Chapter 15 - Family time [3/3]

For a moment longer, Damian and Lavinia continued looking into each other's eyes. In this moment, years of familial love slowly took on an additional edge and tension. 

Damian kept his hands above his head, almost as a sign of submission. Yet, his actual desires were far different. The truth was, he couldn't wait to dominate his powerful mother. To love her as an equal, and show her just how much he'd grown up. But, for now, he'd have to accept his role as the weaker party. 

Meanwhile, Lilith sat on their side and panned her gaze between them with strange fascination. Yet, after a few moments, she snapped out of it. Crawling a little closer, she grinned together with them. "What about me, big brother? Do you have such… interesting thoughts about me, too?" 

Finally ripping his eyes away from his mother, Damian turned to look at Lilith with a smile that was equal parts love and charm. "Of course I do, little Lili. I love you no less than our mother." 

The grin on her pretty face widened. "And I'm beautiful, right?" 

"The most beautiful!" Damian immediately agreed, full of conviction, a knowing smile on his lips. 

She crawled a little closer, mischief and the beginnings of lust sparkling in her eyes. She was only sixteen years old, but when living on the Moroi estate, it was inevitable that your sexual awakening happened early. "So… You know I would never deny my big brother anything, right…?" 

At this point, Damian was forced to chuckle, which quickly caused Lilith to stop in her tracks and pout indignantly. "What's so funny!" she exclaimed, miffed that her seduction seemed to have failed. 

"There's nothing funny, dear," Lavinia immediately soothed, sending a sideway glare at Damian. At the same time, her legs, wrapped around his hips as she was still sitting on top of him, squeezed a little. "Dami just wants you to wait a little, right…?" 

Damian suppressed a groan from the pressure squeezing his sides and fully understood his mother's meaning. Fortunately, he'd already decided to wait anyway, so he quickly nodded. 

"Of course!" he exclaimed, with a slightly forced smile as he looked at Lilith, a drop of sweat on his brow. 

Quickly recovering, he extended his hand to caress his adoptive little sister's cheek with a more genuine smile. This quickly caused her pout to melt. "You're only sixteen now, little Lili. I just want you to enjoy life a little more before you start anything with me." 

He knew his words might just cause her to explore her burgeoning sexuality, or perhaps even find love in the arms of another, but he wasn't particularly worried. He knew his sister loved him to an obsessive level, just as he did her. 

Discarding his thoughts, his smile quickly turned into a genuine, possessive grin, as he took hold of her chin. "Because as soon as you become a part of my harem, I won't let you go again." 

"Pffff, hehehe," Lavinia laughed on top of him, before turning to Lilith with a wink. "Listen to this guy, talking as if it's already a done deal." 

But Lilith was entranced by the way Damian looked at her. Her own possessive love turned up to eleven, and she completely ignored Lavinia. Instead, she dove into Damian's side with a contented smile. "I'll wait for you, big brother… I want nothing more than to be yours alone…" 

Lavinia looked at her adopted daughter with a deadpan expression. With twitching eyebrows, she sighed before turning back to Damian and poking his chest. Hard. 

"Now, listen here," she growled playfully, with narrowed eyes. "If you wish to have us both, you'll have to work harder than anyone else! You'll always be my beloved son, but I won't accept being in the harem of someone weaker than me! And I have quite a headstart!" 

"Hehe, that goes without saying," Damian winked and grinned charmingly. 

Still with narrowed eyes, Lavinia scoffed at his charm, "And calm it with the charm, Dami. You still have that Luna girl to deal with. I assume you know about her… status? You'll need to make some decisions." 

Thinking of Luna, Damian started feeling warm, and that did not go unnoticed by Lavinia, who raised an eyebrow. 

"Of course," Damian frowned, now becoming serious, before shaking his head. "But there's no need to think about a decision. I love her, I'll raise the child as my own, and Luna will be mine… assuming she accepts." 

"You love her?!" Lavinia and Lilith both exclaimed with wide eyes. 

They'd know Damian was very sexually active, but before now, the only one of his conquests he'd shown any real connection with was Lyra, and even that probably wasn't real love on his part. To hear he loved someone, outside of the two of them, was a bit of a shock. 

And their reactions were varied. 

Lilith immediately narrowed her eyes, as chaotic feelings started swirling inside them. Both Damian and Lavinia smirked amusedly as they noticed bloodthirst starting to rise inside the young girl. 

Grabbing the back of her head, Damian swiftly planted a kiss on her forehead, pulling her out of her thoughts. "It's alright, little Lili." 

And that was all that was needed for Lilith to relax back into his embrace with a gentle smile. Damian pulled her closer and smiled slightly, despite knowing it was far from over. He didn't doubt his genius little sister was plotting something. 

'Well, no matter,' he chuckled in his thoughts. 'Luna is a big girl. I'm sure she can handle it. Besides, it might be a good lesson in intrigue for her…' 

Meanwhile, Lavinia reacted far calmer. As a mature woman who knew her son, she wasn't overly surprised by any of this, and she didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, in her mind, Damian deserved the world… so long as he could grab it. 

"Well, good thing I didn't kill her, I guess," she sighed with a strange kind of relief. It was relief that literally stemmed just from not making her son sad, rather than not having killed a pregnant girl. Although their familial display might make them seem harmless, it should never be forgotten that all three of them were ruthless killers… if it suited them. 

Damian's eyebrows twitched. "Yes, please don't kill my pregnant girlfriends, Mom," he said dryly, rolling his eyes in the process. Yet, he knew saying that was pointless, as evidenced by Lavinia's casual grin. She'd kill who she thought deserved it, and if he wanted to stop her, he'd have to make her. 

Not that he wanted to stop her, usually, but he still fully intended on taming his beautiful, powerful, willful mother in the future… 

For now, however, he was forced to ignore it. "Alright, Mom… Why don't we just get back to what we were talking about?" 

Immediately, his mother's face fell when she remembered what that was.