Chapter 43 - Through the looking glass

A few minutes later, the youths found themselves back in the embarkation room, once again lined up in rows, ready to take on the unknown. Every one of them had made it back here, including those that initially fled, and… with Damian among them as well. 

It hadn't been an easy decision to make, even if he had barely any time to make it. In the end, he realized there was only one real consideration to be made: the safety of his loved ones and unborn child. 

So, he wondered what would lead to the best outcome for all of them and decided he needed to keep the ruse going. Stepping up to these primarchs now and confessing the truth simply had far too many unknowns, but… if the primarchs believed in Damian's death, then he had to believe they'd leave his family alone. 

His mother had done everything she could to sell his death to the rest of the cooperative, and he had to trust in her capabilities. 

Even if Sanguina was more powerful than his mother in every way, there wasn't any direct blood connection or bond that would compel her to speak the truth, and Lavinia was still powerful enough that Sanguina couldn't force her to talk either, not without Bloodkin everywhere calling for her head. 

That meant the only way to determine Damian's survival was through other evidence, but his mother had assured him there was none left. The only people who knew about his survival for sure would never talk willingly, and Lex had already been put into a medically induced coma by Theon. 

Any possible witnesses that may have seen a little more than they were supposed to, or even slightly suspected anything, had also been quietly disappeared over the last few days. 

Finally, Lavinia used her expertise as a geneticist to not only create a corpse that would withstand all but the most thorough of DNA tests but even 'altered the perception of his child's DNA'. 

Naturally, Damian was completely oblivious to the science behind it, only knowing it involved her own private research. Regardless, according to Lavinia, for the next ten or so years, any DNA tests done on the child would show Luna as the mother and… Elias as the father. 

There were two reasons for this. For one, Lavinia was apparently only able to do whatever she did to mask the child's DNA by using the DNA of one of Luna's close relatives. And, for two, because Elias was the only remaining weak link in their story… 

The Lykos patriarch knew far too much, and Damian's family knew far too little about Elias' goals and intentions. But… if they could point to Luna's child and say, 'Look, he's making all this up to distract from what he did to his daughter,' then suddenly, the conversation would shift significantly. 

'With so much work done to keep my survival a secret, I can't just go and spoil the secret now,' he muttered in his mind. 'If the primarchs really are here for me, then there's simply no way to prove my survival, and no reason for them to keep bothering my family.' 

Thus, he looked forward; eyes focused on the Astralgate, brows furrowed in determination. Now that he'd made a choice, he would see it through to the end. 

Suddenly, while he remained in thought and they were all waiting for the gate's activation, the Moonkin youth asked a question that Damian also desperately wanted to know the answer to but didn't, for fear of drawing attention to himself. 

"Captain Nadine," he began, using the woman's military rank and waving his hand to get her attention. "Can I ask why the primarchs are here? Or… is it a secret…?" 

The way he voiced his question clearly indicated he was hoping for something secret and cool, mirroring the hopes of the others, and Damian did his best to imitate them. At least, that was what most of them saw. Damian's expert gaze told him the Moonkin man was actually worried… 

To their disappointment, the ever-stern Nadina shook her head. "It's no secret, and the reason is simply what I'm sure you've all been expecting already: to investigate the incident between the Moroi and Lykos." 

Instantly, everyone's eyes swivelled toward Damian and his Moonkin counterpart. Even if they'd been expecting it, hearing Nadine confirm their suspicions was all the reason they needed to look at the two of them with expressions that mixed excitement with glee. 

Damian remained calm under their mixed gazes, but the Moonkin flinched back a little as if surprised. "That's… W— Why would a minor dispute on a planet like ours incite the primarchs to investigate?" 

A small smirk appeared on Damian's lips, but before he could sneer a response, the Nightkin among them was faster: "Ha! You're just worried because it's your idiot of a patriarch who fucked up!" she chuckled, filled with schadenfreude. 

"Shut up!" the Moonkin snarled in her direction. "P— Patriarch Elias only did what he did for the honour of his daughter!" 

"Oh, please," the male Sunkin sneered flamboyantly, waving his hand. "You don't actually believe those rumours, do you? As if a Bloodkin and Moonkin could have a child!" 

"Yeah!" the Stormkin added, smirking. "Besides, haven't you heard Luna has disappeared since then? Who knows what really happened or why your patriarch did what he did? But I'm sure the primarchs will find out and punish those responsible! Perhaps it's a good thing you're getting out while you can, huh?" 

The Moonkin started seething in anger, his eyes flying around the room. Yet his gaze told the story of an uncertain, confused man driven into a corner. The truth was, no one in his family actually knew what had happened. Even among the Lykos, many operated on rumour and hearsay, as Elias remained suspiciously quiet. 

While the others were hazing the Moonkin, Damian simply watched on, smirking. He considered adding his two cents, but before he could, Nadine called them to order: "Enough! Back in line, all of you! The gate will soon activate, and you'll all stay perfectly in line while keeping your traps shut, or I'll do it for you! Understood?!" 

The youths, unaccustomed to being talked to like that yet intimidated by the strength of her aura, quickly calmed down and stood back in line as ordered. 

Not long after, the gate activated once again, this time without the shield, and it was time for them to move through. One by one, the excited yet anxious men and women stepped through the portal to leave their world of Eryndor behind for a while. 

Just before taking his own step, Damian turned around to take a last, worried look at his homeworld. 'Will it really be okay?' he muttered to himself softly, his mind filled with possible horror scenarios. 

But then, resolutely, he turned around and walked through, cementing the immediate future of himself and his family… for better or worse.