Chapter 64 - Alita's first time [1/3]*

A few moments later, Damian was staring at the bathroom door with a hint of anticipation. He was still sitting on the lazy chair, with his fingers entwined in front of his stomach. Despite the amused smirk on his lips, he appeared deep in thought. 

He was curiously analyzing his feelings about the situation. After all, Moonkin were instinctively averse to non-monogamous relationships, and he wondered if any of that was carried over to his new kintype. 

'I didn't notice anything with Mom or little Lili, but… maybe that was related to my feelings for them?' he pondered inwardly. 

Yet, as he continued thinking about what he was about to do, he didn't feel any aversion, only lust and excitement. Finally, Damian shrugged and shook his head. "Whatever, I guess I didn't inherit a Moonkin's desire for monogamy." 

At some point, his thoughts drifted over to the effects their bond was now having on Alita. As a willful individual, the bond had originally not taken particularly strong root within her, but after he got her to choose this fate for herself, it sank a lot deeper and now provided its full effects. 

In essence, the bond simply gave him a sense of authority over her, even though he could not directly force her to do anything. 

The bond was partially created by using the Xeltharian language, which was quite a bit weaker when used by an Eldkin, so it would never be a true master-slave bond like the one the Xelthari could supposedly create. Instead, it was more like amplifying the bloodline authority Damian now had over her. 

This trail of thought brought him back to the reason he pushed to have sex with Alita right away. Part of it was for fun, of course, but the main reason was for practical purposes, as was so often the case with him. 

After all, the bond still wasn't buried as deeply as it could be. His mother had told him that burying it deeper within a scion's subconscious would also make it last longer and that there were three major methods for achieving this: pain, manipulation, and pleasure. 

Damian was, of course, mainly interested in the latter two. Pain may be effective, but he wasn't a sadist. At least, not in that way… 

His thoughts drifted for a little longer, until he was pulled out of them in the best way possible: by a beautiful girl. 

The bathroom door opened, and a still-damp Alita nervously stepped outside. Her long blue hair once again fell freely to her hips, but her ivory skin glowed with heat. Unfortunately, a large towel extended from her chest to her thighs, covering most of her body. 

"There you are," an amused Damian smirked at her, his eyes unabashedly travelling up and down her body, focusing particularly on the medium-sized bumps on her chest. 

The moment Alita stepped into the room, her stomach tightened. Damian's gaze met hers, and something unspoken passed between them. She felt something humm under her skin—expectant, inevitable. Like a connection existed between them, and she stood just a little lower than him. 

Alita squirmed under his gaze but didn't retreat. Anxious and nervous, she remained determined to go through with this. Yet, being under the scrutinizing gaze of this man she barely knew, knowing what was going to happen soon, suddenly made it all very real. 

"H— Hey," she muttered in an attempt to sound confident. "S— So, what now…?" 

Damian smiled gently. This wouldn't be the first time he'd take a girl's first time, and even though the situation was a little different, he still intended to make sure Alita enjoyed herself. Frankly, Damian's manipulative and dominant nature most enjoyed itself when he exercised control through pleasure and joy. 

Thus, he ignored her question and instead looked at her hair. "I see you've lost the braids again. I get that. They're impossible to clean, I'm sure. But I did like them." 

Before Alita could answer, he climbed on top of the bed and kneeled there, tapping the linnen in front of him. "Come, let me braid it again." 

Alita looked at him in shock and confusion. 'Isn't he going to… you know… fuck me?' She thought nervously. She'd been the subject of plenty of indecent proposals, all with varying levels of crudeness, but never had she met a man who wasn't trying to jump straight into the act. 

They'd always been predictable—leering, demanding, impatient. Of course, they'd always learned to back off quickly. She and Nova weren't called the battle sisters for nothing, but Damian was different. He wasn't rushing. He wasn't desperate. He was calm and confident… as if he already owned her. 

Of course, whether to call Damian a gentleman was debatable, but he at least wanted to calm her nerves a bit. Seeing Alita's hesitation, Damian raised an eyebrow, his gaze becoming a little sterner. "Well…?" 

"R— Right! O— Okay," Alita quickly nodded and moved forward. Nervous as she was, Damian's grip on her will had already become quite strong. When he looked at her with stern expectation like that, she felt a strong desire to obey… and frankly, his confident command of the situation was helping her nervousness. 

Trembling slightly, her slender form sat down in front of Damian. He noticed the stiffness and anxiety in her shoulders that only increased after her back was turned to him. 

"Relax," he said softly, caressing her shoulders. He added a hint of yesterday's energy recovery technique, which not only recovered energy but also essentially functioned as a relaxing massage. 

And it showed. Alita released a shuddering breath, and Damian got to work on her hair. 

Rather than rush with the use of myst, he took his time and slowly created braid after braid, with every braid reducing Alita's anxiety by just a little. They remained quiet during this, but the familiar situation allowed her to relax and stop thinking about what was coming. 

That is, until Damian finished and leaned forward a little. Softly kissing her neck, he whispered, "There, all done… How are you feeling, Alita…?" 

His actions caused some stiffness to return, but nothing like it was before. She gulped and spoke hoarsely, "A little better, thank you." 

"Good," Damian smiled softly, while gently wrapping his arms around her front. One encircled her hips, and the other travelled higher to caress her sternum, just below her neck, brushing softly past her throat. "But don't forget to pay the proper respect, Alita. Remember what you're supposed to call me?" 

"R— Right," she nodded, a shiver travelling through her spine. Now that she'd relaxed, his words and caresses caused a mixture of pleasure and anticipation to rise inside her. "Sorry, Master…" 

Pleased, Damian kissed her neck again. Repetition and the occasional reward were important to reinforce her situation in Alita's mind. 

Then, without another word, Damian slowly peeled away the towel that was covering Alita's body and laid her down on her back. The surprised young woman yelped and quickly covered her breasts with her hands, showing a surprising amount of embarrassment. 

Damian wouldn't have that, however. Gently but resolutely, he grabbed her wrists and forced them above her head, exposing her firm, ivory tits, topped by pretty pink buds. They weren't the largest, but Damian enjoyed the athletic look, as much as the voluptuous or cute looks. 

Alita's eyes widened, wanting to say something, but Damian quickly interrupted her by kissing her on the lips. He kept her wrists above her head. 

Alita's eyes remained wide, but when his tongue infiltrated past her lips, she started feeling many other things that quickly drove away some more of her hesitation. She felt helpless, but somehow, that made it better… especially when she remembered why she was there. 

She'd already made the choice to serve him, and now she wanted Damian to take control because she didn't want to have to make that choice again. Before long, she actually started to relax and moan a little into Damian's mouth as their tongues wrestled with each other. 

But Damian soon moved on…