Chapter 38: Once upon crimson ashes - Siege of Crimson


"Fuck; their getting closer!" A Kobayashi guild members shouted, pushing back with their own volley. Firing everything they have against the approaching knights.

Shadowed steel slashed swiftly; soldiers surged, slicing sharply, shadowed steel scarcely scratched; sword storms striking surely.

"Get back to the checkpoint." Called the Kobayashi grunts. Whipped off their feet like leaves in the wind, air swished like whips as the next knight advanced.

*Fling* *Swoosh* *Fling* *Swoosh*

Arrows cut through the air. Zipping with speed, pinning and penetrating retreating men. Some bolted straight, others at a curve, with still more, aimed at their bodies from an acute angle.

"Arghhhhhh. Fuck!" With a leg pinned to the floor, one grunt collapsed.

"HELP ME!" He begged.

A Sons of the rising sun grunt came running. Trying to save the Kobayashi member.

*SCHLINK* *Thud*

Their head severed clean at the neck, face rolling to meet the downed Kobayashi. Staring eyes to eyes, blood quickly spilled from the detached head.

A bone like whip snaked along the ground; covered in blood it retreated into the shadows. Behind the march of knights.

The grunts final sight, a metal boot. Meeting his head with a crunch.

The men stood no chance against such ferocious demons. Shadows rose; knights moved without fear, all the while azure eyes watched it all from the dark.


*Clink* *Clink* *Ratatatatata* *Clink* *Clink* *Ratatatatata*

The Reapers knights continued forward; whilst he stood behind. Watching the siege of Crimson. It would have been a well-set trap that would have worked on many other heroes. Yet, against Reaper, there was just too large a skill gap. Against knights and their leader; hell would be a welcome place for them.

Eventually the rattle of bullets on metal died. Deafening silence followed soon after.

Emerging into a large open hall, a great room. A plaza that spread a welcoming and open area. Surrounding the plaza are entrances to many smaller rooms and balconies. Despite the pitch-black, the plaza had a gentle and peaceful glow. Personalized doors with imagery drawn of monsters and heroes. The faint smell of cooked meals; stew wafted through.


This was where the members would reside. Like their own homes. Where they sleep, eat, work, socialize. Everything expected to be found in a living area was within these halls.

*Fwoosh* *Fwoosh* *Fwoosh*

Bursts of light rippled on the balcony. Filling the plaza with a pale blueish tint, casting dark shadows into the depth of the hall. Men assemble the level above. Guns trained and waiting. The sons of the rising sun, accompanied by a couple crimson bandits and Kobayashi grunts.

"REAPER. YOUR CRIMES BRING DISHONOUR UPON US. PREPARE TO FACE JUSTICE!" A rising sun roared from the top. A far older man than his compatriots, grey hair hidden beneath a cap. Wrinkled and mole face told of a hardened, stern, and stoic character. Though a small height; Eren could sense this man was the leader of the guild. The aura this man had commanded respect and submission from any in the room.



The reaper activated the ward. Blocking the bullets before they hit. However, the knights took a pelting from the ammo. These guns were powered by magic.

The bullets began to slowly wiggle their way through with each hit. Knights armour cracking like China.

"Bring it out!" Ordered the older leader. From behind, Kobayashi members carried out a large anti-material rifle. It belonged on a tank rather than wielded by an individual.

The old man mounted the weapon. All that could be seen was his upper half peering over it. Legs being stretched across the ground, only by one man at the rear.


The rifle boomed; recoiling heavily, a dust cloud in its wake. Time nearly came to a halt; An enormous bullet whistled towards the Reaper.

Amber hue streaked towards, casting a yellow hue with a thin line. Yet, knights raised their swords all too late.


The ward absorbed as much force as it could. But the force transferred into Eren's right forearm.

'Arghhhh! FUCK!' It felt like he had shattered the whole right side. He felt the fragments, shards tearing into his muscles; an unfathomable pain. The mask held at bay most of the pain; yet still agonizing.


The reaper retreated through the door; taking refuge behind. Now for the second time that night, the Reaper sat. Nursing an injured limb, inspecting the bone, and seeing to it. His right arm didn't hurt as much now. No doubt another ability of the Reaper blood soaked in his veins.

It was considerably shorter than his left. Useless in such a state. Hitting the arm didn't move or falter, as though he had locked all movement.

A knight knelt by his side; providing materials to splint the arm. Using broken swords and rags to set the arm in place.


The helping knight had its head shot off by another of the anti-material round. A hail of bullets. Shooting down knights by the round.

The knights would go straight back into the ring but the flood lights made it impossible to summon reinforcements. The Suns of the rising sun had him trapped.


"MOVE UP! HE IS HURT!" Gunfire continued relentlessly. A barrage cracking at the open doors to meet the Reapers now tattered group of 12. The one-armed Reaper still on the ground; was struggling to stand and fight. Even the knights; who fed of their master's emotions were heedful of the gunfire. Cracked armour riddled like fault lines.

Eren looked at his stat screen.

*Warning 0 solider rank in waiting*


Swordsmen: 8/25

Archers: 3/11

Brutes: 0/2

Too Convert:

9 Swordsmen and 7 Archers.



The ring hummed at the command. 4 Knights and 2 archers vanished into the nearby available shadow across the opposite side of the room. Melting into it.

From those shadows rose two giant shadows. Hulking creatures of midnight, donned from head to toe in oversized plates and pauldrons with spikes. With massive great hammers wielded. Helmets with a small slit that no human could possibly see out off.

They lumbered slowly towards the entrance. Too slow... each step feeling like an eternity.

'These things are to slow... I shouldn't trust this thing for anything-'


An imperial soldier rifles pointed at the Reaper's head. "Got you!"

*Wham* *SMASH*

In slow motion the Reaper witnessed a hammer; crushing the Imperialist jaw with velocity like a bullet train.

The brute jumped to where it's hammer landed; the now crushed head. Caving into the skull as the hammer went deeper into the floor, chipping, and cracking concrete with ease.

The ring pulsed with vindication as Eren watched the brutes demolish their opponents. He'd underestimated these new allies; they had many tricks up their sleeve.



The anti-material bullet screamed to meet its target.

The Brute, stood looking like a bemused child. Smacking the bullet out of the way with ease. The cortège of men shuddered. Their fate had changed in seconds.

These two monstrosities rushed into the plaza. Drawing all gunfire.

"F-FIRE! MAKE Sure-" The leaders voice gave out, yelling till his voice failed. Frantically, he was still aiming down his sights. This was their only hope for survival. Now against this horde and monsters.


One of the brutes threw its hammer towards the Anti-material nest; killing two sun members. Jumping up with little effort. It landed with a quake that shook the entire base. The leader; who was already a small man, was but a mere child standing against the brute.

By the barrel, the gun was lifted high above its head. Then slammed down on top of the leader; crushing him under. Blood and pulpy guts flew in all directions.

It was over now. With renewed confidence the Swordsmen and Archer rushed the room. Taking out the floodlights; allowing their compeer's shadows to rise once more. Appearing behind the grunts, executing them without resistance.

In all, it took 15 seconds until the final bullet and hammer hit.

Once more the living quatres fell into dead silence. Stepping from the door to now survey the battle. There, Reaper signalled with his left for the bodies to be rounded up.

The brutes lumbered once more to their master.



*Pointing to right arm*


*Pointing to right arm*

"Can you fix this?"

*Nod* *Nod*

Reaper hesitantly stretched his mangled arm as best he could. The brute stepped forward. At this distance the monster dwarfed Eren. Armour only hiding the massive shadow behind.

It grabbed his arm, inspecting. Despite its massive size; its hands were gently held around his arm, and the gauntlets gave the illusion of dexterous fingers.

*Yank* *CRACK*


His thoughts his own and it still hurt. The brute pulled and cracked the bone. It rotated and placed back into its original place. Now it was longer, still asymmetrical to his left. But, usable now. Although maybe not 100%.


Like all his minions, they all wanted the same thing.

"...Thank you..." Reaper stilted out, to not be overcome with shock.

*Nod* *Nod*

The brute turned to its twin. Dapping each other up. Victory for one is victory for all.

Barely able to walk on his right, barely able to use his dominant hand, body battered and bruised beyond belief. He still was not even halfway through. Despite it all a feeling seemed to push through the mask's ability. Was he... enjoying it?