What else could I do? This was not a fantasy show or videogame where I was some form of hero given powers by some form of goddess. The only thing that form of being gave me was a body, a normal human body. And once I could see what was aiming their spears at me, it had quite the choices it could make to give him any more suitable form.
Some of them were green, with great tusks of different forms coming out of their mouths, carrying spears and other weapons on them. A couple had fox ears and tails that had a book and were looking from a few meters of distance. While some were green and small, carrying daggers and slingshots. It was a small squad of creatures.
"H-hey, what is happening?" I immediately raised my arms as a sign of surrender, hoping that would be enough to show them I was not a danger.
One of the big guys looked back at the rest, while still keeping his weapon directly on my neck. I felt fear of just shaking or moving just in case I caused it to bury it on my flesh by accident. The orc, which I decided to call at this point as that is what it seemed to me, looked back at the fox humanoids and nodded, and both immediately nodded back.
Then, a female with glasses, long blonde hair, and red fur, raised her hand and aimed her palm at me. Then she did something I would not expect: what I assume was a burst of some form of energy came from her, causing her hair to flutter, and a yellow light appeared on her hand. Was she using magic? Was I seeing magic right there?!
But my admiration was turned into full-on surprise when the same yellow light engulfed me and I felt something metallic pressing against my body. And as the light went dimmer, I saw what was appearing: chains, several, restraining me. An invisible force then pulled them, forcing me to fall to the ground. I tried to struggle against them but I obviously could not pull them away.
The creatures pulled their weapons down when I was helpless on the ground and began to laugh when they saw my situation. The only ones who kept themself serious were the fox lady and her companion.
"Let me go!" I yelled, trying to free myself once again. Obviously to no avail.
"Don't worry, 'hero'. We will take good care of you" said the orc, which seemed to be the leader of the group, and the biggest.
What did he mean by hero? Wait, the entity that took my body and threw me in here said they got a champion already. They were confusing me with that guy who was stabbed! This is a misunderstanding.
"I-I'm not the hero! You got the wrong guy!"
"Yeah. When the queen sees you she will be the judge of that, human"
I was held in a cage the whole time they kept me. The vehicle would move around and jump on bumps on the road, making the predicament worse.
"Let me go! I said you got the wrong person! I just want to return home!"
They did not answer. Inside the carriage they were moving me on was the fox lady with her companion, looking at me with her brown eyes and inspecting me. I could feel a mixture of lack of amusement and judgment coming from her. Not what she expected?
"What?" I asked.
"Hmph" came from her mouth while she fixed her glasses.
Well, I do not like you either.
What was her issue? Was she expecting something else? Heck, what was everyone's issue? I saw no human in the group. Is it a racial thing? The orc called him human, so there must be others around there.
At one point I could hear some of the orcs yell to open the gates and a loud metal noise that followed it. We entered some form of fortress, I was sure of it. Looking at the type of weapons they were using it was probably a castle or something like that, but I could not watch a single thing from my position.
The carriage moved for a few more minutes before going full stop, and the orcs dragged me out of the cage. One of them placed a bag on my head and did not let me see where they took me in.
And that is when I found myself in front of her for the very first time. I was dropped right in front of a small set of stairs that led to a throne room. One of my captors tied a rope around my neck, tight enough to keep reminding me of my situation.
The clicking of heels on the marble floor could be heard once everyone went silent. I looked at the source of the noise and I saw her walking, straight, arms crossed under her chest, and the surprising sight of her dragon-like tail, wings, and horns. She sat on the throne, crossing her legs and resting her head on her hand.
"From where exactly did you say you were from, human?" she asked.
"He started to yell about returning home, my queen" the leader orc answered.
The queen looked at the orc with anger, her eyes lightened up as she darted daggers with her eyes. The orc recoiled, which caught me by surprise. She looked smaller than him, and could probably squish her if he wanted. Now, I had never seen a half-dragon woman before...
"S-sorry, my queen. I will keep silence"
"Answer" she continued as she returned her gaze towards me. "Where are you from? Which kingdom summoned you?"
"N-none!" I answered. "I don't even know what is-"
I felt the rope tighten around my neck, it hurt like hell and I felt I could not breathe.
"Do not lie! We know the four kingdoms requested champions to their gods and they started to appear! So which one is it!"
The rope loosened. I coughed and gasped for air. My body fell to the ground while I struggled with the restraints. I looked up at the queen, who was standing and going down the stairs towards me.
"I... I said... none... I don't even know where in hell I am" I answered once I could mutter some words. They are going to kill me if I don't convince them fast to let me go!
The queen frowned at me while showing her teeth. Her tail swatted the floor, making a loud thud when it hit the floor.
"You know I can just kill you, right?" She stood right in front of me, while looking down at my face "Or torture you until all you want is to die... so you better tell me which kingdom summoned you"
"I am telling the truth! I got sent here by accident!"
She clicked her teeth and growled when she heard my answer. I raised my sight to look directly at her.
"Explain, human"
I tried to summarize all that happened just a few moments ago. It was hard to explain, even I was having trouble believing what I said, it was too crazy. Just moments ago I was a failing medicine student who got dumped by his 3 years long relationship ex-girlfriend. Now, I was surrounded and restrained by creatures out of a fantasy book. If I was told this story before experiencing it myself I would believe the person was crazy or maybe should start writing fiction. Or both.
"Dara, what do you think?" Asked the queen.
"It's probably speaking the truth" the fox lady answered. "But it is too soon to say he can be trusted"
"You. Show me your Status" then said the queen.
"My status? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.
"So the gods don't teach this to their summons? How did they expect you to survive in this world without knowing that?"
"As I said, that 'god' did not care if I lived or died in this world"
"You are helpless. Just say 'Show Status'" the queen rolled her eyes.
This was getting annoying.
"Show Status," I said, complying with her order.
To my full surprise, a screen appeared in front of me. I had no idea what was happening, where did that come from? My eyes went wide while I tried to process all the information that I had received so far.
The screen then showed words, ones that I could not know at that point were going to define my destiny from that point on.
"Peculiar," Said Dara.
Everyone started to talk, the confusion was spreading through the public.
"Human, why does your status say Critical Error?" Asked the queen, looking both angry and surprised.
I had no idea what was all of that. A big red X was in the middle, and on top of that the same words the queen asked about.
Critical Error. System not properly initiated.