Pain and exhaustion burned throughout Eren. The unending fight against Panic took its toll. Still, the fight was at a standstill. Attacks and kills counterbalanced, Knights infinitely replenished. And a never-ending supply of blood.
Eren's gear was tattered and torn; revealing a torso marred scares old and new. Even his gauntlets barely staying in one piece. His makeshift metal brace, holding together what was left.
Likewise, Panic even began to show fatigue in his form. His stoic and intimidating presence no longer daunting. Form slightly slumped and heavy breaths accompanied a battered and bruised torso.
"...We...are even... Reaper..." Panic struggled to keep himself upright with each word.
"...Yeah..." Even Eren's voice strained out, from behind the mask.
"A... final...fight?"
"An ultimatum?"
" Да. Дуэль. " (Yes. Duel.)
"No blood orbs." Panic proposed. Bringing himself back upright, to peer down on Reaper.
"My own blood, your own whip. ярмарка?" (Fair?)
The Reapers knights turned to their master. Waiting with great anticipation for the command.
"Go, kill any stragglers." Instantly, they once more filed down the crates, dispersing in all directions. Finally, the pair were alone.
"...One more..." Panic coughed, "...more fight..."
"Yes... May the best man win." Eren's words dripped with earnest and integrity. Like a true duel, there was honour between the pair. Respect in place of their animosity.
Panic drew out two blades from his fingertips. Pointing one to the Reaper in acknowledgement. Reaper called out his own whip. Smeared in dried crimson.
Both men charged.
* Clash* * Clash* * Clash*
Strike, parry, evade. Sparring knives against the reaper's whip. Bone to blood, both men of equal stamina and strength.
*Slash* *Parry* *Swing* *Block* *Swipe* *Catch*
Not giving up an inch of territory to each other, any inch would give way and allow an opening for their opponent. Exerting great amounts of energy, both fatigued, and finally breaking away.
The Reaper slightly slipped on the bloodied metal. It was only half a second but Panic pounced. Piercing his left shoulder with one of his daggers.
"Urgh-" Eren threw a punch straight into Panics cheek, a burst of crimson across its face. It stung enough for him to slip off. This, he quickly exploited with his whip, slicing off three fingers on Panic's right hand.
"Ahhhhh." Panic leaped back. Blood quickly closed the wounds, sealing up the dismemberment. Eren pulled out the blood dagger; dissolving instantly in his hands. A throbbing sensation spread, making Eren fall to one knee.
"You truly... fight fair." If Panic were a man of lesser integrity, then he would have used the blood in Eren's hand to finish him.
"Да, я лучше их."(Yes. I'm better than them) Eren never understood his words. But his meanings were always clear.
Eren struck once more; the neck would make for a killing blow. But to no avail, his arm too slow. Shoulder unable to turn for the necessary momentum.
Under the whip; Panic dashed turning his blade into a mace.
Direct impact on the mask sent the Reaper flying off the crates, down below. He learnt his lesson from the last time, using the whip to break his fall at a shorter length. Still hitting the floor hard though.
Panic jumped down as well. However, he landed with failed grace. Ending up crashing into an empty shipping container. Its form was bent to Panic's left side.
Staggering to his feet, Panic summoned one orb from his own supply. Whilst Eren lay on the ground.
"Кровавые стрелы."(Bloody arrows.)
Out came blood arrows; although this time fewer in number and considerably smaller.
*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*
Several just missed Eren as he scrambled up to his feet.
One pinned his already damaged right foot to the ground. 'Fu- arghhhh.'
A slight look of sadness across Panic. "Мне жаль, что ты не смог меня спасти."(I'm sorry. You couldn't save me.)
Withdrawing all his blood; he primed a large orb. Panic's greatest technique.
'Пушка «Кровавая вспышка»'("Blood flash cannon")
Finally, the fight was over
"Пушка «Кровавая вспышка» "(Blood Flash Cannon) Red torrents surged forward. A flash of crimson engulfing everything.
As the red mist settled. The Reaper still lay. Intact, but unmoving his last movement to get out of the way.
From his left arm the tendril extended and snaked all the way towards Panic.
*Cough* *Cough*
Looking down the blade had pierced his heart. Sticking out his chest.
"You-" *Cough* got me..."
"This ward... comes in handy." Eren had once more blocked a lethal blow.
Standing up, Eren limped on towards Panic, retracting the blade, coiling at Eren's feet.
The fight was over.
Panic wabbled; clumsy slow steps to the wall of the warehouse. Taking a seat by the wall. Under a crimson sky.
In kind; the Reaper joined beside him. Ribs ached with every inhale, and yet. It was peaceful, silent, only their presence mattered for the remaining time.
"Good..." Panic muttered. Breathing once more with harsher and with great difficultly.
"Yeah..." The Reaper removed his mask. Bloodied face beneath washed in red light, grimaced. Laying the mask onto his lap.
"Heh...You are man after all." Eyes tried to stay focused on Eren. Lids dropping occasionally before a slight surge of pain brought Panic back to life.
"It gets stuffy behind there. But it gets the message across." Eren spoke to the mask; still not a sign of battle damage save for the dried blood.
"...You are good man." Panic breathed out, more heavily. Eyes flickering back and forth between focus and unfocused.
"Why do you keep saying that? I'm not even human."
"I see you... helping people... fighting bad men..." Panic pointed weakly, past the doors. Past all the hallways and grunts Eren had defeated.
"Fighting bad me, ha. You could have found any old goody two shoes-"
"Only you could kill me... I want to see my mother again."
Eren paused for a moment, thinking about his own.
"A terrible life I have lived. My only chance to see a good woman like her. Die in battle. To an honourable man."
His logic was flawed but who was Eren to judge. His tone, body language, distant eyes. Told of years of torment and pain. Holding on to the faintest hope is not a crime and Eren would be the last person to shame this dying man.
"Life's hard. Especially ours."
"Да. All we have is death."
*Cough* *Cough*
Blood leaking from the fatal wound. As blood vessels burst, coming to the end of their life span.
"...Your... Name?" Panic uttered with great effort, blood leaking from his mouth.
"Eren... Eren Heart." It felt good to speak his own name. One not obscured by fear and intimidation.
"Heh, nice try. No mother whose son loves them dearly would name a child Panic." Eren let out a slight laugh; pain shot up in his ribs. A painful wince to recover.
Panic contemplated his words. Years of torment preventing himself from truth. In his remaining life, Panic wanted to say everything that ever happened to him. Yet, his demons held his tongue.
Listing to heavy breaths beside him, Eren's own body began to heal. Yet, the fatigue of fighting remains, eyelids still felt heavy, his own will slowly slipping from consciousness.
The ring began to hum. No, it had been humming this entire time, only now Eren felt its pulses like that of a heart. It wanted something, it desired to speak.
Eren turned to the slumped figure. Panic drawing his final few breaths.
"Why? I think he has suffered enough-"
"You would make him a soldier?" Eren looked over. Still drawing weak breathes, waiting to be at peace for once in his life.
"Would you fight by my side. Join my army?" Eren offered, not expecting him to say yes. Although Eren could easily take it; the temptation was not there. His years of suffering warranted at least a choice.
"Why. Why would you offer that?" A weak eye peaked on through a wavering glance.
"Because you are a good man."
"I made a deal with death once. For my service my friends will go to the highest realm."
Panic thought on his words. He had been on the receiving end of foul bargains and corrupt promises. What's one more; from death themselves.
"Да. I join you." Panic croaked with all the strength remaining. Hand raised for a final agreement; the weakest shake Eren had ever had.
"Your name." Eren asked once more.
"M-my" His last breath and memory; the boy that loved his mother's cooking.
With that the ring enveloped Panic into darkness. Until not a trace remained. His soul copied within the ring of the god eater.