Chapter 22: Under a crimson moon

A cool morning breeze swept through the quiet blinds, gently swaying the curtains to and fro. Eren's bedroom remained silent, tranquil; if only for a moment.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

A small set of fists rattled against Eren's bedroom door, screeching for his attention. "EREN! BREAKFAST IS READY!" The sound of feet thumped along the floorboards, reverberating off the walls. Emi scampered back to the kitchen for her meal.

Eren threw himself from his warm bed, jolted out of his precious slumber. "Coming..." Eren muttered begrudgingly, fixing his ruffled white hair.

'Am I ever getting used to my new look?' He stood before the mirror, white hair stark against his pale skin. The stranger staring back wore his face but not his memories. The white hair, the cold eyes—were they his? Or did they belong to the Reaper in the reflection?

Emi and Mr. Heart were wolfing down their morning meal by the time Eren sat at the table.

"Good morning son." Mr. Heart spoke between chews, although still not able to look him in the eye. Still working for the bandits, still a spineless coward, it was difficult for Eren to respect such a man.

"Quickly Emi we're both going to be late." His father continued stuffing his face with eggs and toast.

Emi finished her breakfast leaving nothing on her plate. "Bye." She muttered softly, collecting her bag, and waving goodbye as she left the house. Mr. Heart followed his daughter, exiting with Emi to their car. As they leave, the house falls back into the uneasy quiet. A mood Eren had grown accustomed to; silence was a staple of his new life.

'I guess I could start my meditation...' Eren thought quietly to himself. Meditation had become a daily routine. Under advice from his elven acquaintance to take time and practice calming his mind, quelling the whispers of the ring that gnawed within the recesses of his psyche.

It helped somewhat. Clearing his thoughts made it easier to stave off the memories and intrusive voices that manifested around his darkest moments. Yet still the urge remained; a hunger he refused to sate; that urged Eren to feed it more.

Under the morning breeze he relaxed on the carpet floor, closing his eyes; slowing his breath and rhythmic beating of his heart. Clearing his thoughts... of everything.

Just allowing himself to breath; feel the slow expansion of his lungs, the warmth of sunlight beating upon his skin, the breeze that touched the tips of his hair. The meditative state aided Eren in keeping himself centred, controlled. In the days passed, the world seemed different. Sights, smells, taste, sound. All becoming-

*Knock* *Knock*


Eren already knew what it would be. A certain pesky brown-haired boy; on all fours head buried deep into the door crack.

Ever since Jun saw Eren's battle prowess; after saving him, he wanted to be his student, he desperately wanted to be taken under his tutorage. Every day, sometimes twice, or trebly.

"Please teach me your ways!" Jun repeated for the umpteenth time.

"Go away. I'm trying to meditate here." Eren waved him away dismissively. "Please teach me today, even for ten minutes... No, 5. Pleaseeee?" His hands together.

Jun Jiao; his personal pain in the neck; A young man who won't take a hint; who pesters Eren at almost every opportunity.

"I don't take on apprentices or disciples." Eren chided sharply. "While I'm under your wing I'll ensure that the crimson bandits stay away."

"But I don't need them to stay away. I am far above them at this point..." Eren replied coldly, crossing his arms defensively.

"If you really want to impress me... bring me something special. Like food, something that well help clear my mind." Eren turned his back after the offhand remark, although it would become so much more.

"Food! Yes, I can bring you food. Tomorrow... I'll bring some tomorrow." Getting to his feet, Jun dashed down the hall. Before reaching the stairs and turning back,

"I won't disappoint master. I promise to return with the tastiest food tomorrow."

"Wait, no I didn't mean-" Jun vanished down the stairwell without another word, before Eren could finish his explanation.

'It better be something good...' He thought bitterly, already wishing he had kept his mouth shut.

Back to the centre of the living room, Eren sits cross legged. Eyes closed, focusing on his body; limbs, breathing, skin, ears, scent. All the senses were focused inward, inward toward the mana that flows through Eren. Like a steady stream, water beating along a rocky bottom, tracing it along to its source.

*Clang**Clang* *Clang*

Four of his knights stood before him, staring down at him as he mediated. Yet they do not say a word.

"What?" Eren growled lowly at them. The knights unmoving, nothing but the gaze of their helmets stared back.

"I gave you your jobs, the kitchen needs a good clean." Eren said to his subordinates. Nodding, three move to the kitchen, brushes, and clothes in hand. Not only are they sufficient for combat, they're also fantastic helpers at menial tasks such as cleaning.

The last knight remained; a different task in mind. "Yes?" Eren answered the silent question.

*Pointing to the computer that sat in corner of the room*

"Have you completed your portion?" Eren quizzed the knight. Answered by a slow nod. Eren had tasked this knight with researching key events he had missed out on during the decade gone. Anything that happened, key events, sports, major individuals, the list went on. All so that he could seem normal during conversations.

"You have your list. Keep going." Eren commanded.

The knight nodded, although it was waiting for something else.

"Well done... You have done well." Eren congratulated the knight awkwardly, this time the knight gave itself a little fist pump. Before returning to the computer desk.

In exchange for unwavering loyalty and servitude, Eren had only to give positive affirmations. Operating on a childlike level of emotional development. Complementing them where needed; reprimanding if their behaviour starts to impact his life negatively.

Typing away with the fine motor skills of a toddler or an old man. Whichever way you prefer.

At last, he returned to his meditation. Like an ocean wave, flowing back and forth, washing away all his troubles. Its soft continuous movement lulled him away. Away from the whispers, the dark intrusive thoughts. It kept Eren centred to all of those that had passed.

*Ding* *Dong*


'For fuck's sake.' Eren grumbled internally. Opening his eyes once more, Retuning to reality. At the door stood a delivery, a mountain of boxes sat upon his door stop.

"Good morning, sir, delivery for Emi Heart." The delivery guy chimed.

"Sure." Eren took the note, signed, and waved away the man. Dragging the boxes inside.

'How much does this girl buy...' Eren thought incredulously, placing them inside. Some items came in smaller more rigid cases, some larger boxes, others stuffed inside odd packages.

"Excuse me sir. We noticed that you haven't signed up for our premium service, I can set that up for you now-"

"No need." Eren cut the delivery guy off curtly. Closing the door.

Instead, the man's foot wedged his foot into the frame.

"Wait, sir, it will really benefit you!" The man continued undeterred.

"Nope. I'm good." Eren shoved the door, pressing against the man's foot harder. The man spoke once more through the thin gap

"If you change your mind sir-"

"Piss off." Eren slapped him with the door; finally releasing the man's foot.

Back to his meditation. An ocean wave flowing back and forth washing over him. Soft currents-

*Knock* *Knock * *Knock *

"Oh, for fucks sake." Eren stormed his way back to the door.

"I told you to piss off..." Throwing his door open. Two individuals stood on the other side, no sight of the pushy delivery guy from earlier.

One man. One woman.

Both with sharp facial features, dressed in formal work attire. Suits and ties all rounded off with two police badges hung from their necks.

"Excuse me? Piss off?" The young woman chided sternly.

"...Sorry I thought you were someone else..." Eren quickly recomposed himself, although not without suspicion.

The pair showed their badges: Mori Kenji and Akiko Bennett.

"May we come in?" Mori gestured to the inside of the house.

"No." responded promptly, remembering his knights that occupied the interior and the fact they interrupted his meditation.

"Why not?" Mori enquired with raised eyebrows.

"You don't need to come in. Say what you want out here." Eren put bluntly.

"Very well, we are investigating the death of Eric Morgan as well as the subsequent massacre of the crimson bandits."

"Aren't you a bit late to the party? That happened two months ago." Eren retorted. The officers exchanged glances briefly.

"Well, we are currently following a new lead. You knew Mr. Morgan, correct?"

"No." Eren said tersely. Both cops exchanged glances, they knew something;

"...Mr. Heart, I presume? We know Eric visited this residence on the day of the event. Would you like to try again?" Eren stayed quiet. Assessing the detectives.

"You asked if I knew him. Not if he stopped by." Eren responded defiantly. Akiko eyed him cautiously.

"You should watch that mouth of yours. Now answer the question you-" Mori stopped her mid-sentence.

"I apologies for my partners temperament."

"So, was he an acquaintance?" His face scrunched slightly as he recalled Eric.

"No. Why don't you go and ask the shadow people who ripped him up."

Mori stopped writing in his book, staring at Eren.

"We never mentioned that Mr. Morgan was ripped apart or anything about 'shadow people.'"

'Shit.' Eren slipped up.

Taking a few internal breaths, he added. "Everyone in the ward has heard about the murder. People saying he was ripped into chunks; kids are still finding bits of him all over the streets..."

The air between the trio grew denser. No one was convinced. "Now if you will excuse me, I have-" Akiko palmed to door hard, keeping it wide open.

"Just one more thing for you." Akiko pulled a business card from her breast pocket.

"Please if you have any further information. Call us." A silver police badge symbol sat centre of the white card.

"Okay." Eren reached for the card. However, his instincts; the ones that warn him of danger, that whispered to him, tells him of danger.

It screamed out, screaming at him to ignore the card. A brief glance between both detectives, Eren saw menace in their eyes. If even for a moment; no less than a second.

"Leave it in the mail box." Finally closing the door. The detectives lingered outside Eren's door; both shocked.

"How did he know...?" Mori whispered, scratching the back of his head. Akiko slid the card into the mail slot.

"I don't know. Something is up with this guy. Not many know that I have psychometry." Akiko replied just as quietly.

"At least we have something now... A different approach may be needed here. Let's regroup." Mori called an end to their visit to the Heart's residence.

Eren leant against the door; listening intently. To footsteps making their way away from his home. Once they fade into the distance he exhaled, a breath he hadn't realised he was holding in. That was too close for comfort.

'I have the cops to worry about now...' Eren lamented quietly. But alas, once more he was alone.

An ocean, the sun rising steadily-

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Knights stood at attention before him; motioning towards the kitchen, a shining beacon of cleanliness. Spotless stainless steel oven tops, the shine from the polished chrome is so bright he can see the ceiling in the reflection. Gleaming back at him, immaculate to the high heaven's above.

His knights would make fine housekeepers.

At the very least he could rely on their loyalty to his cause. But like all dogs they would need feeding, "Good work." The knights all began to hi-five one another. Much to the annoyance of their creator.

Who remained too annoyed to meditate for the rest of the day.