Cave Of Surprises

After going a bit more deeper into the forest, it was clear they were not following any footprints. The four were occasionally stealing glances my way. And they had formed a formation in which I was in the dead center with them four on each side. 

The one behind me, with a dagger was giving me a weird vibe as I felt like my ass was constantly being stared at. Suddenly a thought occurred in my mind, 

'If the women of this world have powerful urges as I witnessed.. From all the women I interacted till now.. From that clothing store lady to the mother-daughter duo and even those three girls in the city.. If that's what's been going on for centuries, wouldn't the roles get reversed a little here? Women crave more pleasure than men could provide.. Was the religion built to contain these women? With skills and magic being a thing, women were equally dangerous people.. So if I reverse my situation, A pretty young teenage girl going in the forest alone with some middle aged dudes - not ugly but still ordinary average looking people..'

Fuck! They were after me? No, their religion was almost like a fear imbued in their bones for them. They wouldn't go that far.. Let's just see what they do.

Priest - It's been quite a while in this heat, there is a cave there.. Why don't we rest for a while?

It had barely been an hour and half but whatever, I nodded along with the other four. The cave looked to be used often by people, with a half burned firewood and ashes and a stone around it that looked to be used for sitting. Was this their secret hideout? Hah, maybe I was overthinking this and I had watched too much porn to think everything leading to that plot..

However, just as everyone was inside, the burly sword lady pushed a giant boulder that was on the side of the entrance of the cave and locked everyone inside. Okay, now this was becoming absurd. The Priest lit a small orb that illuminated the whole dark cave, the others were looking at me confused as the bow lady started lighting the fire using the stored wood which were on the side. Guess, they expect me to scream by now.. So it was not their first time.. I wonder how the men of this world reacted to getting trapped inside with four women like this. I could enhance my strength to easily move the boulder, it was no big deal to me. 

Dagger woman - Boy, are you okay? Why don't you take a seat?

Hikaru - Ah, sure. 

I just sat next to her and the Priest on the big polished stone. The sword lady settled in front of us and the bow lady was still adjusting the fire between us. 

Priest - Do you have a family, Hikaru?

Hikaru - No. I am pretty much alone. 

Muscle lady - You are the prettiest boy I have ever seen in this kingdom..

Hikaru - Oh! Thank you.. You are a beautiful lady too..

That shocked all four of them as they stared at me weirdly. The muscular woman was looking like she was blushing. She muttered, 

"Beautiful..? B.. Beau.." everyone ignored her though. 

Dagger woman - Boy, you are awfully trusting aren't you?

Hikaru just smiled. She also widened her eyes and looked away after that. 

Priest - Enough of this! I can't endure anymore.. Hikaru, if you wanna leave safely and with all your belongings-you will do everything we tell you to do.. We big sister need to have some fun, you see..

Hikaru - Oh.. It's like that.. Okay. 

They all had their jaws dropping on the ground. 

Dagger woman - Boy! Do you not understand your situation here? Are you stupid?

Muscular woman - Hey! He is cute, and nice. Treat him nicely.. 

The bow woman, finally done with the fire, stood up and glared down at me. The others seeing her shut up their mouths. 

Bow woman - Remove all your clothes.. Show us your small dingie..

Woah, were they really going to force me to do the deed with all four of them? I couldn't help but get excited. This was a very weird situation. I stood up and while making eye contact with all of them in turn, I removed all my clothes one by one. When I was naked and just in my underwear they could all see the shape of my hard dick. 

The priest and muscle lady were red with embarrassment and were hiding behind their hands, while sneaking a look once in a while. The Dagger woman was absolutely shocked seeing me hard and ready, not a tinge of discomfort on me. 

The bow woman alone was glaring at me and seemed to be angry that I did not have a small "Dingie".. Though her eyes had the same lust as the other three, even though she tried hard to hide that. Then without any of them instructing me, I removed my underwear too and my dick came out roaring. 

It was twitching and making each of them gasp with my each movement. I held it and showed them the balls underneath, they were dumbfounded by now. I saw the Dagger woman and the Priest touching their crotch openly with no shame. The muscular woman, though the strongest among them, looked to be the most innocent with her hands still covering her reddened face as she took peaks at my junk in between. 

Bow woman - It can't be! This is impossible! No human can have a cock this big!

Priest - Maybe he is one of those monsters! He looks so cute though!

Muscle woman - He is not! He is a nice boy and he just has a very nice.. And tasty..

She trailed off, but everyone knew what she was referring to. 

Hikaru - Is that all? Can I dress back now?

The four broke out of their stupefied expressions and looked at my face. 

Priest - Do you not feel shame boy? We all saw your thing before the holy bond.. You are tarnished in front of goddess Artula now.. 

Hikaru - I come from a far land, I don't believe in your goddess..

They all sucked in breath as if he had said the most heinous thing possible.