Calonia Kingdom, Border between Calonia and Nefaria
Captain Rafael shouted at Duke Valois to retreat, "Duke, you better retreat to the back row!"
Without thinking twice, the Duke immediately rode his horse behind the troops.
"Set up formation!" The Captain shouted to the soldiers and knights to prepare for the attack.
The soldiers began to get into formation, their shields and spears were placed in position to block the creatures that were running and attacking them fiercely.
Their bodies were pushed back as the creatures crashed through their shields. Their spears pierced the bodies of the undead without mercy.
Some of the undead managed to get into the ranks, and began to bite the soldiers, who were immediately greeted by spears from their comrades behind them.
The troops behind them simultaneously took turns putting up a second formation, replacing their comrades in the front row.
The undead continued to attack them with their large numbers and without fear of death. If one was impaled by a spear, the others would take their place to grab the soldiers.
Suddenly, from above the formation, horses jumped through and charged at the undead. The knights on the horses swung their swords, eliminating the undead with ease, while burning them with the torches they carried.
But soon, the sound of howling and galloping horses was heard.
A group of werewolves and dullahans approached the knights from Calonia with fierce expressions.
Camelia stood looking at the survivors with a look of pity.
"Oh, my God," she murmured.
Galen said to them, "I will take you to meet our leader."
Atherion, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said to Galen, "We have to go for a few moments."
Galen just gaped and said, "O-okay."
"We'll be back as soon as possible," he said, then picked up Camelia and ran very quickly out of the cave.
Arriving outside the cave, Atherion ran and jumped from the top of the rocky mountain with fast speed. Camelia had to hug his neck tight because she was afraid.
Arriving at flat ground, Atherion whistled and Storm ran over to them.
Without a word, Atherion galloped Storm quickly in a direction.
The dullahans and werewolves easily killed the soldiers and knights. Only a few of them were injured by the troops from Calonia, but dozens of Calonia troops died.
Duke Valois looked at the massacre before his eyes with horror.
"What should I do, what should I do…" he murmured.
Not long after, a dullahan was seen galloping his horse towards Duke Valois. His head which was placed on the horse's back, swayed in rhythm with the horse's gallop.
When he was about to attack the Duke with his whip, Captain Rafael blocked him. And the two of them fought fiercely.
"What happens, Atherion?!" Camelia screamed a little because of the loud roar of the wind because Storm was galloping very, very fast.
"I smell your father not far from here, he is in danger," answered Atherion while keeping his eyes ahead.
"My father?", Camelia asked in confusion.
"I mean the real Camelia's father," Atherion clarified.
"You mean the real Camelia's father is in danger, not far from here?" Camelia repeated.
"Yes," he answered.
Camelia's eyes widened. She didn't know what to say or how to react. Duke Valois was the real father of the body she entered, but not Kimi's father…
They soon approached the battle between the Calonia troops and troops—more precisely hordes—of undead, werewolves, and dullahans.
They stopped on the edge of a hill not far from the scene of the battle. Camelia was stunned to see the large number of undead that lay unmoving, and the soldiers who had fallen.
However, she was even more amazed to see the werewolves and dullahans, who easily finished off the soldiers.
Atherion quickly jumped up and said to Camelia, "Wait here with Storm."
Without waiting for her reply, he leaped agilely towards a point on the back line of the battle.
The dullahan managed to pull Captain Rafael, who had severe injuries, down from his horse, and he galloped his horse slowly towards Duke Valois.
Duke Valois trembled on his horse, looking at the headless figure on the horse back, advancing towards him like a judge from hell.
Suddenly, the Duke's horse bolted, throwing him to the ground. Terrified, the Duke stepped back, but the dullahan continued to step towards him.
Once close, the Dullahan's horse suddenly reared up, and ready to stomp on the Duke.
The Duke closed both his eyes, and crossed his arms above his head reflexively.
One second, two seconds, three seconds…
Nothing happened.
He opened his eyes, and saw a handsome young man with black hair and red eyes, placing a foot on the horse's body and also the dullahan, who was lying on the ground.
The young man looked at the Duke with a sharp gaze, then disappeared, leaving behind the shadow of his black jacket and cape.
With great ease and agility, the young man swung his sword back and forth at the werewolves and dullahans, and also at the remaining undead.
In a short time, he had finished them all without any left. Using a torch that was still burning, he burned all the corpses, including those of the Calonian troops.
Duke Valois stared blankly at the flames. His brain still couldn't digest what happened, and who this young man was.
The remaining Calonia troops, strode briskly towards their friends, and tried to help their injured comrades.
Atherion came out of the flames and walked towards Duke Valois, who still stared blankly at the fire.
"Duke Valois," Atherion called.
The Duke turned his gaze to Atherion.
"T-thank you," he stammered.
"No problem," said Atherion, then asked, "Why are you here?"
The Duke hesitated to answer, but finally said, "I came to pick up my daughter. However, who are you? Why did you help me?"
Atherion was silent for a moment, then answered while pointing with his gaze towards Camelia, "Your daughter is over there."
Duke Valois followed Atherion's line of sight, and saw a black horse on a hill, and a young woman with silvery white hair that fluttered in the wind, on its back.