another race. He wasn't sure which race but was leaning toward Devil. Despite what anyone might think, he was picking Devil for one reason and one reason only, Imagination Based Magic.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters