David Montgomery, a wealthy and successful businessman, dies suddenly and is reincarnated as a bat in a strange new world. Gifted with a Gamer System that grants him powers from various fictional universes, he gains the abilities of Blood Manipulation and the terrifying powers of Muzan Kibutsuji, the progenitor of demons. As he learns to navigate his new form and abilities, David must decide whether to use his newfound power to dominate the world or seek redemption for the emptiness of his past life. With the potential to manipulate blood, regenerate from injuries, and control others, David embarks on a journey to master his powers and carve out a new destiny.
(Author's note I don't own the cover art or any of the anime mentioned the the cover art is by Red Riding Hood, but . . .by Lidiash go check out Lidiash on deviantart his art is amazing and if Lidiash you want me to take it down tell me okay other than that let's get to reading)