The Ad Infinitum System

The Ad infinitum System is a magic videogame-like system designed from the ground up to help its user develop their power and capacity to new limits.

Base Stats

There are 8 stats: HP, MP, STR, DEX, INT, DEF, AIM and RES. Each one has its uses.

HP: How much damage a person can withstand before dying.

MP: Magical reserve to use skills and cast spells.

STR: Physical strength of the user. Used with normal attacks and physical skills.

DEX: Capacity to move fast and skillful use of one's own body. Used when trying to dodge and attacks that require precision.

INT: Magical strength of the user. User with magical attacks and skills.

DEF: Capacity to resist physical damage. When receiving physical damage, it reduces the amount.

AIM: Capacity to hit a target with any type of attack. Some weapons and skills might use this for their damage.

RES: Capacity to reduce magical damage.

Each stat starts with a value that ranges from 1 to 20 at level 1. 1 means a weakness with such a stat while a 20 is a genius or talent with it.

HP and MP start with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 200.

Base Stat means the Stat at level 1.

Raw Stat vs Transformed Stat

Raw stat means the stat without any modifiers or increases from gear. This is used when going through any Stat Check and only certain modifiers can apply.

Transformed stat means the result of all the bonuses, modifiers, and increases from any source, like passive skills, buffs, or gear.

A Raw stat of 20 can then be transformed to 120 with enough bonuses from gear, like a piece of armor or a sword if they add up to 100 bonus points.

Leveling UP

Once enough XP is obtained, a Level Up is achieved.

Each time someone gains a level, all of their stats increase by 10% of their Base Stat. This means that someone at level 1 has 10 STR, every time they Level Up they gain 1 STR more. At level 10, they would have 20 STR, and at 20 they would have 30, and so on.

There are ways to raise a base stat, but is a rare capacity that requires rare resources.

These increases might seem low, but people who are used to how the System works will always say that 1 stat gained through leveling up can count for at least 5 stats gained through gear. The exact calculation and comparison is unknown.

Differences in levels between users that are attacking each other will cause differences in the damage output. Higher levels will cause more damage to lower levels.

Skill System

There are several ways to learn skills. Some classes allow to copy skills seen under certain conditions. Others can only learn them through practice with a preferred weapon and some will require the user to learn manuals to replicate them. The majority of classes use a combination of these three methods, and more are known to exist.

Skills have levels, but these levels do not increase the amount of damage or how effective the skills are. The levels open up the skill tree each skill has. To level up a skill, it must be used repeatedly until the user gets used to it. The harder the target or desired effect, the faster it will level up.

Every time a user levels up, they gain a Skill Tree Point. These are used on any skill the user desires. This helps build up and change the way the skill works however the user desires. This means that 2 users with the same skill will make it work differently.

The skill tree allows it to change in its function, the amount of damage it does, how long its effects are, or how effective it is, between other beneficial effects. Skills can be caused to have many different results in the end if the user desires to create such modifications.

Gear and items

Much like the users and skills, gear has levels that increase with use.

Weapons have base stats that are defined by the type of item, its intended use, and the materials used while crafting. Each stat increases the corresponding to the user's stat and allows them to get bonuses during attacks, skills, and other effects. Do note, gear stats are only used under certain conditions and not always. For example, Stat Checks only uses the raw stat, and never ads the gear stat unless required or certain conditions apply.

Each time an item levels up, it gains 50% of its base stat. By level 3 they already have double the base stat. This causes gear to be the main source of power growth.

The level can never go up 1 level higher than the user's level. Using items with a level higher than that will cause a penalty on the bonuses, reducing how effective the item is.

Every 5 item levels the gear obtains a Slot. Slots are used to imbue the item with new materials. This is the chance to use special resources from rare sources that can have effects different than just increases on Transformed Stats, like passive skills or other bonuses. Examples are: magical item storage, elemental damage for weapons, elemental resistance for armor, and many other effects.

Trait System

Users can attain traits throughout their life. These are permanent positive and negative passive skills that are always active and can define their life. Some can make the user great at a profession or a genius with a weapon, while others can be detrimental, like weakness to certain types of monsters. These can be obtained through life experience and are hard to remove or obtain consciously.

Profession System

Besides combat, the user can dedicate themselves to becoming a professional or expert in a field like gathering or crafting.

These are the main ways to make money for many users of the System. Herb gathering, mining, woodworking, smithing, leatherworking, cooking, and other venues are available.

Each profession has its own skill tree that allows for specialization and faster working in the field. This is not necessarily an increase in yield, at least not directly, but allows the user to take a unique and personalized path through their career.

A cook can become a great chef with salads or pastries, while a farmer can become a renowned grower or rancher with unique animals, like typical ranch animals or even monsters.