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Regardless, the prices had been worth it as the materials let him create much stronger enchantments than he could perform with the wooden practice rings. He now had a firm understanding of how enchanting worked.
His rings still looked fairly basic though. It was something he would have to work on in the future. Or, maybe, he could find someone to buy completed jewelry off of to enchant before reselling.
He was also pretty happy with how his little gold system was looking like it would turn out. He had to give something out as prizes for completing the quests, so what better to give than gold coins? Granted, they weren't actually solid gold.
They were tin slugs stamped and then electroplated before being enchanted to be more durable. They weren't worth very much on the open market meaning their only use would remain as being spent in his scenarios.
Now for the next item on his list of things to do. He turned to focus on the newest corpse in his inventory. He was not pleased that it seemed to be the beginning of a new collection.
He had zero idea who the guy was so the first thing he did was search the body for identification.
Which it did not have.
Fine. So he still had no idea who the guy was. What he did know was that the guy had to have a Sacred Gear. That's what he assumed the black smoke was anyway. So, he pulled an Issei on the new guy by pulling out his soul and dropping it into another slot within his inventory.
Doing so let him see the bright blue of the soul mixed the the black smoke of the Sacred Gear. With a thought, he separated them leaving him with a pure bright soul and a black ball of swirling smoke.
He looked between Issei's soul and the soul of the new guy. There was a very distinct difference between them. Issei's soul was pure white while the new guy was a bright, almost neon, blue.
He had no idea what made them look so different. Though, he did get the impression of mana from the second soul. So, maybe a difference in magical talent? He recalled that Issei had such low magic that he couldn't even use a basic teleportation spell to get to his devil jobs.
Of course, he had no idea if the other guy had any talent for magic at all. For all he knew, the guy was a melee juggernaut.
The next thing he focused on was the roiling ball of black smoke he'd just claimed from the dead guy. He was certain it was a Sacred Gear, he just had no idea which one. He suspected it had something to do with teleportation, or maybe even space.
It kind of reminded him of that one villain from My Hero Academia that could make portals. They were both swirling black smoke and the guy had broken into his pocket dimension using the smoke.
Perhaps that's what it related to? Dimensions? If so, he wanted it for himself!
If his newest Sacred Gear had anything to do with space, dimensions, portals, or teleportation, he wanted it. He especially wanted it if it had anything to do with dimensions.
His magical mind could think of a LOT of ways that could be used to enhance his current dimensional abilities. Hell, even if the only thing it could do was make his pocket dimensions larger, it would be worth having.
Ryuji leaned back in his chair and pondered what he should do. He needed information and the only sources he had ready access to were the devils, Souna, and Rias respectively.
Perhaps a trade. Rias seemed awfully interested in the magic recovery rings. He'd be willing to trade the pair of them for information on his newest Sacred Gear and how to give it to himself.
After all, it wasn't like a ball of swirling smoke was as easy to put on as a pair of rings.
Yes, that was exactly what he would do. Grinning to himself he threw together a quick scenario and tossed Azeez into it for giggles.
Rias stared blankly as a dungeon portal opened up directly in front of her desk moments after she'd sat down in it.
She'd just finished taking a shower to clean off from the last dungeon and a new one just opened up right in front of her face. It had only been a couple of hours. That... was annoying.
She heaved a sigh and stood up. She'd give it a quick check and if it was the same place as before, she'd leave it to Sona this time. She and her peerage had been clearing most of them and she wanted a short break before taking on another one.
She just wanted to check it first and see what the annoying guy wanted. It was obvious from where the portal opened that the creator wanted something from her specifically.
Upon stepping through the portal she frowned as she found herself once more inside of Azeez's bazaar. She hadn't seen this place since the first time she visited with Sona and seeing it again annoyed the hell out of her. She felt like she was being taunted.
Stepping further in, Azeez, ever his cheerful merchant self, called out, "Ah! Pretty lady! Wonderful! Azeez knew you could not resist the allure! Come! Come! Azeez's Master wishes to make an exchange."
That piqued Rias's curiosity. She moved up to the shops counter and addressed Azeez, "Is your creator coming here?"
Azeez shook his head, "No no. Azeez has questions from his master and an offer to pay for the answers."
Rias eyed Azeez for a moment before she responded, "Go on."
"As beautiful miss knows, someone unexpected entered the forest and died suddenly."
He continued after Rias nodded, "My master wishes to know what the man's Sacred Gear was and how to implant an extracted Sacred Gear into a new user.
In exchange for this information, Azeez's Master is willing to give you one of the platinum rings you desire."
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters