Chapter 23: Under a crimson moon - The sword in the stone

*Knock* *Knock * *Knock*

Eren ignored it.

*Knock* *Knock * *Knock*

In fact, all he was doing was prolonging the inevitable. "You're still doing this?" Eren finally opened the door, revealing Jun beaming down at him.

"Good morning master." Jun handed over a box. "Here is your promised gift."

In his hand Eren held a medium sized box, heavy, well packed, within lay bars of packaged food. Labelled with a girl, an idol that Eren didn't recognize nor did he care for.

"What is this?" Eren asked with annoyance; marketing thoroughly ruined any appeal he had for these bars.

"These are gate bars, for when you're in a gate and you need that extra kick. Made by the greatest healing class ranker in the world." Jun declared to his master with pride.


Picking up the bar, unwrapped, a green gelatinous bar was laid in the palm of his hand.

"Filled with those important vitamins and minerals, one of these bad boys can feed you for a whole day." Eren eyed it suspiciously, taking a precautionary nibble of the green gelatine. It hit him, not the taste, but a wave of vitality surging through him, running from the top of his head to his toes. A minuscule amount of life essence found in the confectionary.



A gulp later. The energy trickled off, reducing back to normal levels.

"For a day you say?" Eren proceeded to eat the bar down to the wrapper.

'Now I see why it's so popular with gate clearers.' Eren thought, thoroughly surprised by his new energy boost. Jun's puppy dog eyes plead for approval. Eren sighed, admitting defeat to the boy's perseverance.

"It's good I admit. Where did you get this?" Jun immediately brightened up, nodding happily.

"Their supplied everywhere. However, I get them cheap cause of my military discount." Eren eyed him quizzically; inspecting the man for any outward signs of being military personnel.

"Military brat aye. What you do to get caught in that mess."

Jun rubbed his hands together nervously "Ehhh... Hehe. Well, I got conscripted, new government policy. It kept all the youths with powers in check I guess..." Jun spoke awkwardly, clearly not at peace with the military service.

An unpleasant silence ensued. "...One gate." Eren uttered softly.

"Yes... One gate? Where master?" Jun asked happily; both relief and gratitude radiating from his face.

"Any gate with low rank. Get in get out Anything but a crimson bandit owned gate." Eren said bluntly.

"Anything for you, master."

Jun came prepared, he had several gates ready to go. None the crimson bandit owned ones. Much to Eren's pleasure.


This time Eren and Jun took the train. Out of their overrun station. Off to the nicer areas of town, only needing to travel for a couple of stops. Disembarking a far quieter and clean platform, now within the larger suburbs of the nearby ward.

The early morning sun washed through the roof lights; the sun and air here felt much cleaner than that of the wasteland Eren now called home. "Sooo... Where to? We got plenty of blue gates to choose from." Jun queried hopefully.

A plethora of choices; by Eren's judgement, each of them looking the same. At random Eren picked a blue gate.


Gate Info:

Name: Jungles of Saryn.

Opening Time: Once a month for 5 days

Danger Level: D+++++ (High Ranker Zone)

Owners: Byakko insurance

Last clear date: 1 month ago

Rewards: Gold, Jewellery, weapons, materials

Gate closing time: 01: 16: 19: 55


'Who the fuck is Saryn.' Eren thought to himself

"Master this way!" Jun skipped happily down the road, completely giddy and excited to train under Eren's guidance.

Thankfully the destination is just down the road from the train station. A small blue gate swirling in a small park. Few pedestrians were around, the ones there choosing to give a wide berth.

However, a small squad of men all shirtless, surround the gate. Synchronized push ups accompanied by a man acting as a platoon leader. Shouting with military-esque vigour.

Upon closer inspection they all appear to be wearing dog ears and tails. Red, white, black, every colour of dog, is imitated on one of them.

"What on earth is that?" Eren pointed toward the group. Jun replied after shaking his head at their weird behaviour.

"An animal guild... I'm not sure if it's a furry fetish or some sort of theme the leader decided. Or both."

"I don't feel like dealing with these lunatics. Let's try again tomorrow." As Eren began to walk off, the leader spotted them. Bounding towards them at record speed. A giant of a man, standing at roughly 6'7ft, muscles bulging and rippling like water, each bicep and pec of muscle seemed to call out. His legs are thicker than most of Eren's torso and his arms are equally as large. His dark brown hair is cropped short. His steely silver eyes examine Jun and Eren.

"You, my brother are looking at the man...The beast himself. Tarou Koga, alpha of the 'The Silver fangs'!" The man posed, showing off all his muscles and veins along his arm. It made for a terrible first impression as Eren continued to walk away.

"Do not be intimidated by the Alpha of the Silver Fangs... Let us hunt together brother!"

Eren stared at the display that is Tarou and the 'Silver Fangs.'

"Who?" Eren spoke ignorantly.

"Oh ho, ho, you've never heard of the silver fangs?" Eren eyed the shirtless beast of a man with confusion.

"The Silver Fangs are legendary; our quests are renowned, known and coveted the world over!" The master spoke in a raised, proud voice. Like he was giving some patriotic speech.

"We are the silver fang!" Tarou roared, with another striking pose. This time his guild mates joined with equally flamboyant poses. Sponsored by Byakko insurance." He added in a rushed whisper, the corporate tagline oddly deflating his theatrical display.

Jun's starry-eyed expression really seemed to invigorate their continued posing. "You guys look so cool." Tarou patted Jun on his shoulder in comradery.

"Now to what do we owe the pleasure of young aspiring hunters." Tarou waved off his subordinates who resumed their gate prep activities.

"You are clearly new hunters. Want to join our mighty guild? Or are you just stopping by."

"We would like to clear this gate." Eren requested blankly.

"Ah, I understand completely... we will escort you through the gate-"

"Wait, no we don't-"

"Silver fangs. We have a new mission, protect these two fine rankers." Tarou finished over the top of Eren, pumping his arms above his head and the guild rushed to him, beating their chests. They howl with ferocity towards the sky, "AROOO!"

With no other command. The pack sprinted into the portal. Tarou leading from the front.

Eren rubbed his temples, perhaps he should have stayed within crimson bandit territory. It was clear the 'silver fangs' were whack jobs; Eren was very certain at this point.

Jun followed their pack fervour with puppylike eyes, practically begging him with his soul.

"I wanna train... Are we going?" He asked hopefully. Eren begrudgingly nodded.

'Let's just get this over with quickly...' Eren entered the gate, Jun happily hopped along.