The city of Carthage had become a blazing inferno.
Flames tore through the marketplace, the harbor, and the lower districts, consuming entire streets in a wave of destruction. Black smoke coiled into the sky, choking the air and casting an ominous shadow over the Elysean forces.
Yet, amid the chaos, the soldiers of Elysea did not falter.
General Armand Roux stood atop the city walls, his gaze locked on the burning skyline. His forces had the superior firepower, discipline, and technology. The Tunisian strategy was clear—they intended to destroy everything before it could fall into Elysean hands.
But they had underestimated one thing.
The resilience of Elysea's army.
At the harbor, chaos reigned.
Tunisian saboteurs, disguised as dock workers, had set fire to supply depots, ammunition stockpiles, and even ships. The docks were engulfed in smoke, and several vessels had already been lost.