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Seeing that it was losing, the fat goblin let out a warbling scream. A moment later, a goblin that no one had noticed before stood next to the fat leader.
This new goblin wore scraps of cloth that took on the appearance of a rob and held a skull topped staff in its gnarled clawed hand. It started chanting in a guttural language while waving its staff around.
Seeing the obvious spell caster, Rias called out, "Akeno, target the caster!"
Akeno didn't reply verbally, but her next bought of lightning was fired directly at the goblin spell caster. However, the blast never hit its target as it was intercepted by one of the ranged fighters.
While her lightning was fast, it wasn't as fast as natural lightning. Being magical in nature actually slowed the speed of the lightning down.
Before she could get another shot off, a cloud of black smoke blocked her view of the spell-casting goblin.
They all heard cries of confusion from th sight of the smoke. It quickly cleared through to reveal a young man, probably in his twenties, wearing a Japanese school uniform under a red coat.
At the same time that the smoke just began to clear, the goblin shaman let out a guttural cry and launched his spell. A jagged spike of ice was launched through the air with the force of a bullet. Its trajectory put it right on track for the quickly appearing young man.
Georg sighed as he walked into his room. He'd just come from a mission that Cao Cao had insisted they run for the last week.
During that time he'd sensed a dozen of the curious pocket dimensions open and close but hadn't been free to investigate any of them. It was annoying that he couldn't investigate them and sate his curiosity about them.
Even worse, he hadn't been able to do much practice to master the pocket dimension magic. He was very proud of his genius when it came to magic and taking so long to master something was a hit to that pride. He planned to get some work done on it right then, but he felt a new pocket dimension open.
It was the strangest one he'd felt by far as it seemed to be in an odd shape that made no sense to him from the outside. Given what could be on the inside, he would need to explore the interior to understand more.
Which is exactly what he planned to do!
He summoned up the black smoke of Dimension Lost and began hacking his way into the newly opened dimension. His brows furrowed as the protections on it seemed a little stronger than the last one he'd broken into. Had the creator become stronger? It didn't matter.
No matter how tough it was between his own intelligence and the power of Dimension Lost, there was no dimension he couldn't break into with enough time and effort.
His confidence was proven right about an hour later when he managed to slip through the last of the dimension's defenses. Smirking in triumph, he quickly opened a portal into the space and moved through it.
Stepping out of the portal he found himself in a completely different world. Not unexpected given the nature of the dimension he'd visited last time.
What was unexpected was seeing a small green creature that he was certain had never existed.
He wasn't a huge gamer or anything, but he was geek enough to easily recognize a cadre of goblins when they stood right in front of him.
He was quickly recovering from the surprising sight, calling up his magic to fight, when he heard a loud guttural shout from his right. He felt something hit the side of his head before his vision darkened and he knew no more.
Ryuji sat in his Home Base watching Rias and the others live as they explored his current masterwork of a scenario. It was the most complex and expansive scenario he'd made by far.
While he hadn't designed an entire city, he had designed the entire sections that could be seen and added buildings to make the illusion complete, even from the air. It was no small task and he felt he deserved to be proud of how good it all looked.
Granted he would have to modify it over time, but he planned for the city to be the main hub of his storyline scenarios. It was his Baldur's Gate, the center of everything.
The guild was something he was particularly proud of. Thanks to his Jewelcrafting And Enchanting, he'd been able to replicate parts of common themes from Isekai stories. Namely, the guild cards. Granted, they couldn't do much at all and were just a nifty little souvenir.
Still, he had enchanted them with a simple enchantment that let them be rewritten by the other device he'd made. This would let him update their ranks as they progressed through his little game.
There was a bit of disappointment though. They hadn't checked out the shop! He'd spent a good bit of time making some enchanted rings and necklaces that he'd put up for sale alongside his usual selection of potions.
He was certain that his enchanted jewelry would be a big hit... Once someone actually discovered he'd made them. He'd gotten pretty good after his practice with the wooden rings so he was extra excited to see how they would be received.
He was also hoping the devils would enjoy the increased difficulty of the monsters within the scenario. He'd spent a lot of time designing the different goblins and min-maxing them.
He'd put in a special effort for the goblin shaman and the goblin lord. They were his most mechanically complex monsters to date. The shaman was especially difficult because of it having access to magic.
All of the monsters in his scenario were made purely from his magic. His magical power went through the essence that made the scenarios and brought things to life.
Giving a monster magic meant that he had to portion some of the limited magical power he could provide specifically for the monster's own pool of power. This limited the power the monster could have access to.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters