Yellow finally broke over the horizon. Sunlight began to shine on the ruins of the compound. Pillars had fallen, walls crumbled, and fire still burned low, starved of any fuel. A nauseating smell of burnt meat also wafted through.
Police had begun to scour for anything. Any evidence or items of interest. A long, arduous task ahead of them, yet they did so with diligence; eager to show the public a job well done.
'A job for the press,' Captain Matsuo thought as he was on his phone with the chief.
"Anything from Mr. Kikuchi, Sir?" Luca walked over to Shimada. A cup of coffee in hand, for his captain. Referring to the brief, delirious questioning officers had managed before Reiji was whisked away to the hospital.
"No. Ramblings about 'He let me live'." A sip of the coffee.
"Will he make it?"
"The doctors said it's touch and go. But a man like that won't die so easily."
"Where are the others?"
"Captain Matsuo had them put on body collection duty." A grim task that Matsuo found fitting for a unit he had come to resent. Shimada could only feel sympathy for his team; A nasty reputation came with the title of RCU.
Captain Matsuo stood to the side, once more chatting with his subordinates. Cig in mouth; bloated bellow bouncing with bellowed blitheness. A disgust in the captain's mouth.
"People like him shouldn't be allowed to wear that uniform." A scowl followed.
"Captain." Akiko jogged to her superior. Wounds bandaged and treated.
"What did Reiji say? Anything about the Reaper?"
"No, Akiko. He is just happy to be alive... How is body duty going?"
A grimace. As if the words were a sour taste on her tongue.
"Not good sir. We've seen at least 100 bodies so far...
"That's..." Words caught on Shimada's tongue. In all his years in the force he had seen bloodshed and graphic crime scenes but nothing like this.
'He did that much damage in one night?' It was astounding how much bloodshed had been done. Even now, as the bodies were collected, the scale was still unknown. A long and arduous task laid before them all.
"Ah, captain so glad you could join us. Come pick up a shovel; the pigs got us on grave duty." Takashi joked, eyeing Matsuo with a smirk. Even in the face of death and destruction, he found a reason to be witty, a way to keep himself calm.
Eventually as the morning progressed a convoy of hummers arrived. White, pristine, and expensive. One by one they came to a stop in the centre of the courtyard. Men and women dressed in suits, and ties exited the vehicles.
Forming a permitter around the convoy. Eventually, from the middle car came a tall, well-built man. Spiky brown hair and thin eye brows. By his side a younger man, a similar yet more slender build. Blonde hair the bounced off the morning sun, a bright smile for a dull scene.
"Who are the suits?" Takeshi asked.
"Trouble." The captain responded.
The taller man stood well above six feet tall. A thick frame, that could rival a body builder. Walking towards Captain Shimada.
"I am Masa Tashima. Vice-president of the golden tigers. We have come to claim Mr. Kikuchi's belongings, as well as the base. Please leave the premises."
The order gave pause to all. Matsuo stepped forward; arms crossed. A scowl on his face.
"Just who do you think you are coming in here and making orders. You some big balls to try to order me and my men around."
Masa scoffed at the crude pig before him.
"Under section 15.9 of the Japanese guild law. All property, and items, of a fallen guild will belong to their parent company. So please, get out of our way." The smug smirk only made Matsuo's anger grow.
A vein bulged from his forehead, fist clenched, a snarl in his voice. "Listen here..."
"Aki!" the young man behind Masa spoke over him.
"Kim Shi-Woo, long time no see. How have you been." Aki ran over to the blonde. Giving a large hug to the man.
"Shi-woo; who is this?" Captain asked his junior.
"My apologies this is Kim Shi-woo. We were in a guild together; the knights of Akihabara. He is one of the 13."
Kenji shook the Korean man's hand firmly. "I've heard a lot about you and all the trouble you two caused back in the day. That must have been fun."
"Yeah. They were great." Akiko spoke, nostalgic for the days as just an adventurer, not a cop.
"And what exactly are the 13?" Takeshi's knowledge showing his age.
"The 13 heroes of the siege of Tokyo." Luca added with a proud smile.
The 13 were a group of high ranked rankers; from all different guilds that rose during the chaos. Fighting back against the darkness. A band of brave heroes that brought hope and stability to a broken, beaten nation. Still the Japanese's and many all over the world revered them.
"Excuse me. Mr. Shi-woo, we are here on business please refrain from personal matters." Masa with face locked into a frown. Arms crossed and a foot tapping in impatience.
"Yes, Mr. Tashima. I am so sorry. Please, continue." A bow of the head.
"As I said, we will be taking the base. If you have taken anything, please give it to us, and leave." An outstretched palm, directing them towards the exit.
"Oi, you dare try and steal evidence from a crime scene." Matsuo tried to match the intensity of Masa; he could only dream of ever being as intimidating as the vice-president.
"I'll ask once more. Leave." Each word was forceful and harsh. In the hierarchy of the land; The stronger your guild rank, the more power you had. A small police squad like Matsuo's was no threat to the mighty golden tigers. Who sat amongst many other guilds on the peak of the mountain of powers.
His men began to shift their hands to holstered sidearms. In turn the golden tiger members too shifted. The situation was getting to a head, another fight was brewing.
The commanding but smooth voice of a blonde-haired man; dressed in fine white and Azure robes came forth. Accompanied behind him. Homeless men and women. Some of which had not seen the light of days for years, evident by the state of their being.
"Baelor... No." Masa was stunned. A great deal of shock washed over his face.
"Y-you died." A stumble on his words. Eyes wide, a quiver of disbelief. Now the golden tigers were on edge for another reason. This new band of ragged individuals. Who was the man who led them?
An elf in all his grace and elegance, yet he hid his ears. Human ears on his sides, a fake to hide his identity. An elf in a land of humans was a dangerous place.
"Oi. This is an active crime scene-"
"You need not speak whilst in my presences. Take your men and leave." With little more than faintly forceful words; Matsuo and all his men began to vacate. As though by an invisible hand, they were all compelled to leave. Puppets to the master puppeteer. Baelor.
"T-this is property of the Kitsuwa Banking Group. This is no longer-"
"Mr. Yori. Can you come forth." Through the crowd of raged men came A tall, thin, man. Dark and handsome features. Neat, slicked black hair, eyes framed with thin rimmed glasses. Carrying a large book. 'The rules and regulations of guild law.' As stated on the cover.
"In section 17.14 of guild law. All property or belongings will remain with the owner until death. If no legal death certificate is presented, all belongings will remain under the control of the acting guild master." A no nonsense answer from a sharply dressed man.
A member of the regulators of the guilds of Japan. Notorious for their long and boring explanations. However, many need to understand the mechanics of guild workings, lest you draw the wraith of endless litigation.
"Yes... they may be the case but Reiji Kikuchi worked under the umbrella of the Kitsuwa bank. Thusly we can claim all-"
"No." Yori spoke once more. "In section 21.15. If a transfer of guild ownership is made where guild ownership is falsely given. Said ownership will return to its original owners. Reiji Kikuchi never truly owned the crimson bandits. He merely changed its name from Silvermane."
Masa's teeth began to grind.
'That damn snake. He planned this. That bastard. I will kill him for this.' A snarl and sneer to his face. "The man before me was declared dead-
"The Japanese government and its' people have no evidence that the man before me had died." Yori was quick to add. "Also. As a Regulator, I am obliged to inform you that any more trespassing on guild property. Will lead to severe sanctions." Yori was clearly getting under Masa's skin. Despite his matter-of-fact tone.
The one thing that rankers fear the most is scrutiny from the guild law regulators. A group of men and women who took their jobs to extremes. One wrong step could leave you in a black hole of litigation and paperwork. Not a strong suite of a guild filled with warriors.
"Tch. Tigers. We're done here. Let's go." Masa stormed back to his hummers. Shi-woo bowed before the elf with hidden ears.
"I'm glad you are alive Mr. Baelor."
The hummers drove away as quickly as they entered. Speeding away down the street and out of sight.
"The members of the RCU." Turning his attention back to the six members who remained.
"I have no quarrel with you. Please, enjoy your day." Baelor turned and with a clap of his hands; rugged men and women began to move about the compound.
"Excuse me. This is still very much an active crime scene." Shimada was stern. Despite not knowing who Baelor really was.
"Oh, a crime scene what crime was committed on theses grounds?"
"What crime!? How about the mass murder of over 100 people." Akiko was shocked. Who was this man to act so uncaring.
"Ah I see. Very well my guild will begin clean-up operations. Good day." Turning away from the squad.
Shimada was left confused. This was all his case, but this man was acting like he owned the place.
"This is my crime scene. Until I say so."
"Captain Shimada. Under section 39.7 of guild law. Guilds have the power to override police authority. If it is deemed by the guild master that the guild can handle all internal matters." Yori spoke with his dry delivery, again.
"Section 39.12; states that a guild has the right to investigate any and all murders within their jurisdiction. A murder committed against a guild member is the sole responsibility of the guild master." Again, Yori cut him off.
"Just like that. This man comes in, claims ownership over a massacre and we can't do anything?" Aki was incredulous. This was not how police work should function nor any guild. The justice system and guild system were not two different things. Her frustrations reaching near breaking point.
"I'll only ask once more, please leave the premises." Without looking back, Baelor began to walk away.
Aki made a dash for the man. Fists raised to pummel the man. All her exhaustion, the man's apathy towards the dead, and the reaper escaping once more. It broke her.
"Detective Akiko don't-"
The blonde man caught her fist mid-way. Effortlessly.
"Detective Akiko Bennett. You have just assaulted a guild master. Under section-"
Baelor raised his palm. "Thank you, Mr. Yori. That will be all today." His tone still calm and collected. Despite holding the detective's fist.
"I see in your eyes that you are tired, weary. For the goodwill of our future endeavours, I ask of you. Rest." Too fingers to her neck and a soft tap were all it took. She went limb in his arms, unconscious but alive.
"Captain Shimada. Please, leave. I promise we will clean this matter up in a timely manner." Handing the young woman back to him. The captain left. No fight in him to argue with the guild master.
The squad had seen many game the system. Crooks, corrupt cops, politicians, and even rankers. Yet they had yet to see someone play the system as well as Baelor. An answer for every question and a law to undermine their power. All the while keeping that calm, collected demeanour.