Damian smiled as his hands caressed Luna's stomach. He could still hardly believe he already had a child on the way…
He certainly never planned on it. Why would he? He had plenty of things to do before getting to the stage of wanting a rugrat of his own. Not to mention that he figured his first child would be with Lyra, Lavinia, or Lilith.
Of course, that was before he'd even proposed the idea of advancing their relationship to the latter two, but he'd always been a confident man.
Regardless, his assumption hadn't been because of any kind of preference, but… because having a child with Luna should have been completely impossible. Yet, somehow, the fact it should have been impossible made it feel… special. He was happy this child had been conceived.
Even if the reason it happened wasn't exactly divine intervention.
Looking up from his lover's exposed, toned stomach, he crossed eyes with her. "My sister is both emotional and a genius, Lunes," he said with a fond smirk. "Her mind is constantly at work, constantly analyzing and predicting. It's exhausting for her, and combined with her emotionality, she has… trouble letting things go. But, one of the best ways to do so is through a fight."
He shrugged helplessly and smiled. "When she fights, little Lili can focus her immense intellect on a single task: defeating her opponent. Everything else then gets pushed to the side, and this gives her the time to unconsciously put all her knowledge back in perspective. To rearrange her priorities and calm her mind for a while."
Luna narrowed her eyes at him. "That's fair and all, but why'd she have to fight me…?"
"Jealousy and anger," he shrugged with a teasing grin. "She partially blames you for what happened to me, and she just found out about my feelings for you… She's a little obsessive possessive, you see," he finished with a gentle chuckle.
Luna's eyebrows twitched as she looked at him strangely. Their hands were still intertwined on her stomach. "That sounds like a serious problem! Is she getting any help for it?"
Her sudden question caused Damian to blink in confusion. "What…? No, of course not. It's adorable! She's perfectly functional and happy, with a little managing. Besides, do you think I'm any better?"
Luna's eyes widened, but before she could comment, Damian waved his hand dismissively and continued. "Anyway. The point is, by fighting you, she managed to not only rearrange her priorities but also vent some of her frustration with you."
With a satisfied smile and nod, Damian finished. "Going forward, your relationship should be much smoother. I couldn't have the mother of my child and my beloved little sister become embittered with each other, after all."
Suddenly forgetting her earlier objections, Luna's pretty lips curled into a sweet grin. "That's… actually kind of sweet, Dames. I… want a good relationship with your family, too. Maybe they'll be better than my current one…"
"Good!" Damian exclaimed, leaning forward to sip on her lips. Leaning back, he grinned at her. "I don't want any infighting in my future harem, after all. A family should be united!"
Instantly, Luna nearly keeled over from shock. "What?!" She cried out, looking at him with a mixture of shock, instinctual disgust, and confusion. "T— That's your little sister! A— And she's she's only sixteen…!"
Damian smirked slightly at her reaction. He'd expected something similar, of course, but the sooner he started getting her used to the idea, the sooner he'd convince her to be okay with it.
He raised an amused eyebrow. "Come on, Lunes. You know how Bloodkin are. You're right to say that she's still a little young, but she's already expressed interest, and I doubt her mind will change in a few years. Besides, we're not even related by blood."
The disgust on Luna's face quickly died down when she remembered the Bloodkin customs. Yet, her face was still scrunched up in confusion and discomfort. "That— That shouldn't matter… She— She's your little sister, I—"
Suddenly shaking her head, she then looked at him with discomfort. "B— Besides! I— I know we did all that stuff, but… but I think part of what excites me about seeing you with someone else is knowing that you love me but not them. I— I'm not sure I'm willing to share both your body and your love."
Finally, Damian deflated a little. He'd known there might be obstacles, but he was determined to convince her. They were still face-to-face, with Luna on Damian's lap, and her legs wrapped around his waist, yet it seemed like a divide had suddenly been created between their bodies.
Smiling gently, Damian cupped her cheek with his hand. "I understand, Lunes. And I'll love our child with all my heart. I'll support you both with everything I have, no matter what."
Then, he frowned sternly. "But there are three women in my life who I love: you, Mom, and Lili, and I intend to move my relationship forward with all of you."
"And if I refuse?!" Luna snarled with a hint of venom, her teeth showing as she shook off the hand on her cheek. If she was surprised by the addition of Lavinia, she didn't show it. Perhaps it simply didn't matter, as it was just another drip in the sea.
Damian sighed sadly. "Then… that would be the end of our relationship. I love you, Lunes, but there are two other women I feel the same way about who won't make me choose. Inevitably, I'll gravitate towards them instead."
With every word, Luna's face fell more until she looked truly sad and resentful. "That's… unfair…" Yet, despite her words and strong feelings of resentment at his ultimatum, she remained in his lap. Despite the pain it caused her, she didn't want to create a distance between them.
She wanted him to commit to her alone. She already allowed him to have sex with whomever else he wanted, so long as he at least took pictures, but now she needed to share him emotionally as well?
For a moment, the idea of opening their relationship up completely passed through her thoughts, but she quickly discarded that again. She had no interest in anyone but Damian.
With her hands on his chest, pushing slightly, she continued in a low growl. "And I know it won't end there. You'll inevitably fall in love with more women, who I'll then have to accept because what other choice would I have?"
Damian placed his hands over hers and smiled gently at her. "Would it really be so bad to share me in multiple ways? You know I'd never let you feel neglected, Lunes."
Then, mischief sparked in his eyes as he leaned a little closer, his face mere inches from hers. "Besides, don't you think it might be interesting to watch me have sex with my family…? I know your Mookin blood baulks against such a thing, but isn't it a little thrilling to defy your blood?"
Luna's eyes widened, and a small blush appeared on her cheeks. "T— That! S— Shut up!" Yet, he knew he'd put down the first stone in making Luna accept this. Instinctive revulsion still churned inside her at the idea, but there was some interest there as well.
But then, suddenly, Luna seemed to realize something. She turned back to him sombrely. "Damian… What if our child's a girl? Will you feel about her the same way you do about your mother and sister?"