New Quest

I abused her pussy all night, cumming over 5 times deep inside her. My bed was all stained and wet from her juices so after fucking her till she lost it, I left her in my messy bed and headed for the room of the innkeeper and slept in their bed, the couple walked out of their own room and went to sleep somewhere else.

The next morning when I woke up, I saw an ass right in front of my eyes. The innkeeper's wife was bent over, finding something in her wooden cupboard. I couldn't help but slap her ass on her clothes hard, she made a weird noise and looked back. 

Hikaru - Is my room clean?

Wife - Yes. I cleaned it. 

Hikaru - Where is your daughter?

Wife - Resting in her room, she couldn't walk properly..

Hikaru - Your daughter is a slut, you know that? Guess, like mother like daughter… 

Her cheeks became red but she didn't say anything and just looked down. I got up, fondled her ass, kissed her rosy lips and walked out of the room to freshen up. Leaving her moaning behind me..

After taking a bath and having breakfast I walked outside. I had bought the rare items that I had shown to that merchant for a full 50 coins of mine. If I get even 75 or 80 coins, it's a pretty good deal. Then I could go to another merchant to sell more using those 80 gold or could sell to the same guy. I can only do it one of two times before they get suspicious of me so going to another merchant and saying its leftovers would be better. Somehow I just need to make 150 gold. I could sell other things to restaurants or other establishments directly to not repeat going in the same circle. 

The big merchant was happy to buy all in 80 gold, and when I mentioned I had more he asked me to bring everything that I had tomorrow. I then went to other smaller merchants and sold my items for 30, 40, 35 and 40 gold. If I remove 50 gold to buy more things for selling and as my initial investment, I had made just today over 110 gold. The goal was pretty close, if I go back to the big merchant tomorrow and find some restaurants and direct businesses interested in buying, I might make 150 in just two days. 

That was much faster than I expected. Eating under a nice tree, on a bench, my online bought food, I looked at the time on my phone and it was barely 1 pm. So after having lunch I walked to the adventurer's guild. I had the card they had issued with E rank, so I looked for a quest I could do. Everything requested was inside the town though and the pay was miserable. I wasn't doing it for money, but I didn't want to waste my time either. 

There was another party nearby choosing quests in the D rank list. I remembered the pretty assistant saying I could go two ranks higher if I do it with a high rank party. 

The party consisted of just four women though, so I hesitated to ask. One of them noticed me, she had a priest-like robe on and smiled at me. I greeted her. And asked, 

Hikaru - I am new here, can I come with you on your quest if you are going outside? I don't want the share of the reward.. 

The four women looked up and down from all sides of me, it was weird getting stared at and checked out by a woman. One woman had a bow, she wasn't as good as others. One was holding a long sword and was a bit more muscular than others, she looked delicious. The last one was petite and short, clad in black clothes with daggers strapped on her sides. She was giving me that calm and deadly vibe.

Priest - Okay, you can come along. If just observing us is your goal, we don't mind..

Then she turned towards her friends and asked, "Right?"

They all squinted at me and nodded slowly one by one. The bow lady was the most distrustful of me and only nodded when the priest lady glared at her. That did not look good.. Well it was a weird world and women had many restrictions here, so maybe the distrust was expected. Guys of this world must go crazy if no girl was even willing to get fucked before a marriage. But then again I had not noticed many of those rough, manly dudes going after barmaids and such in this world. The guys even seemed kind of milder compared to earth. 

'I got to know more about their religion before I do something stupid..'

The quest was to exterminate some rat-like creatures messing up some farmer's fields. We walked to each farmer and asked about the monsters and collected info. They only came at night, they preferred the smaller plants, and fought back seriously when cornered. The bow lady found some footprints and we followed behind her into the forest. It was weird and understandable at the same time how all the fields of the farmers were outside the wall. There was a wooden fence around it that stopped bigger monsters but smaller ones could still mess up all their work. But then again there was no solution as to if the town incorporated the fields, the wall would have to be really big in radius. No lord would go for that - this wall already was cracked at some places and there were even some entire pieces missing and blocked by various means.

"I have never seen your face here.. Where did you come from?" The long sword lady asked. 

They were all older than me, maybe in their early 30s or late 20s. My body was only 19. 

Hikaru - I come from a far away land.. I want to become stronger, I am a merchant otherwise. 

Priest - Oh! A traveling merchant? You want to become strong to protect yourself on the journey right?

She asked excitedly. I just nodded, the sparkles in her eyes were weird though. Wasn't this lady trying a bit too hard to make me feel welcomed? She was the oldest among them, maybe in mid 30s. They were going deeper and deeper into the forest, this was starting to feel weird now..