The one where I am sent to anoter world

Each chain that was keeping my body from moving was extremely heavy and cold. The rope on my neck was tight enough for me to feel it, but the creature holding it was slowly reminding me that it could, at any point, strangle me with it until I pass out or die from the lack of oxygen.

"From where exactly did you say you were from, human?" Asked the woman right in front of me while she sat on her throne with her legs crossed.

She had beautiful long purple hair, blue eyes, and a penetrating and threatening look on her. She looked human, but she had 2 horns on the sides of her head, a long big scaly tail, and two wings that made me imagine a dragon. It was both a magnificent and threatening view, feeling like my life was on some sort of balance and she was the one in charge of the way it would fall.

I looked around, I was surrounded by creatures of all kinds, the vast majority humanoid, but all of them seemed to have been taken from fantasy books and shows.

From the moment I fell into this world, it was already trying to either kill me or turn me mad.

My name is Marcell. I was a first year medicine student at a local university in my town. If you ask me how much I remember about my classes, I will answer that I barely cared about the career as my parents chose it for me, and I was failing almost every exam that came my way.

Since my girlfriend broke up with me, I started to go out drinking by myself. Often my friends did not have time because of exams. At that point, on my first year of college, I barely cared about studying already, and the freedom obtained after moving out of my parents' home to rent closer to my campus was enough to let me be careless.

The only thing worrying me was explaining to my parents why their only son was failing at the career that was supposed to be my ticket to success. Heck, if they knew how much I hated medicine they would just yell at me anyway. They barely seemed to care about me.

I couldn't even tell you what I enjoy really. All I wanted was to be left alone and have at least a year to figure myself out before going to college, but they both had other ideas. Everyone in my family was successful in something, after all, why would I need to be any different?

But I digress. I am not here to talk to you about how much my life sucked. How my ex-girlfriend broke up with me after 3 years of relationship for being "emotionally distant", whatever that meant, and why did I decide to drink my ass off that night.

No, I am here to tell you how about the guy lay on the floor in front of me, bleeding out as I look at him with surprise. He was dropped in an alleyway, and left to die out of blood loss. Was he assaulted? Did someone try to rob him? Or sent to kill? He seemed to be around my age if not younger, and was starting to choke on his blood.

"Hey!" I said, a rush of adrenaline fixing my fuzziness for a bit. I ran towards him "Can you answer me?!". I dropped to my knees beside him, wanting to check on his condition. "Don't close your eyes! I'm calling an ambulance!"

I went to pull out my phone while trying to move his clothes to check on his injuries. If anything, I had to make sure he would stay conscious and alive when the vehicle arrived.

The guy was crying, a tear was running through his cheek as his eyes landed on me. Then they went wide as if something was revealed to him. Whatever was happening through his mind in his last moments, was weighing heavy on him.

Then I saw a light, something started to shine right on top of me. For a moment I thought we were going through a rapture and god was picking him up. And then he did start to levitate.

"W-what is happening?" I asked as I saw his body rise up in front of me.

And then, I felt my body losing weight, and I started to levitate too. I cursed, thinking I overdid it with my booze that nigh,t and started to hallucinate, I was sure it took longer to get some form of neurological issue from drinking, but here I was.

Suddenly, I felt a lot of pain, it hurt like I was being torn apart, each limb grabbed and pulled with force, feeling my flesh slowly getting destroyed. And everything went dark.

"You! Mortal! Wake up!"

A voice, that seemed masculine, started to call at me. I opened my eyes. I think. Something was on the air, something heavy and foreboding.

"How did you even get in here?" Asked the voice.

I tried to talk. I know I said the words. But somehow I could not hear them? It was weird to explain.

"Okay, don't bother answering. Your soul is not used to be just a soul, anyway. You cannot communicate"

There is a slight pause. I tried to check on myself. I felt nothing. I was on nothing, the only thing I could notice was a presence. It had an overwhelming presence, like a strong aura that could squish me just by being around. I could not see it, just sensed it, in a weird mental way.

"I destroyed your body when I brought you here by accident" The voice continued, changing to a more feminine tone "I cannot send you back either. I did a lot of favors to get a hero from your world just to get you a new body now..."

What was he talking about? And why is his... Or her? Voice changing tones so often? And what about my body getting destroyed? Did I die then? What was happening?

"Well, maybe you are in luck. I already have the champion I need, but just to make this easier, I will give you a new body, just a normal human one, and let you live in my world." The entity's voice kept changing back and forth from a masculine voice to a feminine one. "Maybe you can make something more useful for yourself instead of the pathetic life you were having"

This person is slowly getting on my nerves. I probably was failing at life but I was far from useless. I tried to retort something, but no voice came out again. This was getting annoying quite fast.

"This is only a bonus from bringing you back by accident. Don't expect any third chance if you die so don't do anything stupid. Who am I kidding? You probably will become a slave or get mauled by some monster in the woods. Now go, I have other stuff to attend to and cannot waste any more time on a worthless mortal like you"

And with that, I felt like I was getting moved. Between the frustration and the confusion, I was left astounded at how dismissive the being was with me. After getting killed and brought here by accident, the entity did not even ask me to forgive it. If I still had my arms, I would have given it the finger, or throw a punch. Something.

It didn't take long before I could smell wet grass, leaves, dirt, and other lingering scents in the air. The sound of the tree leaves rustling, and birds singing in the distance. I opened my eyes (for real this time) and found myself in a forest. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the light, that was causing them to hurt. I could barely make the figures in front of me, but I knew that was a forest by the trees I managed to recognize.

"Don't move, human!" A voice screamed, loud and strong.

I could barely see some humanoid forms around me, mounting some animals. They looked oddly green. But what made me fear were the pointy spears aiming directly at my neck that I could easily recognize, especially when I felt them already poking against my skin.

That was faster than what I imagined.