Reiji's office:
Distant gunfire rattled and rang like echoes. Even with his impending doom. Reiji, sat strong. Pouring himself another drink. If it is to be his final, then he would gladly savour the taste.
"Reiji!" The finely tailored Kobayashi leader burst into the room, elegant suit stained with sweat and wrinkles.
"What are you still doing here, why aren't you helping?"
Pouring another, he offered a drink to the man. "Calm yourself Mr. Shin. This is all going to plan." Reiji, gestured to the brown leather chair opposite himself.
"How are you so calm, it's hell out there." Bitterness stewed from the scotch, potent as well.
"The end is coming, whether you want it or not. For our crimes we-"
"Our crimes!? We make our fortune off the stupidity of others, I, have done nothing but ensure my company benefits from those imbeciles."
"That is the point... We have all forgotten what it means to be human beings. For the sake of Credits, we sacrifice ourselves, morality. A penance I aim to fix in my final moments." Reiji shot Shin an expression; one who has finally accepted the consequences. Ready to atone for his sins.
"What have you done?" Shin stood up, and demanded an answer.
"Ensuring I go into the next life with some good karma to my name. Once the sun rises, Me, you, those black legs and the rising suns will all be dead."
Shin threw his scotch. Glass smashing behind Reiji's head. "There is no money?! You've brought us all here to die!"
A sly smile to answer back.
"No! I'm pulling my guild out. You can keep your good karma. I'm gonna survive this rubbish."
Shin began to run for the doors. Reiji took another swig of his drink.
From his mouth; fire engulfed Shin.
"AHHHHHHHH!" His scream cut out by the scorching heat. The flaming man ran, dancing, moving like an aimless animal. Bumping and hitting doors and walls as he scrambled for an exit, anything to quench the flames.
Running through glass, falling down the 12-story tower.
Reiji poured himself another. Returning to watch the Reaper progress further. Distant gunfire getting closer.
Now amongst crates and containers of cargo. Reaper and his company fought on towards the centre.
The warehouse was structured in a way that made only one path forward, a warren of shipping containers. Creating a labyrinth of metal. Another trap for the Reaper. The crimson sky still shone overhead. Glimpses of that crimson light through skylights and windows.
Yet, despite all the mazes of containers. No criminal; No bandit, nor imperial soldier was present to defend. A silent place of steel.
"Жнец." (Reaper.) A deep and guttering voice came out from atop the crates above. Panic stood, gazing down to the army below.
"Пришло время. Давайте сражаться на равных."(The time has come. Let us fight on equal terms.)
Pricking his finger, the blood juggernaut created a red whip. Shining ruby red as though covered by a solid coat of polish.
Blood slashed forward. Cutting clean through one of the knight's chests.
*Fwip* *Swoosh* *Fwip* *Swoosh*
Archers shot above. Yet, Panic still didn't move from atop, turning his whip into a shield. Blood wall erected over his person. Stopping any chance of killing their opponent from afar.
"Go." The reaper ordered. His knights began to scale the containers, like ants on a mission. Scaling vertical at swift speed, even the slow brutes climbed well. The reaper hanging on to one brute as it ascended.
*Crash* *Crunch* *WHAM*
Knights flew off the crates. Blood fists cracking into the chests, sending them flying.
Finally at the top, bodies of the bandit's ambush party lay about. Panic drew blood from their corpses to fuel himself. Three orbs levitating around. Not large, but Eren knew what they could create.
A force of 22 minions stood between Panic and the Reaper. Crimson hues washed across Panic. Panic's eyes locked onto Eren, blood pulsing.
This is to be his last dance.
"Кровавые стрелы."(Bloody arrows.)
*Thwip* *Thwip* *Thwip*
Using one of his orbs a wall of arrows fired out. At speeds hard to judge. Knights' amour pierced. Though they still pushed forward with arrows protruding from all over. Archers firing every arrow they had; brutes lumbering in and knights charging.
Panic bashed with a blood hammer. Sending knights back to the Reaper's feet. Yet, they rose once more. Those that were comprehensively destroyed returned from the shadows below, away from the crimson sky. Climbing up once more.
No matter how many swings or blood arrows Panic created. There was nothing that would kill his knights. Numbers ever replenishing.
"Tch. Волна крови."(Wave of blood.) Using his remaining two orbs, a shock-wave of blood swept forward. Washing off minions back down the containers. Yet, some brutes managed to catch a crate edge with one hand. The Reaper, holding on for dear life onto the brute's Pauldrons.
Panic reabsorbed some of the blood wave; more orbs floated once. More blood arrows. This time larger, thicker. Rapid fire down, splitting into more arrows.
Brutes taking the brunt of the volleys. Recoiling from the flurry. Eventually kneeling under the assault.
Panic used the opportunity. Charging at the Reaper. A swift roundhouse kick to the sternum sent him flying across. Rolling along the containers.
'My ribs-' Even through the mask's protection, each movement sent shards of agony through his chest.
Panic landed behind him. The giant glared down in contempt. Blood encircling his body.
"You are injured. Reaper." Blood reformed, growing outward.
"You were to kill me. Get up!" His voice a low growl. Intimidating tactics that would scare many into submission. Reaper didn't show any signs of fear. Mask hiding away emotions.
A hammer is caught without looking. Disdain shown across Panics face.
Both brutes jumped over to attack Panic.
One brute took an aerial roundhouse kick, plummeting down below.
The remaining brute delivered its own strike. Hammer head meeting Panic's ribs. Taking advantage, Eren struck with his whip, going straight for the killing blow across Panic's neck.
"Дурак." Panic dodged and parried. His own blood whip cutting deep across Eren's chest, removing a large chunk of his chest plate.
The brute struck again, this time with enough force that sent Panic flying back across the shipping container. With a large black and blue bruise on his right side. He stood without a hint of pain.
"Пушка «Кровавая вспышка»."(Blood flash cannon.) Combining blood orbs, A giant red torrent took out the final brute in a flash. No trace that it was ever there.
The Reaper joined Panic back onto the container. Knights returning from the abyss below. Climbing their way back up for their master.
Both men returned to zero. A stalemate.
'Every shadow raised costs important strength; every blow weakens us both. And neither can he.'
Eren had to change tactics. Getting this fight over as quick as possible was now paramount to victory.