"Ugh..." Groans from a beaten and bruised man. Eren stirred as his eyes struggled to open. Light pierced the cracks in his eyes.
'So bright...' Slowly, he opened his eyes, revealing the room to him once more. Laying at the foot of his bed.
"What time is it?" Eyes strained to adjust to the light.
"It's 12:00." Emi's small voice startled Eren. Dressed in her school uniform, knees to her chin. Eyes red and swollen, like she had been crying for a hours. A soft sniffle.
"Emi." Gently he rose to his elbows; pain shooting up his back and side.
"Why are you-" *Cough*
Blood spattered from his mouth. A hard wretch of his lungs as they burned with each breath.
"Why aren't you at school?" A laboured breath followed his question.
Emi stood up, her fists clenched at her side, tears falling in small streams. Leaving without another word. Her bedroom door slammed shut.
Eren wanted to keep his dear sister out of his other life, but she had already seen too much. An image of him beaten and bloody, on the brink of death, would be etched into her memory. Guilt washed over him like waves on a shore. All he could do was let out a sigh, before falling onto the floor once more; the pain still ever present.
"I'm going to have to explain so much to her." Eren thought.
"But how am I going to explain this..."
*Bzzt* *Bzzt*
A muffled buzzing noise emanated from Eren's bed.
When you are well, I will be waiting. Come to the base. I will be waiting.'
"What does he want? I gave him back his base. What more does he need from me?"
Getting too his knees, then to his feet; using the bed as leverage. Eren discovered that his right arm is still shorter than his left.
'Fuck, I hope Baelor can fix this mess.'
A quick assessment of his condition.
'Several broken ribs, a dislocated left shoulder, dozens of cuts, and bruises that have only began to heal and a multitude of burns. Yeah, I need to get stronger.' Sighing in disappointment, Reiji's fists still felt all over his body.
2:30 PM: Remnants of the Crimson Bandits.
Through great effort; Eren limped his way through the shadows, each step a struggle, each breath a chore. Eventually he arrived at the crimson base. Or what remained of it.
Rubble littered the grounds. Broken pillars and crumbled walls, cinders of burnt buildings, and the lingering smell of ash. The men and women of the homeless society beneath the streets; now scoured through. Cleaning the rubble, painting over tags of crimson, carrying corpses of the fallen. So much to do, but they worked with diligence.
Eren would stop and think about the damage wrought, but alas his body ached for rest.
"Let's get this over with. Where's that damn elf?" Walking through the courtyard. Too busy to notice the Reaper amongst them. They paid him no heed.
"Your late." The gruff homeless man who would so often greet him at the metro station. His curly beard gone; instead, a white goatee accompanying a stubble covered face. Short, white hair to match his beard. If he weren't dressed like he slept in the streets he would likely pass as a bouncer. That and the smell of a day's labour.
The top office was still heavily damaged from last nights close quatres with Reiji. Windows were broken and furniture was destroyed. The blast from Reiji's attack smelt the floors up with wood and plaster. A mess that was still being cleaned.
"There." The man with no name left. Returning to his clearing duties.
Baelor sat on the edge of where Reiji's meteors had struck. Deep in meditation; letting his blonde hair flow in the gentle breeze. At least he has found peace in the destruction. This was not his first time seeing such violence.
"Please, come and rest. You look in need of it." A hand raised. Pointing towards the edge opposite his. Eren complied. Taking a seat overlooking all below. His guild scurrying around like an empire of ants; diligent and determined.
"You are injured." Without opening his eyes, he spoke. Still in a calm, soft voice. Not an ounce of unease to be felt in his words.
"Yeah. Can you fix it?" Showing off the disparity between both arms. A wince of pain as he raised his arm too high.
"Outreach your arms." With a nod. Eren did so.
Baelor's hands began to emit a bright blue light, almost cold to the touch, like a winter's chill. "3...2..."
*Twist* *Crack* *Pop*
"OI! Motherfuck-"
With a swift pull and twist. Eren's arm was returned to its rightful place; albeit with a sharp sting. No mask to dull the pain this time.
"Better?" Baelor asked with a small smile. Eyes opened to golden sun irises.
"Yes." A sharp intake, as his arm ached from the reallocation.
"What did you need? I gave back your guild." Sitting back on his elbows. Enjoying a small moment of rest.
"I have something to show you." Baelor beckoned Eren to follow. The mystique of the elf began to annoy him.
'This better not be something he could have texted.'
Behind one of the many extravagant but badly charred paintings. Revealed a hidden elevator; circular in design, big enough to fit three adults. However, it hasn't been used in some years.
'Maybe not a waste of time after all.'
A soft jingle played in the background. As they descended below the earth. Buttons on the console, many. All sorted from 12 to -50. Some levels colour coded. Red, blue, green, yellow. While the others were just black, as though deactivated. Baelor pressed for -37. A ding, then off they went; deep, deep underground.
As the elevator descended, Baelor explained,
"I suppose you heard the rumours of the crimson bandits sitting on a great treasure? A wealth beyond compare."
"Well, it is true and greater than you could possibly comprehend..."
Glistening gold gleamed; gems glittered, glowing like galaxies. Goblets of garnet and gilded goblets glowed in grand displays, their grandeur gracing every glinting surface.
"Welcome to my ode to my avarice. Several lifetimes of wealth, amassed from the world and worlds beyond. A small part of my horde."
"A small part? Do I want to know how much you have?" Eyes wide with amazement.
"In truth. I cannot remember." Baelor laughed.
"I suspect that I could possibly buy out the entirety of Tokyo; Still this room would remain stocked." A dragon like a grin, a true hoarder of wealth.
Across a bridge over his endless piles of wealth. They came to a stop at the centre of the room. Four pillars surrounded them. In each, a crystalline orb, each emitting a faint glow in its' respective corner. Red, Blue, Green, and Grey.
"And these?" Eren asked, intrigued by the orbs.
"For a quest completed, a gift bestowed and for a bond strengthened. I give you a boon."
"How many?"
"As many as you wish."
A generous offer indeed. A chance to gain four new abilities, for free, no cost on his behalf. Just like those RPGs of old.
'Dash. That's a bit boring. What could work for the reaper?'
'Flame breath? No that's dumb. I'm not a dragon.'
'Night vision? What am I a cat, no.'
"What's a homunculus?" Eren asked, curiosity piquing.
"A living body. With no mind and no soul. A shell of potential. Give it commands and it will fulfill without fault."
Grabbing the blue crystal; a surge of energy flowed through him. Then it quickly dissipated.
"Thank you." A bow. "I need to get back. Emi... found out."
"Ah. A short-term problem I assure you; when my children found out about my heritage they didn't speak to me for days."
"You have kids?" The revelation took him aback. 'Who would sleep with him?' Eren thought.
"Several. All of whom I love equally. All human adoptions of a cruel world." He looked almost sad thinking about them. Something Eren didn't want to pry on. 'I'll ask another time.'
"Thank you." With a bow, Eren left, returning to the elevator, leaving his elven host behind. A long look around, a deep breath, and a moment to enjoy the gold and gems.
End epilogue 1
12:01 PM:
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." The dry chuckle of Detective Mori's voice greeted Aki as she awoke. Head resting on a pillow. Inside of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
"I feel great. What time is it." Her statement brought a frown upon her partner's face.
"It's just gone noon. You got knocked out. That guild master of the Silvermane is something." Arms crossed, sitting back in his chair.
"Yeah..." The memories of what see was about to do coming back to her.
"How screwed am I?"
"Very. But something much worse happened while you were out."
A shudder down her spine. What could be worse than assaulting a guild master?
"What happened?" A nervous gulp followed her question.
"The chefs want the captains head. For not stopping the crimson bandits siege." Mori informed. Handing her a cup.
"Drink this. You're gonna need it."
As she entered the office of the RCU. All eyes were on her. A sense of dread washed over her. Mai and Luca gave chary glares. Whilst Takeishi gave a wry smile. Proud of Aki for sticking it to those big-headed guilds.
"You got guts girl." A wink and thumbs up.
"You. Come here!" Captain Shimada was in his office. A scowl to his face and a vein popping out of his forehead.
"Good luck..." Mori said, sitting back down.
Like a girl who broke her dad's favourite mug. She sheepishly walked into her bosses' office. Taking a seat at the chair before the desk. Eyes downcast, hands fidgeting.
Shimada sat back. A glare so sharp she felt the room's temperature drop by 10 degrees.
"What were you thinking?" Voice still calm and collected, yet he simmered with fury underneath.
Aki knew this was coming. "I have nothing to explain my actions. I just got... angry. That man, Baelor, just came and took the crime scene like it belonged to him. It was disrespectful to our work and to the deceased." In honesty, she wasn't even upset at the guild master. Those men from the ward that inadvertently saved her, and her inability to catch the Reaper. This was all coming to a head, a boiling point.
"Sir, I'm sorry. I should've kept control. It won't happen again."
"You need to keep that temper in check. You've lost your cool more times than I have fingers. But you have never willingly struck another person."
'That's it I'm done.' Aki said in her mind. Waiting for the inevitable.
"I'll pack my things sir. I'm sorry."
Shimada sighed again. "No, you're not fired." The look of shock on the detective's face. "What!? But I assaulted a guild master. What do you mean I'm not getting the boot?"
"Because the suits upstairs want my head. They've got me pinned for not preventing the massacre."
"But sir, you can't take responsibility for the actions of the crimson bandits. This wasn't your fault." Aki was incredulous. How could he be blamed for the actions of a one-man army?
"Doesn't matter. We are supposed to monitor all this guild activity, and we didn't. All hands-on deck. We are going to need a bulletproof case. I am not letting some bureaucratic pencil pusher take us down."
"Yes sir, I'll gather all the evidence about the Reaper. They will-"
Shimada gave a long, hard glare at the young detective, the look of a parent to their child, when the child had just asked a particularly stupid question.
"Akiko, we can't use the reaper. We don't have any hard evidence of his involvement. Only testimonies of dead men."
"Sir. You know he did this right?" Aki protested.
"I know it, you know it the entire squad knows it. But can we prove it? Hard evidence only." Shimada said with a stern voice.
"Fuck that! I'm going to-"
Shimada slammed his hands onto his desk, causing Aki to flinch.
"You are going to sit your ass down and do your job detective!" Aki was taken aback by her captain's anger.
"S-Sir, I-"
"Take the week off. In the meantime, 'We' will build our case around the criminal organization." Shimada returned to his seat. "You are dismissed."
Without another word, Aki left, a dejected look on her face. A scolding she hasn't experienced since she was a teenager. A scolding that nearly made her cry. And she did. A few stray tears fell from her eyes as she left. She just wanted to find the truth.
Her reason for being an officer. For so many years, she wanted to help people. To protect the innocent, and bring light into this dark, shadowy world, but now, her goal was becoming blurred.
End epilogue 2
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
The sound of Reiji's EKG was his only way to pass the time. An incessant beeping.
'Just my luck to survive a fight like that.' A small chuckle, which led to a wince of pain from his chest.
A dark hospital room he lay in; lights off and sky outside dark and overcast. In a void of darkness. Only the noise to keep him company.
'I wonder what Hiro will say when he finds out I'm alive. I hope his not dumb enough to find me. Shit, he will. That damn kid is too loyal for his own good.'
His remaining arm chained to the bed; and a bandaged blooded eye. As well as numerous other wounds and injuries across his body. Nothing short of a miracle to be alive right now. Yet thanks to the marvel of modern medicine, he still draws breath. Although the chain wasn't necessary; he wasn't going anywhere in his condition.
"I know your there." Reiji broke through the wall of shadows; in his blind spot he could feel golden eyes watching him.
"You always had keen senses my former disciple." Baelor's voice came from the shadows. A faint blue light began to shine, revealing the hidden elf. Dressed in fine white and Azure robes, he looked more like a nobleman than a guild master.
"Come to finish me off, eh?" A smirk on Reiji's lips. Even to the end his smugness wouldn't die.
The elf rounded to his visible side.
Casting an illusionary sword; holding it just above his remaining eye. "Every breath you take now is a gift from me and the Reaper. Your soul is forfeit."
"Heh." A small chuckle, wincing with pain.
"I should have fought harder then. *Cough* *Cough* Maybe that new pet of yours would have ended it there."
"A lesson I learnt from you; to treat your pets with kindness. A mistake I aim to never again make. He and I are equals."
"Ha equals." Reiji let out a weak laugh. "He must be one special guy. But I suppose he would have to be. To beat me." Again, another chuckle.
"He will bring us to ruin; or save us all from ourselves." Baelor spoke with pride for his Reaper.
"He told me his reason for sparing me... Why did you? You have plenty of pawns in this game."
Baelor dangled a black thumbstick in front of Reiji's eye. Then placed it back in a pocket.
"You saw?" Reiji quizzed.
"Yes. Something that none of my 'pawns' could ever produce. For that you have your passage."
"I'm glad... Well... They're going to come and finish me off soon. You might need to get started."
Baelor retreated to his shadowy corner.
"I did it 5 minutes ago. Until next time Reiji Kikuchi. I hope you find peace in this world."
*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeeep*
Reiji's heart rate slowed to a stop. Body still, eyes closed. Although a ruse to trick the hospital staff. His role in this world far from done.
End epilogue 3
Danya awoke; eyes hurt by the bright, unnatural lights above. His last thought, taking one final breath next to the white-haired man.
Then awakening in a bedroom; so familiar to him. His home in the Russian town of Vladivostok. It felt different somehow. Painful memories he once had of this room seemed to fade. It was peaceful, something he hadn't felt in a long time.
A smell drew his attention.
"Beef stroganoff?" Danya couldn't believe it. He didn't want to. Too many times, in this life had he been led astray by dreams of comfort. Returning to his family; back to his mother.
'Another illusion.' Yet the aroma of the spices and beef. It was as if he were a little boy again.
"My, a very beautiful place you have here." A voice broke the silence. Looking to the window. A white man dressed in a suit and tie stood by watching the glow outside. Golden hair reflecting off the light.
"You have the most amazing view, and your interior is immaculate. A wonderful home."
The blonde man put Danya on edge. He went to prepare his power. However, his hands. Drew no blood nor did they create any spikes.
"Who are you? What have you done to my powers?" Danya asked the blonde-haired man.
"My name is Lucifer. Oh, and those... Well, we don't want any trouble in the afterlife. You are now free of the gates and all their problems. At peace." Lucifer said as he took a seat by the giant man.
"Where am I?"
"Valhalla, heaven, nirvana, the eternal plane. All of them, none of them. We give it whatever name suits our fancy. As for the why. Well, you made friends with the one person who could send you here. Despite your sins. So welcome home, Danya." Lucifer welcomed the Russian man.
Danya looked to the floor in thought.
"He told the truth." Remembering what the white-haired man had said.
"Yes. My little dove is many things. But a liar isn't one." Lucifer smiled at the thought of Eren.
*Step* *Step*
Faint steps in the distance drew their attention. He would hear the same footsteps for when he was grounded. His mother sneaking him food; making sure he was well fed and cared for. A loving, caring, compassionate woman.
"Mama?" Danya said, in near disbelief, after many years apart, he thought he may have forgotten.
"Yes, she is here too. Well, I'll leave you two to catch up. It's a beautiful place to rest." Lucifer said as he went back to the window.
"Wait. What do I do now?" Danya asked the otherworldly man. As he turned to walk out of the door.
Lucifer's smile grew on his face. "Whatever you wish. This is paradise after all." Disappearing into a white light. Now all alone; waiting for the steps that grew louder.
*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*
Now the steps were at his bedroom door. Slowly the handle turned; Valeriya Korsakov, a loving, caring and compassionate woman. Warm and affectionate. Her brown hair tied back, and her green eyes so bright. As beautiful as last he saw her.
"Mama?" Danya said, tears swelling in his eyes. A deep lump formed in his throat.
"My dear Danya welcome home." Valeriya rushed to embrace her son. Tears fell from both eyes. A long, warm, loving embrace.
"Mama. I have done so many terrible things. Things I will always regret. I've become a monster." Guilt weighed heavily on the Russian man's mind.
"It's ok. You were a child in a bad situation. I am and will always be proud of you no matter what. Now come, we have dinner waiting. I made your favourite." With a kiss on his forehead, they went to eat together.
Eternal rest washing over Danya. No more would his body rot, or would his hands be stained in blood.
Eternal light took him; he was finally at peace.
End epilogue 4
End volume 1