Chapter 36: Once upon crimson ashes - Entrance to hell

12:01 AM. Moon peak: Main Headquarters of the Crimson Bandits

Under moonlit cover and chilled winds. A dark shadow stalked through the upper limits of the wards highest building. On the rooftop. Overlooking the building below, Eren watched. Waiting for the right moment to begin.

The compound sprawled before him, buildings interconnected into a massive hexagon, a city within a city. In the centre; the largest structure a 12-floor concrete tower. Windows barely seen from outside, tinted from any prying eyes. Dismal grey, weathered and dull.

'A waste of power for a criminal guild. How could Baelor lose such a place?'

Guards of all sorts patrolled and took up choke points. Equipped with a range of arms. From modern rifles, shotguns to swords and spears. Some going without.

The crimson bandits, clad in red bandanas with crimson attire. Joined by several other guilds mingling amongst themselves.

One dressed like imperialist Japanese soldiers with red rising sun's stitched across their sleeves.

Another in suits tailored to style. Slicked back hair and expensive watches. Almost all clones of each other.

Lastly, masked ones. Like the reaper. Black armoured and skull faced. The only differences were long braids that came out of the back of the skulls. More like modern militaries, tactical gear adorns them.

Fear radiated from the base, permeating throughout the whole ward. Taking a sharp inhale of that stale, cloying aroma of rot. Eren found his focus and aim. Now it's time to begin.

The Reaper dropped down into the abyss below.


"Hey. You have a smoke?" Asked a fine suited man. A Kobayashi syndicate's grunt. Posted out the front gates, he was hoping for a livelier time. Yet, found this position utterly boring.

"Yeah, here." The crimson bandit opened his pack. "Want one too?" He offered to the imperial soldier standing guard. A thin, scrawny man; fidgeting with his fingers; was no different. Boredom taking him, but he declined the offer.

"Don't smoke. Prefer the tea."

Both bandit and Kobayashi syndicate shot glares. "And you?" Asking the black legs member. Laying on a cold concrete wall.


"Suit yourself." Lighting the cigarettes; and both puffing smoke into the chill night air.

"Those skulls give me the creeps; think they even have people under them?" Whispered the Kobayashi, taking a swift glance at them.

"Probably. Just don't look in their eyes. They hate it when people stare at them."

"So why the hell are we working with you? Aren't you kings who sit atop piles of credits?" Cigarette puff between words.

"I wish. Sitting on an endless supply of credits, we'd be able to take on those white eyed fuckers in ward 21." Stomping the ground. "We've looked and looked. Never finding any trace of those infinite credits."

"Is he truly that strong?" The imperial added.

"The reaper?" He gazed in the distance towards the moon. Stars glittering like sparkling diamonds.

"Yes... Everything you heard is true and far fucking worse." The bandit taking a heavy draw. As if that smoke was all that was left.

"Half of our guild is gone. The lucky ones we find the bodies... Most; only pools of blood remain. The only reason we know about him. He lets one live to tell the tale." Crimson member added, spitting on the ground, disgusted. As if trying to remove a terrible taste on his tongue.

"Bha, sounds like bullshit to me. Men shouldn't fear ghosts. Cowards the lot of you." The imperial scoffed. Those scrawny hands on the end of his hip.

"Does your entire guild sleep with the lights on?" Countered the Kobayashi. Hands rubbing down the tip of his suit. Cigarette smoke and hot breath pluming from noses to the surrounding air.


His answer gave pause to everyone. Glances shared between the old world and new world. Perhaps there is no shame in a little fear.


"What was that?" Whispered the Kobayashi, straining his head.

"What? The wind?" Imperial shot back.

"No, it was something else. Oi skull face, wake up."

The black leg remained motionless, laid across the concrete.

"Oi." The bandit walked over to shake him. He collapsed with little more than a thud. Blood streaked from underneath the dark leg.

"Shit his here! Go and warn-"

*Shick* *Thud*

*Shick* *Thud*

The bandit turned back. Both the Kobayashi and Imperial slumped to the ground, bodies with a single slash. Spilling warm red pools to the ground below.

Azure eyes peered at him. The Reaper stood over crimson stained pavement.

The bandits last light, a bone blade waving through the air.


With the external guards down. Eren stood upon crimson stained pavement, his assault to begin. The southern side of the HQ, is where he would breach.

Like a wolf through the shadows; stalking all those inside. Picking off any unsuspecting men. Making his way through winding corridors of damp concrete. Every new patrol. Slaughtered with utmost stealth.

'About time you gave me something. Show me.'


Current Knight count:

Swordsmen: 25/25

Archers: 11/11

Brutes: 0/2

To convert to brutes, 9 Swordsmen and 7 Archers.




'What kind of math is this. Keep them.' The man behind the mask scoffed. A heavy sacrifice to make; a sacrifice he could ill afford.

The ring tightened around his finger, protesting its wielder's words.

The reaper continued onwards. Any unfortunate soul found in the reaper's path. However, he grew suspicious. A path was clearly laid out to him. Men guiding him down certain paths.

Eventually, coming across a large courtyard, a mulit-purpose basketball court. Floodlights clicked on; bathing him in a scorching heat.

Scuffling behind his back. Doors and shutters, being locked; blocking off any path he previously had.

"Welcome Reaper!" Reiji clapped from a balcony above. His right, Hiro stood; ninjato's fastened across his waist. His left, Panic; eyes fixated down like some cat eyeing a mouse.

All sides covered by all guilds. Guns aimed at their prey

"This ends tonight."