HQ of the Crimson bandits, 12:00 PM:
*Bzzt* *Bzzt* *Bzzt*
Reiji's phone was a lightning storm of notification, messages after messages.
'Prepare for war.'
A simple message that spread through the crimson bandit's network like wildfire. Members messages with concerns and questions, all answered by one.
'He is coming.'
"Sir." Hiro entered without asking. Reiji was in the process of sharpening a ninjato; blade shining under his desk lights. "How goes our preparations Hiro?"
"...Good sir. But the 'Black Legs Guild' are asking for more." Hiro sat opposite Reiji, watching the methodical sharpening of the blade.
*Skrrrt* *Skrrrt* *Skrrrt*
"Double the offer. Promise them the Reapers head."
"We can barely afford to pay them even with their first offer?" Reiji didn't flinch at these words.
"It's not about the payment. We are all going to go down in flames. Those guilds who sit at our borders will pick apart our carcasses. Scorched earth tactics."
*Skrrrt* *Skrrrt* *Skrrrt*
"Why Reiji-" The blade halted. Pointing forward with a deadly tip. Reiji looked down its form, straight to Hiro.
"Karma. Pure and simple. We have lived lives of decadence, profiting off our crimes." The blade returned to the desk, holstered in it sheathe.
"For that and our ignorance to our problems. The universe has brought him. Our end."
"And the other guilds?"
"Those guilds make us look like saints; human trafficking and all. We will go down in a blaze of war, taking them with us. Perhaps our final good deed will be this." Reiji stood, walking over to his ward.
"For you. Hiro. This is a weapon from my former master's armoury."
Held in his hands and presented like the most precious of items. Unsheathed it lit up in a blue fire aura. "It will serve you well in the times ahead."
"I can't accept this sir. Please you should use it-"
A crimson inferno grew from Reiji's hands. A great sword of flames.
"I already have my own. Now, get back out there. Answer questions, sooth the men's worries, and let me know when the CEOs from the 'Sons of rising sun' and 'Kobayashi syndicate' arrive. I expect to see them very soon."
"Thank you, sir." A bow followed. Then, a swift exit.
"Perhaps there is one more thing I can do."
Back at his desk, he flicked a button underneath. A screen emerged from the desk. Screen calling for a direct connection. For moments nothing happened; then a blacked-out face appeared; shadowed like a spirit without form. Its only feature; white eyes glowered through.
"Why have you called?" There was no use of subtlety, no mincing of words. Cut straight to the point.
"A pleasure to see you too Mr.-"
"If you have nothing important. This conversation is done."
"Wait. The crimson bandits require your support." Reiji began to rummage through his desk draws.
"Why? Your guild has nothing worthwhile to offer. Your guild is priming for the end. End call-" Reiji produced a black thumb drive USB. Presenting it, like a trophy held by a winner. Entering it into the screen; the spectre looked away only for moments. Then a pause. White eyes locked upon the mysterious contents.
"We should level your building for such insolence." Silence came from the spectre. Eerie silence, their white eyes studying something for the first time, carefully and intently. Reiji sensed the trepidation.
"And if you do. You will find this will be leaked out. What then?" Words soaked with poisonous taunts. Prying with needle sharp precision.
The eyes narrow once more on Reiji.
"What do you want?" Reiji grew a devious smile.
"Weaponry." Reiji knew how this one operated. The company guild would not send in their own. Yet, weapons. A-rank gate clearing weapons is a big business. Who would suspect the crimson bandits for buying and having top class weaponry? No one, not when they could be found so easily on the black market.
"Within the hour. Good day-"
"One more thing." White eyes. Infuriated by Reiji's gall.
"I need a ticket. Passage for a restart."
The spectre hummed. "A coward until the end. You will have your restart-"
"It's not for me." The spectre was puzzled. "Who then?"
"Hiro Koboyama." Eyes narrowed sharply. Scanning through the screen like some terrifying judge.
A ghostly image vanished from the screen. Leaving a happy Reiji. Fist slammed in a win.
The price for his bargain would be the destruction of the thumb drive. However, Reiji had no intention of destroying or handing it over.
He foresaw it all. He and his guild would not survive the night, a fact that he and his men accepted. Bringing down the vultures that circled them. A noble plan. In its own twisted way.
From the ashes of destruction. A Reaper will rise; he would only be a small stepping stone in something far grander.
Hiro will have passage to another life. He will object, fight his master. He was destined for a better life. Reiji would make sure of it on his last day.
The Heart residence, 3:00 PM.
<8 Hours till siege>
"Yes, good now add the garlic, slowly, SLOWLY- stop." Eren hastily scuttled from one side of the kitchen, a hand clasped with the force of a titan.
"I'm doing my best." Emi spoke, hovering behind the cooking chaos. "Why do I need to do this? I am really good at cooking. Aren't I?" Her pleading eyes puffed like a puppy, reading him for any cracks. Alas, he remained hardened.
"Yes. You are. But there is no harm in learning more advanced cooking methods. Can you fetch me the eggs?" Eren couldn't find the courage to tell her the truth. Her cooking was shit. Plain and simple. Failing at even the most basic of dishes.
"Now, 'Slowly' crack them against the side like-" *Crack*
The egg landed in the pan with a sizzle, along with half of the shell. Eren tried to keep a cool head.
"Not bad, can you remove the shells?" Emi did as instructed, removing the shells, along with half the yolk. Again, Eren bit down frustration. Eyes in a state of perpetual pain.
It was like leading a camel to water, and watching it drink the sand.
"Wouldn't it be easier if you just do it?"
"...No Emi. You need to learn." It would be far easier; on Eren and the eggs.
However, a new nuisance quickly approached the door.
"Helllllloooooooo!" Lucifer shouted, barging through the doors like he owned the place. "Emi it is Saturday night. Do you know what that means?" Lucifer sang, dancing along as if some musical were underway.
"Battle Idol." Emi completed with an excitement that outmatched Lucifer. Ditching the pink apron, she bolted to join the infernal idiot.
"Girl. You stay here and cook." With the sharpest tone Eren could muster. Emi flinched back like a scolded dog. Lucifer was met with a similar reaction; hands firmly clasped upon those bladed shoulders.
*Sniff* *Sniff*
"I-I'm s-sorry Eren. I'm no good at cooking." Wet trails formed at the base of her eyes, an ability she has recently mastered. To her they were angle tears. To Eren, crocodile tears.
Emotional manipulation of the highest level. Eren didn't know when she developed such skills. Were these instinctive. Hidden deep in his sister's heart. Did Lucifer teach her these dark arts?
'This girl. Is such a little sister. Weeping, to get out of responsibility.' Eren couldn't fold to such deception.
He folded.
"Fine. But you will help clean up after. We can do more cooking tomorrow." Tears evaporated in an instant. With a glee only a little sister can master, she scurried towards the TV. Whilst Lucifer walked with a more elegant strut.
"No, you. Outside now Lucifer." Eren demanded.
"Oh? Am I in trouble." Lucifer teased. As always, playing up and getting under Eren's skin.
He pushed his way outside, with the blonde reaper in tow. Closing the door as to keep Emi unaware.
"Are you ready, Eren? Your first real step towards greatness." Lucifer muttered with excitement. As always, such a thing seemed to please Lucifer. Violence is in the man's nature.
"Yes." Eren breathed out. Pushing aside his nerves to be in control. There was a large stake. Trepidation however, isn't in Eren's nature.
Tonight, perhaps the ward will experience freedom from the grips of the bandits. A new dawn for him. All within his grasp.
"Do you require my aid? I would love to assist my little dove in flight." A grin of the most demonic intentions.
"No, what kind of Reaper would I be if I can't fight my own battles?"
"Very well, I will be cheering you on from the sidelines tonight." A ruffle of his white hair, reminiscent of a dog to its master. Drawing the ire of Eren.
"MMMMM." Eren growled. Removing the hand with a grunt.
Lucifer skipped back inside. Like a giddy child.
"Lucifer." The blonde stopped.
"Thank you. For being friends with Emi."
"My pleasure Eren. Your sister is a sweet child. I can see why you fought so hard to see her again."
Lucifer slid inside like an apparition. Leaving Eren in his thoughts; alone on the balcony. The afternoon sun nearing the edge of the buildings. With little time left to think. A sharp inhale of the crisp air, refocused his mind on the events to come.