Handcuffed and blindfolded, a nervous Narissa yelped and shot to her feet shot to her feet as soon as the door opened. "Ah! Who's there?!" She gulped anxiously. "L— Lord Damian…?"
A small smile spread on Damian's lips, but he didn't answer immediately, leaving Narissa in uncertainty. Instead, he looked past Narissa, at a naked Luna. The woman he'd come to consider his one and only true girlfriend, was lazily playing with her own body as she watched Narissa's nervousness.
Luna placed one finger against her lips in a shushing motion, clearly indicating that Narissa had no idea she was there.
So Damian quietly turned to Narissa. She was dressed in expensive, elegant lingerie that had his senses tingling with excitement. He noticed the blindfold and cuffs, causing him to smirk. Although he didn't dislike the Merkin's current helplessness, it was really more of a Luna thing.
Since he remained quiet, Narissa became increasingly nervous. "H— Hello?" she muttered softly, taking a step forward on elegant heels.
Finally, Damian started taking off his jacket. "Well now, isn't this interesting," he said, a lazy, charming smirk on his lips. "It's not every day I get treated to such an exquisite sight."
Of course, had this truly been unexpected, he would have immediately left the room so that Lyra could investigate before anything happened. It wouldn't have been the first time someone tried to use his philanderous lifestyle against him. Fortunately, this was not such a case.
His voice startled Narissa. "Ah!" But, she immediately recognized his voice, causing a shaky smile to spread on her lips. "I— Is that really you…?"
Still smirking, and now having lost his jacket, Damian stepped closer to Narissa, who immediately felt his presence, shivered, and took a step back.
"Calm yourself," Damian soothed as he placed a hand on the small of her back to keep her in place. Then, with the other, he quickly lifted her blindfold, before grasping her chin to make sure she wouldn't look back and see Luna.
"I am indeed Damian," he then said, as Narissa's eyes started to twinkle with joy now that she also recognized the face she'd been hoping to see. "But this is my room, so I believe this is where you tell me who you are…?"
Of course he had to pretend not to have a clue about any of this.
Narissa started panting, her heart pounding, as she felt the proximity to the idol she'd always loved from afar. "N— Narissa, sir…" she gulped.
"Hehe, you can just call me Damian, Narissa," Damian chuckled as he pulled her young, supple body against his. "Now, I can imagine one of my friends set this up, but your nervousness tells me this is your first time, so are you sure this is what you want?"
Gulping again, Narissa's wide, blue eyes looked into Damian's crimson orbs, promising her a night she'd never forget. "W— Will you forget me, afterwards…?" she asked, hesitantly.
"Absolutely not," Damian promised confidently.
"T— Then please be gentle…" Narissa squeaked softly, yet full of excitement to be embraced by him.
"As you wish," Damian smiled, before pulling the blindfold back over her eyes, and gently pushing her onto the bed, before beginning to slowly devour her. From the sidelines, Luna looked on with lust and excitement as her hands never stopped…
* * *
An hour later, Narissa had fallen asleep, exhausted from having sex for the first time. Next to her, a naked Damian sat on the bed, his legs slung over to the side as he looked over at Luna. The Moonkin was breathing heavily as her own fluids had pooled on the floor below her chair, and she looked at him lustfully.
"Enjoyed yourself…?" he asked with a satisfied grin, leaning backwards on his arms.
"So much," she panted, a wide grin on her lips, her body displayed with no sense of shame in front of him. "Watching you ravage shy little Narissa…? Definitely worth a few months of leadup."
"Scandalous!" Damian immediately cried out dramatically. "The Lykos heir enjoys watching her boyfriend ravage the girls she brings him?! Whatever will the people say!"
"Don't care!" Luna exclaimed enthusiastically as she shot to her feet and walked over to Damian. She pushed against his chest, and he let himself fall back onto the bed, allowing Luna to straddle his waist with her legs. "But now it's time for me to take what's mine!" she grinned with twinkling eyes of desire.
"Take it then," Damian smiled, gently grasping her hips as she lifted herself up. His meaty staff, still slick with Narissa's juices, was more than ready to go again, so he quickly helped her find the right spot and insert him inside herself.
"Aaaaah!" she moaned with a shudder as he expanded her insides. "Fuck! That feels soo good!"
Leaning forward, she pressed her hands on Damian's chest and panted, her silver hair was sticky from sweat as it dangled down. Trembling, she looked down at the slight bulge in her stomach and moaned a little louder. "Gods, every time… I'm surprised again… that this thing actually fits inside me."
Grinning, Damian let his hands roam across her body until he grasped her firm, athletic, medium-sized breasts. "It becomes much easier when you're already dripping wet."
Slowly, Luna started to bounce up and down as her moans increased. "I just… love seeing you… fuck some of these sluts… who don't know how good they have it!"
"Don't lie!" Damian grinned as he pinched one of her pretty pink nipples. "You liked Narissa! You just enjoy watching the man you love ravage other women!"
"Aaah!" Luna moaned, her pussy squeezing around its intruder when Damian told her what she knew was true. "S— Shut up and fuck me!"
Grinning, Damian did as requested.
* * *
Another few hours later, morning arrived, and the two lovers were finally completely spent. They lay beside each other with blissful smiles, their sweaty bodies panting heavily.
They didn't stay like that for long, however. They could already feel Narissa stirring, so Luna leaned over to Damian and kissed him passionately. "Be gentle to her, alright…?"
Chuckling, Damian nodded and watched her alluring body disappear under some clothes, and then out the door with a final kiss and loving words.
After she was gone, Damian watched the door with an absentminded smile. He really couldn't get over how lucky he was to have ended up with her. Not only did she not mind his philanderous nature, but she actively encouraged it, so long as she remained involved.
Even if she wasn't present when he fucked someone else, she'd made him promise to take pictures and send them to her everytime, which he did diligently. That said, he wasn't sure why she liked it so much, and according to Luna herself, neither was she.
She certainly didn't enjoy the humiliation aspect that often came into play with a dynamic like this. In fact, she felt no humiliation, only inexplicable excitement and pleasure.
Eventually, however, Damian thoughts were abruptly ended by an emotionless voice resounded in his head. "Damian, it is almost time for your awakening. Your mother will expect you back at the house."
"Right!" he exclaimed at his Nurturing Optimized Virtual Assistant, aka Nova, as his body shot up with excitement.
Nova was seamlessly embedded on a chip in his brain. She managed everything, from organizing his schedule to hacking to keeping track of information and even serving as a sounding board for his ideas. Most people who could afford it possessed a Nova.
Because of her female voice, he thought of it as a her, but technically, it didn't have a gender or even a personality.
Jumping out of bed, he quickly started getting ready to leave. It was time to become who he was always meant to be…
Or, so he thought. In the end, life rarely cares for expectations.