Tabula Rasa, infinite potential

Tabula Rasa, was that my class? Whatever it meant was something I had to check on later.

Before I could ask any questions, she leaned back after kissing my forehead for a few seconds and looked at me. Then she stood up, forcing me to look up at her.

"We have a deal, my dear. Great things are coming our way" she smiled.

With one hand, she fisted the collar of my shirt and pulled me out of the danger zone, moving me to the side so I wouldn't be hit by the sword of the soldier. She giggled while doing it as if she was playing with me.

In the process, I could see parts of the System booting up.

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

EXP: 50/100

HP, MP, and EXP bars appeared on the top left side of my sight. A small sword was under it, blinking as if trying to warn me of something.

She placed her fingers under my chin and forced me to look up at her. Her face was mere centimeters from hers, and her eyes were hooded while looking at me. What was with this lady, that was so alluring?

"Better get a weapon, honey. And be careful, the soldiers are small fry compared with what is out there hunting your new friends" She said, right before she disappeared.

Time started again and the soldier´s sword fell right into the ground, managing to get buried on the floor by a few centimeters. I smirked, I somehow came out alive from it.

"What the-?! Where?!" when he found me, he looked at me in confusion. I would be like that too, if my easy target and EXP points would just move out of the way out of nowhere. It would feel like cheating.

I quickly stood up. All the pain was completely gone, the woman, whose name I forgot to ask, did heal me completely with that kiss. 

"God dammit! Crush!" The same thing happened last time, a small light appeared by him as he raised the sword with both hands. That was a damaging skill I needed to be mindful of. The soldier jumped towards me.

"Sir!" The boy yelled as he tossed the sword in my direction, barely managing to make it slide. I dropped to pick it up.

I barely managed to do it when I saw I was about to get hit by that attack once more. I quickly tried to defend myself with it.

STR vs DEF Check!

21 vs 10

The blades of our swords clashed. This time it was my DEF stat vs his. And mine was half his STR.

"Only 10?! Pathetic!" he yelled, laughing.

STR vs DEF Check!

21 vs 10+12

Both our eyes went wide when the numbers updated. What was that +12? It did not matter, as I managed to deflect his attack with my blade. The screen showed Success! and I stood up again.

As the soldier recovered from the recoil, his arms thrown over his shoulder, I decided to counter back at him.

"HAH!" I yelled as I took a swing at him.


Of course, the underwear was still on, removing me from 2 points of damage. I will get them out once I can. Although, it was still a great difference from just causing the base damage of the weapon.

The soldier looked at me in clear confussion and fear. I managed to chip away a great chunk of HP, and if what I have is anything to go by, it could be he is running out. I decide to put my sword up to defend myself and wait for his next move.

He looked to the side. From the positions we were on, he had every chance he needed to attempt an escape. Meanwhile, I was cornered wih both children behind me. If he tried to continue fighting I would do it to the end.

Then he went for it. He ran for the exit.

"I will remember your face!" He screamed fleeing from combat.

I kept my guard up until I made sure he went out. The door was left open and the room went into silence.

The small sword symbol under my bars disappeared. That was either a buff or a sign that I was engaged in combat.

The other soldier, by the way, was still on the ground unconscious. I probably hit him way too hard with the vase, but I feel thats besides the point. I had tondo something to stop him after all

I turned to the children and looked at them.

"Hey, are you two injured?" I asked and crouched innfront of them.

Bothe nodded and then looked behind me. I followed their sights and noticed they were looking at their dead parents. I forgot about that.

I looked back at them.

"We need to get out of here. Is not safe" If the soldier was any smart, he would be getting reinforcements and they could return to finish the job.

"B-but what about mommy and daddy?" Asked the girl.

"We cannot leave them there, but we must be going. I will come back for them later" I said. "Is a promise. Let's go somewhere safe"

They both nodded after a few seconds. I sighed, knowing this is going to follow them for the rest of their lives.

I walked outside and looked around, making sure both children are with me. It seemed safe enough to step outside.

Bur the moment I take the first steps, something heavynis thrown in front of me on the ground. I look at it and see a body... The soldier that just ran away was dead at my feet.

"The Sacred Army does not require cowards on their ranks" I heard a male voice.

I looked to the right and saw a small group of soldiers holding different weapons. And leading them was a tall skinny man with a big mustache giving me the creepiest of smiles I have ever seen.