Chapter 24: Under a crimson moon - The sword in the stone (2)

The immediate rush of humidity hit them like a truck. Sweat started to instantly form on the back of Eren's neck, as if all his perspiration has been turned to max. The air suffocating the duo.

Thankfully Eren wore his tank top so that his skin could breathe a little. However, Jun foolishly wore long black sleeves and jeans, soaking in his sweat.

"Damn, this is fucking hot." Eren swore, adjusting his tank top.

Tall trees surround them, blocking out most of the overhead light. Vines and moss cling to everything, covering up every surface. The ground beneath them is covered in thick roots and leaves, making walking a treacherous task. What is most notable though is the intense and vibrant colour palette of greens and browns, blues, and purples. Colours that were alien to Eren.

With this wonder there are also creatures hidden everywhere. Insects of many varieties crawling everywhere. Birds chirping from their perches above and every so often, you see glimpses of even stranger fauna roaming in the jungle foliage.

"Wow, this is beautiful." Jun exclaimed, surveying the jungle's diverse and strange beauty.

"Let's get this over quickly; Tarou gives me a headache. I prefer to- Aw no." Said man stood proudly before the duo.

"Never fear my friend, Tarou and the silver fangs shall be here to keep you safe." Tarou struck another pose, flexing his arms well above his head.

Jun clapped once again, whilst Eren got a drop of his sweat in his mouth.

"My friends, it has dawned on us we don't know your names." The leader asked, clenching his fist.

"I'm Jun. Jun Jiao"

"Jun Jiao... your name rings true in your heart... Brave young Jun." Tarou roared with the boisterous laughter of a brave heart.

"And this is my sensei, Eren Heart." Jun revealed proudly to the muscular man.

"Eren... That rings true... A very noble name, a very honourable name for a fearless warrior."

'What's this guy's problem?' Eren thought. The guy's overacting is not endearing him to Eren any more than a wailing dog is to its owners' neighbours.

"We look forward to hunting alongside you." Jun bowed thankfully, causing Tarou to place a big meaty hand on his shoulder.

"The pleasure is ours my young friend."

"Sir, I've got the scent." One of the silver fangs called out; on all fours, nose to the ground sniffing it, ears twitching with every noise the jungle provided. A group of 5 crowded around Tarou.

"Well done crazy dog, lead us to our prey." This hunter known as crazy dog, the only member in the guild wearing a shirt, one with a graphic of a chibi dragon with the words "Master of the realm"

Crazy dog proceeded to lead the way into the jungle; Tarou and his crew followed; dashing in and out of trees and bushes, hunting; whilst Eren and Jun followed slowly behind.

"Let's go Eren." Jun ran forth to keep up with the party. Meanwhile Eren sighed, the temptation to go back through the portal and end it all there is growing by the second.

'I did promise to train Jun.' Eren chased after him. Using his parkouring skills to bounce off the tree trunks to catch up quickly.

Every so often they had to pause because Jun stumbles over the treacherous, roots. Helping him up; they chase after the rapidly accelerating, over eager guild.

The sticky wet and humid jungle wasn't exactly Eren's favourite place to be. Poor Jun was in so much discomfort and is doing everything he can to stop himself from falling. Every step just made him struggle even more. And of course, because of this, they find themselves far behind the others who were quick in this jungle.

After what seemed like hours, Eren is beginning to struggle to keep up with them. The lack of hydration is catching up to him. Their legs and lungs burning. Luckily, they soon arrive at a massive temple. Like that of Aztec origin. Tall walls and pyramids covered in overgrowth.

"We're..." Jun gasps between breaths. Eren doesn't reply, choosing instead to focus on recovering.

"I... need... water..." Jun fell to his knees.

Finally catching up, Tarou and the silver fang look back over at them. "Brothers, we are exhausted after this treacherous trek. Water!" Tarou flexed. Causing the entire guild to do the same, they waited, poised in their poses.




A couple of healthy gulps later the party is refreshed. "Well done silver fangs, they remain moistened." He proclaimed proudly. Once recovered Eren surveyed the ruin; crumbling ruins lay about. Overgrown, covered in vines. Pillars lay toppled.

"First, we scout; seek and report anything you find." Tarou ordered. His hunters stood at attention saluted in unison.

"ARROOO!" All split off into five different directions.


A silence loomed over the temple, nothing stirred in the humid air. Eren and Jun both took their time to appreciate the peace. Eren sat on the crumbling ruin. Throwing debris at his student.

"Foot forward Jun, if someone tries to attack you at your side, you'd be rooted like a tree." Throwing more rubble at the younger hunter. Dodging both in succession.

"Better, again." The session continued.

Tarou sat nearby, instructing Jun as well between the stones.

"Good Jun. Feet shoulder width apart... That's it, good Jun! Head down on the dodge."

"Boss!" A pack member returned

"What'd you find?" Tarou asked.

"The central chamber, guarded by the boss, no sightings of treasure though. It's warded off by more stone men." Tarou looked off pensively into the temple, hands on his hips.

"Very good Ken-boy. Alright Eren, Jun. It's time to move."

The clash of stone against claw echoed through ancient halls.

The pack are engaged in battle with stone soldiers wielding spears and shields. Carved with impersonations of animal human hybrids.

"It's time we show these boys how we fight."

"Right!" They roared under Tarou's orders, and immediately, they begin to transform. Their muscles expand exponentially, fur growing over their bodies and their faces turning into snouts. Teeth turning to fangs and their nails turning into claws. They transform into wolf hybrids. They roared ferociously, charging into battle, tearing through stone sentinels.

A brutal sight, but a quick fight. Stone sentinels falling by the hands of the silver fangs, roaring as they rip apart the army before them.

Eren and Jun proceed through the ruined battle field and corridor, past the massive rows of destroyed statues. Each row taller than the last, looming overhead.

Arriving in a large chamber, vines roll through the walls, enveloping everything inside it, there in the middle of the room a sword stuck in a stone. Vines a vice grip around the handle and stone.

Eren stood before the pedestal, grasping it by its hilt. It won't budge; clamping down harder. Still no movement, no change from the blade.

"Looks like you need an alpha." Tarou's shadowed fell over Eren and the sword.

Joining Eren, Tarou grasped the hilt with his paws, veins popping out as his muscles flex.

"Get ready to pull when I say." The wolf snarled.

"Ok." "!" The wolf and Eren both pulled with all their might. Yet it remained, forever a statue for the jungle.

"NOO! If the Alpha cannot do it. No one can..." Tarou sank to his knees dramatically, hand against his chest like he was about to rip out his heart. The rest of his party ran in the hall and knelt behind their alpha, clutching their chest as well in grief.

'I should have kept the door shut and just meditated.'

Jun grasped the hilt and pulled gently, like he was opening a car door. The vines crumbled down, freeing the blade, revealing a stunning ornate blade with symbols and words in a different language covering the blade.

Jun, utterly shocked at the draw, stared at the blade and then Eren and Tarou in awe.

"Aww yes!" Tarou and the silver fangs roar, arms raised.

"Well done, Jun." Eren complemented softly, although he too was not expecting it either. The whole guild surrounded Jun; giving him pats on the back.

"How did you do that?" Eren enquired curiously.

"I don't know, I just reached out... And when I grabbed it, the blade suddenly seemed to get hot and tingly, so I gently pulled it."

A rumbling broke the group from their celebration; statues that hid in the corners of the room began to move.

The first giant statue stood at over 15 ft tall shaped like a lion, a large axe in its hand. Its body is covered in moss and ivy, and its features worn away with time. The second giant statue; shaped like a bull and had a large hammer in its hand. It too had been equally touched by time. The sound of metal on stone echoes through the room.

"The Bosses! Arooooo!" The silver fangs roar at the new challenges.

They charge forward in their animal forms, hitting them in unison. Hitting it over and over. However, their sharpened claws do nothing to their stone forms. Instead, just scuffing them. The silver fangs tried another tactic; climbing their forms. However, they too, failed. Slapped down, each time they reached the head of the beasts.

The statues are agile despite their size; twirling and weaving their weapons. No matter how many times they attempted to strike, they failed to bring any significant damage.

Jun eyed Eren, pleading for guidance. Eren could have intervened but what would he learn. Before Eren could respond the sword in Jun's hand began to vibrate rapidly.

*Vzzzt* *Vzzzt* *Vzzzt*

"What on earth?!" The sword flew out of his hands, floating mid-air. The rusty sword begins to glow as runes and symbols pulse with an ethereal blue light. Blinding all within the chamber.

The light fades revealing a reforged sword, gleaming with a new brilliance. The sword hovered in the air before instantly swinging by itself, flying towards the lion. It connected with a loud thunderclap that rocked the temple. In a matter of seconds, the lion statue was demolished. In addition to its destruction, the statue was also reduced to dust.

The bull quickly fell too in the same way.

"Brothers, we have slain the boss." The guild let out an earthshaking howl.

"Well done Jun. You have a new weapon now." Eren turned his attention to the sword as it floated to Jun's open palm.

Tarou sniffed the sword. "Eh, a magic sword, ancient... one of great power... what do you think Jun?"

"It's...Speaking to me...It... It can't remember its name. He wishes to help me..." Jun responded quizzically; holding the blade.

"A name. A new quest fangs." Tarou once more, struck a new pose. His muscular form casting a shadow over Eren.

"Death." Crazy dog proposed.

"Killer." One called out, 'Nero' On a necklace.

"Behemoth slayer." Said a silver Fang, bearing the necklace 'Oni'

"Death sword." Ken boy proposed.

"Executioner of the ancient ones." Tarou flexed once more.

"Those are some 8th grader level names." Eren expressed, non-pulsed.

They brainstormed many more names like Slicer, Heartbreaker, King killer and others. However, Jun and Tarou settled on one name.

"Seraph." Jun gently stroked the sword, its blade quietly hummed along Jun's finger tips. It chirped with a metallic voice, sharp and scratchy yet pleasant.

"Wolves, our spoils await us." The silver fangs cheer loudly, praising their leader. Exploring the chamber, looking for their loot.

"Eren, did you want to get anything." Jun asked his mentor.

"Oh, didn't I cover our assistance fee?" Tarou placed a hand on Eren's shoulder.

"75% of all spoils. But, because I like you brother, I'll let you take the sword and we keep everything else. Deal?"


"Deal." Tarou Continued

Eren was too annoyed by their gimmick to care, deciding to leave then and there. Jun happily followed behind him, leaving behind the noisy silver fangs.

Making their way back through the ruins and forest was relatively straightforward, even with Jun having to stop occasionally to catch his breath; the experience still proved enjoyable enough despite having endured Tarou.

"Wait!" Tarou chased after them; tossing a scabbard towards Jun. "Your blade will need its sheath. Here you go. And if you want to join up with the Silver Fangs, here. Flicking a card at Eren. One side; Contact info, location, and application; the other a silver Fang. "Ahhh." Eren yelped at the card. The silver fangs all naked, posing in their signature one. One final blow, at the expense of Eren's patience. "Contact us and we'll be there, friends." Tarou flexed, much to Eren's chagrin, exiting the gate.


Now outside; the only thing Eren wanted was a cold shower. Too get rid of the sticky humidity that built up around his skin.

"So, what do you think?" Jun asks holding Seraph out in front of him.

"Good job." Eren praised him. As a first-time teacher he didn't do so bad. Jun as a first time-student smashed it.

"Take a break Jun, I'll come get you when I think we should-"

"Does that mean you will take me again"

"On probation, if you keep practicing and learning." Jun seemed to shine in joy when Eren announced he would train him.

"Actually, could I ask you a favour? You don't have to say yes but..." Jun asked with a flushed face, hands held together, pressing his palms into each other.

"Can you... Meet my sister, please?" Jun mumbled towards the end. The pleading looks in Jun's eyes caused Eren to once again give in to his puppy-like desires.

"I need to get home but I can stop by."