Chapter 10

The room is silent...while Naruymi went to her home planet,the two Ketora and Katarozu went to their mission..

Katarozu focusing on flying the space ship.. with a straight face.."don't you dare making problems in this hear me?"He said with a firm tone.."Me!? you're the one who start the trouble!" Ketora complain as he looks up from his tablet

"Heh.."Katarozu scoff.."just admit it.. you're talking about yourself..."as he looks up at the map again.. suddenly Ketora grab Katarozu's blue hair by the horsetail.Katarozu groan in pain "What the hell!?"as he too...start grabbing Ketora's coral hair.."let go!" Both of them said

As they started fighting, everything around them fall off and break..then Ketora push Katarozu making him bump into the mug causing it to splash the water into the computer..both of them start screaming as the space ship started to lose control..

After the spaceship Crashed they wake up with a little injuries but it's not serious.. Katarozu looks around and and get up to his feet.Ketora screams as he immediately sit up after waking up. "Tch... scarady cat.."Katarozu said in a mocking tone .."what did you say..."Ketora pissed as he about to punch Katarozu in the face.

Katarozu walk off "enough..we don't have time to fight right now.."he said...'his ego is as big as his family'... Ketora think to himself about Katarozu..even though... Katarozu never mention anything about his family...he just once said that his family has six generation in it.

After awhile of investigate the area.."Hm... looks like we crashed into Planet Himawari.."Katarozu said.. Ketora look at him bluntly..."so...who are we going to search for again?" Katarozu chuckle.. mockingly.."the best huh..?..." He said mockingly before sigh and continue "a girl named Nihari Himawari.."

"But now..we have to get out of this jungle first.."Ketora said as he looks up to the sky... closed by trees the time goes...two hours has passed..."What the thick is this jungle exactly!?.." Ketora said in frustration. "Hm ..Keto...I heard something..".. Ketora immediately close his eyes "hm...a sounds?..".. Ketora can hear things from a far distance... sometimes he doesn't even realize it.."an axe sounds! We can get help!" As he start running to the sounds

Katarozu follow close behind him... awhile later they found a red hair a torned clothes... cutting woods..they approach the man and Katarozu said "Sir..?can you please help us..?" The man look at them with intimidating looks... suspicious about them.."help you?...whou are you exactly?" The man said..

Katarozu take out his card "my name is Katarozu-..and this is Ketora Hanabi, we're from Space Guardian"... Katarozu... rarely Tells other his surname..he once said it's because he also got disowned from his family.."my name is Rayn"the man said..."Rine?"Ketora seems to try said it.."Rayn.." Rayn correct him but... "Rain?","Rayn! R-A-Y-N! Rayn!" Rayn getting pissed... but it's not weird to get his name pronunciation wrong..."oh.." Ketora understand

"So...what can I do?"Rayn he put his axe away.."we were assigned to search for a girl" Katarozu said "what her name?".. Katarozu pull out a picture"Nihari.. Himawari"..Rayn look at the picture for a while and sigh.."follow me.."

After awhile of walking....they arrive at a really big tree house...Rayn then yells so loud even the bird fly away "NIHARI!!" Then...a ginger girl come out while yawning.." don't have to yells at me like that..." Rayn scoff "if I don't yell like that then you don't hear it!" The girl just look at Rayn and nods "what do you want?"

"They search for you.." Rayn said as he looks at the two.." you're...Nihari Himawari.."Nihari sigh "what did you want from me?" Katarozu immediately said with a firm tone "our commender Invite you to the Space Guardian..."Nihari just giggles "oh... propose to with this way?"