Katarozu and Ketora face Whited "pro-propose..?..but.. she's a girl..?" Nihari just giggles and wink "I know, I'm just kidding~"
"Oh.." Katarozu sigh relief..."but kata...our . spaceship... uh.."Ketora whisper "ah... that's..." Katarozu rub his head in frustration
"I can help you with that" Rayn step in "can you?" Rayn look at Ketora up and down "don't underestimate me.. little guy.." Nihari just watch the interaction "don't worry...he can do it.. he's an expert at that.." Nihari said as Rayn went to the space ship.
He came back a few minutes later "hm..I need something.." He said as he takes the drink that Nihari already prepared.."What is it?" Katarozu ask..Rayn takes a paper and write a list.. "wah..."Katora looks at the paper.."ah..this is just a bit.."Katarozu said with confidence.."a little bit but hard to find.." Nihari chuckle mocking them silently..
"Nihari..you go with them.."Rayn command.. firmly.."wokey dokey!"
They walk across the forest... it's deep..but really peaceful...the animals...the bird flying freely..the sounds of the river... it's... calming..as they out of the forest..Nihari look at the two with a cheerful smile "Our first destination! Sun's cave! It's not that far.. it's only takes three days to go!"
Katarozu and Ketora look at her with disbelief.."three ...days? why's so long!?"Ketora said... Katarozu just sigh and thinking something.."then...how about. ...[POWER FLY]" He grab Nihari and fly to the sky "meet you the next three days!"
Ketora groan in frustration and curse at Katarozu,he sigh "UNDERGROUND TRANSPORT]" he went straight into the ground and follows Katarozu's shadow..
An hour later...they arrive at sun's cave.."is this the place?"Katarozu ask as he put Nihari down "yes..this is it.."...as they about to enter the cave Ketora appears from the ground catching his breath.."hey! Wait for me!!"He shouts..
Katarozu chuckle a bit.."wow ... really fast eh?" Ketora shoot a glare at him "you.." Nihari look at them and sigh while shaking his head "stop fighting...we have to go search for Light flowers.." as they walk inside..."but ...is it really important..?..I mean..all of this stuff?" Katarozu ask...cuz...I mean..what is it even related?..a space ship..and a flower..?
Nihari just think a bit and said "it's not that important for the space but he needs some energy to use his power.." Katarozu just nods in understanding "Hm... It's so dark in here.." Ketora complain.. Nihari hum.."dark?...wait..AHEM...A shining sun... giving the light...for the better of the world♪" Nihari sings and the area around him shining some kind of light... making the darkness disappear.."WOAHH IS THAT YOUR POWER!???" Ketora ask as he very impressed by it "yes it is" Nihari cheerfully reply
Katarozu suddenly run "guys! I saw a door!" They all run towards the door, as they arrive..they investigate the door.."hm..how do we open it?" Ketora ask.."it's...like we have to open it with something kind of key.." Katarozu said as he found the keyhole.."Don't worry! I have the key" Nihari said confidently while taking out the sun shaped key ."open it! Open it!"Ketora cheers